Days of Our Lives - Wed. May 5, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Episode #11,328 Taped 3/10 Director – Herb Stein

Hope wakes up suddenly, upset because she overslept. She jumps out of bed, and spots makeup items on the floor. Later, she is dressed, calls Ciara into her room, tells her she should ask Mommy first before playing with her makeup. Ciara denies doing so, Hope tells her she found them on the floor, who else could have done it. Ciara tells her “you, mommy, you did it. You believe me, don’t you”? Hope hugs her, tells her of course she does, sends her off, but has a worried look on her face. Roman calls, complaining he left a message for her, Hope apologizes for not checking her messages, learns of Brady being mugged, and takes off for the station.

Victor & Vivian are at Brady’s bedside, hovering, Arianna comes rushing in. Nicole is eavesdropping outside the door. Victor is upset that this mugger has not been caught, wants to take care of things himself, Brady warns him to let the cops handle it. Victor rants that Bo is out of town, but stalks off to see Roman. Viv reminds him of a board meeting, then offers to take notes at it, while he goes to the cop shop. Nicole has been hiding behind convenient doors, walls, etc. so no one sees her, but our champion snoop Vivian is on the job. Nicole is already gleeful that Arianna has no alibi for last night, so when Ari comes out, they have a few words, joust back & forth a bit. With Ari gone, Nik takes advantage and goes into Brady’s room, he thanks her for helping him last night, they go back and forth about being friends, having his back, yada, yada, yada.

Victor comes into the station, giving Roman a hard time about the mugger still being at large. Roman protests he has all available men on the case, including his best detective, as Hope come in. Victor admires Hope, but with all she has on her plat, doesn’t think she can do the job. She resents it, Victor storms off. Roman shows Hope the pictures of the symbol on Brady’s chest, Hope recognizes it as a Celtic symbol. She saw it on a necklace in a shop in Ireland when she was there with Bo & Shawn. She inquired about it to the shopkeeper, who said it represented the 3 Celtic areas, land, sea, & sky, the goddess of one of them is Bridget, and stands for female empowerment. Maybe their mugger is a woman? Hope leaves to talk to Brady.

Arianna returns to Brady’s room with a big vase of flowers, Nicole takes her leave. Arianna is chatting with Brady, talking of how his family members walk the other side of the law, while her brother is FBI. Will make for interesting family get-togethers after they are married. Hope comes in, Arianna leaves. Hope is sorry for what happened to Brady, but tells him she has some news about the symbol on his chest.

In the hall, Nicole wants Arianna to apologize to her, for insinuating she might be the mugger, reminding her she works for her. Arianna spits back she works for Titan Television, and to call Frank, he wants to talk to her, and leaves. Nicole calls her boss, Frank, about upcoming stories, refusing the ins and outs of corporate life, but thinks underground gambling might be a good one, lots of nut jobs with those. And over in the corner, the nosy Vivian approaches Arianna, warning her to keep an eye on her handsome young man, as Nicole is someone to watch.

Sami & EJ have come to the Pub to pick up the kids, kibitzing about him just being released from the hospital. EJ goes up to get the children, Sami is pouring coffee, Roman comes in, hugs, he was wanting to talk to EJ, tells her about Brady being mugged. Now he learns Sami picked up EJ from the hospital, wonders why Stefano could not do it, and Sami gives him the news of her moving into DiMansion. Roman cannot believe his ears, after all he has said, Brady has said, Gramma Caroline has said, she is going to do this anyway. Sami makes her flimsy “temporary” excuses. Roman asks about Rafe, Sami just saw him yesterday, claims she put herself out there, but tho Rafe says he still loves her, he made it plain there is nothing for them anymore. EJ has come down and of course is eavesdropping, and smiling. Roman asks if she remembers what happened the last time she moved in…..EJ comes forth, says it was a disaster, promising it won’t happen again. Roman warns him he is keeping a close eye, and leaves.

Meanwhile, Stefano is on the phone with someone, saying Hernandez is not their problem any more, asking if Anna is behaving herself, hangs up as Kate comes in, wanting to know why he is talking of Anna. Stefano makes excuses, Kate steps back from the questions, deciding it all is none of her business. At the Pub, EJ claims the children were sleeping, but we next see them all at the DiMeras, being welcomed by Stefano, Kate talking of having all the rooms ready, Sami learning that Will did not want to be there when she was moving in, Kate taking Johnny and going upstairs. Sami follows. And now Kate & Sami get into it over Will. Kate reminds Sami that Will left home because he could not stand to see Sami with EJ, so now they follows him there to the DiMera house. Sami wants to mend fences with Will, Kate says he is becoming a man, she should let him find his own way, take care of her 3 young children. Sami makes a crack about Kate’s mothering skills, Kate retorts that at least her children are talking to her. In comes Stefano & EJ, with Stefano taking Kate for a walk to give the others some privacy. Sami just says they were talking about Will, says she is only there because of the kids, and wanting to get through to Will. EJ thinks there is another reason….him. Sami doesn’t really answer that one, says she can handle Stefano, especially since he is sick (EJ reminds her he is dying) talks about Kate, and tho EJ says he will handle her, Sami is saying she doesn’t think her moving in there will work.

And now to the good part…..over on some extremely remote island, or country, or village, or whatever it is, Anna takes off her hat, happy to be away by herself. No Stefano, no EJ…..but then she sadly says “no life”. A voice behind her says “pardon me, I think you might be in the wrong room…..” The voice trails off as Anna turns, and there stands Calliope! Oh, my, for those of you who remember her, there she stands, big flowery hat, huge earrings, yep, tis Calliope. And for those of you who never met her, you are in for a huge treat. Both women are exclaiming, hugging, talking at the same time, finally sitting down to catch up. Lots of talk about being such close friends, such good friends. Flashback to a young Anna & Calliope talking of Tony. Loved it! Now Anna is saying she is there in this remote place because of losing Tony. Calliope talks of having gotten there by single engine plane, kayaks, and riding a llama, who spits. LOL Now Calliope says she & Eugene are in trouble with the IRS, seems they like to be paid, so she & Eugene have been looking for somewhere with no extradition to the U.S. Yes, it is that bad…..and right now Eugene is deep sea fishing, maybe trying to get a loan from a marlin. LOL. Anna talks of how hard it was for her to be without Tony, and that she got a bit reckless, did something, no going back……but now she thinks Calliope should leave, Anna is going for a stone massage. Callliope says they may see each other later.

Calliope sits at a table, hears someone come in behind her. O.K. I did it, she says. I made contact, and for the record, big shot…..I don’t like it one bit” She turns her face, looking up, and there stands…..RAFE.

Oh why would Calliope rat out Anna??? Or is Rafe being a you know what? and making her do his dirty work and using her (will it get her and Eugine out of trouble with the Feds?) Blackmailing her?? I knew I did not like him.. he is just as bad ad the rest...
Cannot wait to see see them though together- but hate to see what she is going to do to Anna...
Calliopi and Rafe working together huh!? Wow... hmmm- I like that, kind of different- I didn't see it coming.
I love you saying she claims she put herself out there, cause she didn't. She pushed on him as usual, but Rafe is just not that guy. It is why we love him so much. Oh & our bad/good boy is getting Calliope to work for him, he can be very persuasive. He can also need a spanking.
Oh why would Calliope rat out Anna??? Or is Rafe being a you know what? and making her do his dirty work and using her (will it get her and Eugine out of trouble with the Feds?) Blackmailing her?? I knew I did not like him.. he is just as bad ad the rest...
Cannot wait to see see them though together- but hate to see what she is going to do to Anna...

Not to mention Eugene's relationship to Sami, you know Sami was named after Eugene. Calliope & Eugene are/were very close to the family. What this does to Anna? Anna needs to pay, but more importantly Anna needs to tell of the manipulation and control EJ used over her. Not to mention the fact, Anna feared for her life.
I cant wait to see Calliope!!
And I feel so bad for Ciara. Hope is blaming her for everything!! And she really is innocent!! Poor little girl!

Cant wait to see it!! Thanks Barb!!!
I hope they give them all some great lines. Calliope was so funny back in the day. Days could certainly use some comic relief these days.

I can not wait.
I am so looking forward to scenes between Calliope and Rafe...throw Anna in the stew and maybe we'll have something to laugh about for a while.....:smile:
I like that Rafe has Calliope working for him. And I do believe that he will help Eugene and Calliope out, and I really don't believe he is going to let Anna go down hard.
Yay, Calliope! Thanks Poroit!

@laepadgett Me too. Poor Ciara!

I think that Rafe, like Roman is a cop first and then a man. It's just the way they're made up. Can't help themselves. Note to Rafe: Roman never gets the girl. You need to rethink your career because it's a darn waste of the human male form that we never get to see you shirtless anymore. THat said, I love that Rafe is so determined that he found Calliope. He has figured out that EJ did this and he needs proof. I am rooting for ya, Rafe!
Oh yeah, I can't wait to see Cali. How fun she is.

Well, I have to tell you, I do not like the direction things are going with Hope. If she can remember she is a cop, why can't she remember she is a mugger? This is nuts.
And I feel so bad for Ciara. Hope is blaming her for everything!! And she really is innocent!! Poor little girl!

I agree. Maybe if Hope sees the glass with the lip stick print on it, she will begin to realize that something is odd. After all, the print left by a young girl will be quite different than that of an adult woman.

Thanks for the write up Barb.

Did they show the "brand?" If so, was it a triple spiral (triskele) design. The description was enough for me to Google it and here are a coupld of interesting links about it.
It could very possibly be that Caliope was not meaning Rafe when she says this. You know they want us to think things that are necessarily what is happeneing. it could be that Caliope was talking out loud and Rafe walks in coincidentally. We will have to see how it plays out. Will be interesting if it is true but the writers have thrown us off more than once.
Ah, that symbol is St Brigid's triskel. I belong to Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians, St . Brigid Division 1, and I know the symbol well. Some people may think the 3 arms look like circles, but they are called spirals. St. Brigid is the patroness saint of Ireland. She was converted by St. Patrick, and spread Christianity / Catholicism throughout Ireland after his death. She incorporated the triskel, a Druid symbol or rune, in her teachings. To the Druids, the 3 "arms" of the triskel stand for land, sea, and sky. St. Brigid used the 3 spirals or curls to stand for the Trinity much as St. Patrick used a clover leaf. As St. Brigid spread her religious teachings throughout Ireland, she also worked for the betterment of the lives of poor women.

Sorry, the teacher in me is finished with the lesson.

OKAY........:woo: Calioppe has appeared!!! It looks like she's working with the FBI.

Sami is beyond stupidity at this point.
and part of the meaning involved a Bridget.

Well, wikipedia did mention Brighid, which is an older Celtic spelling of Bridget. (As a Bridgette, interested in medieval history and Celts in particular, I pay attention to such things. :))

Sorry, the teacher in me is finished with the lesson.

Don't apologize on my account. I found it quite interesting. Thank you.
I have books of Celtic language and symbols. I can write some of it literally with the help of my books, but I can't even begin to pronounce the words.

My ancestors were vassals (also known as serfs) of the Laird Shane O'Neill in what is now County Armagh (the northernmost tip of Ireland). As a side note Mom came over from Italy.
As a Pagan who's patron (for lack of a better word) Goddess is Brigid, I take offense to the above "history" lesson. So much so that I will probably not post again for awhile.

The Triskele was associated with the Triple Goddess Brigid a very long time before around 450 AD when the first Christian references to Brigid occur. Brigid's Triskele was indeed elemental.

since none of us were there, none of us knows for sure. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up that there are other views. Goddess Brigit has brought me great comfort and strength.

I do find one thing interesting though...If Days wanted to go for a feminist symbol, I would think they would have gone for something more Dianic(Goddess Diana) She is more the feminist type Goddess(she is not in my pantheon so I don't know a lot, but I do know some Dianic Wiccans) Her symbol is sometimes three entertwined crescent moons.

Now...slinking back to my broom closet.............