Days of Our Lives - Wed., May 22, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The editing is a bit off today, so bear with it. Hope & Eli get into the hotel room, to find Tripp standing there. He claims he saw the tip they got about this motel, so thought he would come, try to convince JJ & Haley to give themselves up, to no avail. Hope isn't buying it, and has Eli cuffing Tripp to take down for questioning, but she gets a text, relieving her of her duties as commissioner by Mayor Jack Deveraux. They let Tripp go.

Over in the square, Jack has announced his choice for new commissioner, Jennifer's jaw drops, she cannot believe this. Eve accepts, thanks Jack, but Jen questions....are you kidding? This is nepotism at it's worst. She is no more qualified to be Police commissioner than you are to be mayor. Jack tries to calm her down.....doesn't work. Eve comes along, no, he did not hire me, his wife. Hired me because all the bad stuff is gonna get cleaned up. (Jack says Eve was a novice campaign manager, proved herself, so what if a novice at law enforcement.

JJ & Haley have arrived at Smith Island, the Horton cabin (looks so different to me), in their disguise clothes, red print Las Vegas shirts, New York baseball caps. She is glad to finally see this place, JJ does some tales of long ago adventures, when his parents were on the run, in the circus, the bad stuff he himself did. He introduces her to beans and weenies, she thinks not bad, even offering to wash the dishes. We don't see it, but evidently a pipe bursts, he gets soaked, she gets a big towel, and of course he cannot dry himself off, she has to, which ends up in them kissing, until Tripp calls, tells of Hope & Eli, and of Hope being fired.

Lani tries to explain to Rafe why she lied to Ciara, doesn't think Ben should be around David. Sorry she did not tell Rafe. He says that decision is his, not hers to make. She agrees, is sorry again. Ciara does more pleading, Rafe can lay down rules, have supervision. Rafe says he will ask Jordan and if she agrees, o.k. But warns that last time he saw her, Jordan was not in a good way.

After Ciara leaves, Rafe & Lani talk about Jack having come over, Rafe says he just now sent a text to Jack declining the offer of the Commish job. (Note this is after Jack already appointed Eve, etc. )

Later, Eli calls, telling of Hope officially being fired, and Eve appointed. Lani tells Rafe, who now is sorry he did not say yes, too late. Lani talks of resigning, but Rafe says no, the force is going to need every decent cop it has.

When Hope & Eli returned to the station, Eve asks for her gun & badge. Hope says she will turn it over to the replacement, Eve lets her know she is it. Hope looks at Jack......Eve?? Really? But gives up the badge, gun, wishes Eli good luck, leaves. Eve gets immediately bossy over Eli, first priority is finding Haley & JJ. She is nasty and in his face. Later, she wants the file on the cabin fire, Eli protests she wanted him on Haley & JJ. She gets tough, get me that file. Ben Weston belongs behind bars. Eli says there is no substantiation, she gets nasty, get me the file.

Ben comes in as Claire is about to set fire to Tripp's clothes, she halts, tells him of being dumped, and claims she was gonna throw his clothes in the trash, like he threw her. She babbles about his treatment of her, wanting her to wait. Ben does think waiting years for him was a bit much on Tripp's part, then talks about the lighter (Claire had doused and pocketed it). Ben knows it was sent to the cop shop, resembled the lighter he had used, wants to see it, could tell right away. She claims she threw it away.Ben comments about the odd smell in the house, like chemicals. Tells of coming to get Ciara's charger. Leaves.

Tripp returns, she is folding his clothes, has laundered them. He doesn't like that, she is talking of trying to be civil to each other, she is sure he cannot support himself there alone, he says maybe he will take 2nd job. She thinks they can at least try. And who knows. He says never will be be with her again.

He goes out, calls JJ & Haley, tells them of Hope being fired, Eve hired. JJ is beside himself that his father could do such a thing, praising Hope as good detective, taught him a lot.

Hope meets up with Jen at the Pub, who is waiting with glass of wine. Hope is grateful, they talk of Eve's new job, Jen knows she will be after JJ & Haley immediately. Hope tells her of motel room tip, finding Tripp, not taking him in to question. Jen thanks her for helping her son.

Ben meets up with Ciara in the square, she tells him what Rafe promised. Ben thanks her, is so very grateful, hugs, etc. Ciara asks how it went over at combat central ...Ben almost seems to be about to tell her about thinking Claire was going to set fire to Tripp's clothes, but changes his mind. Fine, he replies.
Education and Other Requirements
Police commissioners are usually expected to have at least a bachelor's degree in criminal justice or business administration. Some have risen through the ranks from beat patrol officer all the way up to police chief or another top position. Others are hired from corporate executive positions. Either way, they're chosen for their abilities to lead by example, to implement big changes and reforms and to improve employee morale. Typically, selected police commissioners have 10 or more years of experience, rising up through the ranks of a police department. They've held numerous jobs and have done well at these jobs, and will bring their treasure trove of skills and experience to the top job. Most cities also require that its police commissioner lives within the city, although a commissioner may live outside of the city limits when selected, as long as the commissioner agrees to move to the city when it is time to perform the job.
Salem acts mostly like a small town, but becomes a much bigger one when storyline calls for it. Small towns rarely have a commissioner........usually the police chief is the top dog.

Roman & Abe have both been Commissioner in Salem, both with many years of law enforcement experience. And yes, the mayor can and does often appoint a Commissioner.
However, Eve does not have any of the qualifications usually used to choose a P.C. In fact, she has been a prostitute, among other things & if the reporters under Jennifer & Adrienne's employ at Spectator did the kind of digging usually done during a campaign, Abe would have won in a landslide.
What was that dish JJ was telling Haley about when he was listing all the advantages of fleeing to Canada? I had never heard of it. Regional? It sounded awful. I heard him say something about "french fries and gravy". Maybe things have changed, but in my day we didn't call the "french fries". They were chips -- as in "fish and chips". And we put malt vinegar on them . . . . not gravy. Did any of you catch the details about that dish?
Thanks, Poirot.

I don't know how JJ and Haley were able to go across the ferry in their
Las Vegas clothing. They stood out like a sore thumb.

Salem must be in the "Twilight Zone". Rafe sent the text to Jack today
he didn't want the commissioner job. Jack got the message yesterday.

I think Lani is more jealous than upset Ben wants to visit David. He
might take her job away.

I laughed when Eli said Hope was the best boss he ever had. He must have
had a lot of bad bosses.

Great hearing Rory's name.
Hide in plain sight: Those shirts won't help JJ and Haley, but wearing baseball caps will. They are Salem's all-purpose, perfect disguise.

Escape from the Planet of the Apes: If JJ and Haley want a true professional to help them get into Canada, they need the mighty Steve Johnson. Patch not only helped Shawn, Belle, and toddler Claire (the future pyromaniac) get into Canada, he located a nonexistent land border between Michigan and Ontario for them to use to get across.

Abuse of power. It now seems that Eve wants to use the police department to frame Ben. Somebody should tell her that she's just an unqualified hack appointment, not God. If Eve has her way, Ben will have a great cause of action for harassment and the state attorney general and the Department of Justice just might decide to launch an investigation into the gross violation on civil liberties by the absurd Deveraux administration.

Party time: Ridiculous Jack says that with Eve in charge of the police, Salem's criminal class will be in big trouble. He should guess again. All Eve seems to care about is finding Haley and JJ, and framing Ben. This means that Salem's muggers, shoplifters, armed robbers, white collar criminals, etc. will be completely free to do their thing.