Days of Our Lives - Wed., May 27, 2020


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Jack & Jen outstanding today, as they spend time wishing Abby well for her journey to Florida to seek medical help.

But first Ciara & Ben in that room they cannot afford, he has to get to work, she has to show him a pic of them together, tis a “save the date” card to give to their friend they want to invite to the wedding. Ben wants to keep it all small, but Ciara reminds him he is marrying into the Brady, Horton, Kiriakis families. Lani & Eli arrive, wanting Ben to tell them what happened when Gabi was at the garage. He tells the tale, & how he grabbed her arm. Ciara pops up with not thinking Gabi intended to hurt him, she loved him so much, thought she was bringing her husband back.

Jake is having a bad dream of Gabi suddenly injecting him in the arm with a hypo, bound to have his memory return. He wakes up, shaken. Later, he is in garage, thinking about her insistence he remember, Ben arrives, gives him the “save the date” card, surprising Jake. Ben explains he really has not many friends, & Jake helped him get this job. O.K. Now help me with this carburetor. Both are working on car engine, and amazingly, neither one gets a single spot of grease or oil on their hands. Wonderful place, Salem. They talk a bit about Gabi, with Ben telling how she & Stefan were so much in love, and he doesn't think Gabi would have tried to inject him with something that would hurt him.

Rafe sees Hope in the square, says she is hero, deserves award, she shakes her head, wants to hurry off, he tells her that no one blames her for Princess Gina, all has been forgiven, put it behind her.

Gabi in the interrogation room, talking to herself, Rolf set her up, she knows Jake is Stefan, in comes angry Jack, who talks of it being time to pay for all she did, to Abby. Rafe comes in, Jack angry, he makes Jack back off, he is no longer mayor, cannot barge in here, Jack leaves. Gabi thank him, but he asks if she really did it. Gabi is indignant, repeats how Rolf set her up, noting the drug was being worked on at DiMera Enterprises, decides Rolf must have been one to drug Abby. Nope, Rafe points out Rolf in prison when Abby was drugged. Gabi figures then he got someone else to do it.

Eli & Lani are in square, talking of Ben & Ciara's save the date, Eli asks when they will get married. He has carried the ring with him for a few weeks now, so proposes. Lani takes her time, but says yes, they talk of dates, she mentions Ciara & Ben already have the July date. Eric & Nicole are engaged, want it to be soon. So does Eli, she pulls her phone out, looking at the calendar. Uh, oh........she is “late”.

Chad & Abby sit & talk about going to Florida, telling the kids, how to do it. Chad assures her they are in this together, will do it together. Now they have Charlotte & Thomas with them, Thomas knowing his mom is going away, he saw the suitcases. She does a good job of explaining going to doctor, she sees things no there, like when you have a dream, wake up feeling it was real, and we come to you. Chad lets her do the talking (Thomas is just adorable, & says all kinds of lines). Chad then talks of how he is going with mommy, will be helping, and how they all will be a family again, will be fine.

Jack & Jen arrive, (kids will be with them) Chad takes the kids upstairs, Abby does some final hugs, etc. Now her parents are with her, Jack talks of when she was a kid, he was teaching her to ride a bike, sent her off by herself, she crashed, skinned her knees, but would not cry. Not a tear, so he could not show a tear either, but now he is not going to hide them. (and yes, these scenes had me in tears, as well as Abby, Jack, & Jen all did, as well) He talks of how she got up, back on the bike and tried and tried, til she rode better and faster than any of those big boys in the neighborhood. She is strong, bounces back, will always do so. There are hugs, tears, more hugs, Jack, Jen, family hugs, Chad returns, they are all embracing. Finally, Chad says time to go. He has made Abby take the kids' fav. toys, they had insisted, wanted her to have them with her. Abby puts them in her bag, says......o.k. waves as she & Chad leave the room.
Gabi in the interrogation room, talking to herself,
Wait, the same interrogation room that Orpheus was in??? It's been a day and she's still sitting in the room? Brought up for additional questioning?
The PD has multiple rooms and they leave someone wandering around in one overnight??? eww.
I wasn't disappointed Jack didn't bring up Gabi basically being the reason why he was "dead" and away from his family for 6 years.
I just want to know when Lani had time to get those braids. That's an all-day deal, maybe even two. LOL.

And once again, birth control appears to not have been invented in Salem. Mind control drugs? Yes. Zombie serum? Yes. Birth control? No.
Also wondered about those braids......Is it possible it's a wig???

Forgot to mention Ciara is with Hope & Julie, wants Julie to perform ceremony. Julie hesitant, speaks of those she did that got interrupted, but Ciara notes Abby & Chad were a success. Of course Julie agrees, noting that while she was hesitant about Ben as her prospective husband, he saved Julie's life, so all is good.
Also wondered about those braids......Is it possible it's a wig???
This appears to be her normal hairstyle (meaning she had the braids added to her natural hair), as her smooth hair on Days looks like a wig. Sometimes you can see her natural hair peeking out around the edges of the wig.
Those braids were wayyyyyy longer on her back than her usual hair..........seems like it would be difficult to get a wig over that much hair.........
It appears she (the actress) had them done (attached to her natural hair) at the time those scenes were taped. You could see the braids were attached to her real hair. The smooth hair she wears appears to be a wig, not her natural hair, as you can see her natural hair around the edges sometimes.
The March of the Outraged: Yesterday, it was the enraged, righteous Justin who was ranting at the Big Zero and pointing a gun at his face. Today, it was Jack's turn to squawk at the hapless Gabba-Gabba. Since ranting at prisoners seems to be a happening thing in Salem, Rafe ought to get things organized and set up a webpage where would-be ranters could make reservations to berate the prisoner of their choice.

The Long Goodbye: The Jack-Jenny-Abby-Chad-children scenes were well done, but it's too bad that one of the kids couldn't have provided some humor by asking that Grandpa Jack tell them again about the time he fell into a cake.

Giving Ben a break: It's only right that Julie cut Ciara some slack about her relationship with Ben. After all, she and Bo's daughter have something in common -- they both sing the praises of a man that most other people despise.

Auto repair: It was good to see that Ben and Jake finally got to work on a car even if it was only some aging econobox that was missing its hood. To get across the idea that the repair shop is a success, they should work into the dialogue that the guys are slated to repair the Kiriakis and DiMera limos, Xander's Lamborghini, socialite Giselle van Hopper's $450,000 Rolls Royce Phantom, and Eric's rattle-trap 1987 Yugo.
Sadly I hit FF for most of the Abby scenes. We've seen her leave before so I'm sort of over it.

Hoping they start to flesh out the Jake story pretty soon. And I'd like to see an actual friendship with Ben.
Thanks, Poirot.

It's a new day in Salem.

We found out today Ciara and Ben's wedding is in July.

Eli proposed to Lani. Now they have to find a date because two other couples
are getting married soon.

I laughed when Chad told Abby her mother threw things in a suitcase so they
could leave on time. Hopefully, Jennifer didn't pack any winter clothes since
Abby is going to Florida.

I was surprised to hear Jack and Jen plan to live in the mansion while Chad and
Abby are away. Maybe they are staying there so the kids can stay at home.

Nice to see Charlotte and Thomas today.

Nice scenes with the Deveraux family.
Uh, oh........she is “late”
I reaffirm that Lani is an immensely stupid character. Or the writers are incredibly lazy. This is a woman who has suffered the death of her child prematurely and spent a year pretending to be a nun...and she's not using any birth control while engaging in premarital activities?

I'm too lazy right now to go check, but Jack teaching Abby to ride a bike sounds like revisionist history at best. He left when she was a baby and was likely old enough to ride when he returned; though it's possible he was back a little earlier than I'm recalling right off.
Jack (played by a different actor) was around when Abby could've been bike-riding age. Then Matt Ashford (Jack) and a bigger Abby were together.
