Days of our Lives - Wed. Nov. 14, 2012


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of our Lives
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Nicole stares at the jogger, who has stopped to rest. She cannot believe it is Eric, it has been so many years. She flashes back (and this is definitely just recently filmed) of hugging Eric, talking of getting a divorce, rushing to see him). Back to the present as she starts to go to where the jogger stands, but Maxine stops her, wanting to talk about Jennifer who is just like family to her. Nicole is impatient, yeah, yeah, I know, don't bug Jen or you will come after me. I know all about it. Excuse me. She brushes past Maxine, only to find the jogger no where in sight. She looks around, to no avail.

Rafe sits in Horton Square, imagining his cute blond waitress is Sami. He gets up to leave, see the message from Sami, calls her.

Replay of Cameron telling a shocked Gabi she is pregnant. He has to leave, Sami is happy for her, tho can see Gabi is betwildered. She says all will be o.k. etc. etc. Her phone rings, it is Rafe. Gabi has a fit, Rafe cannot know, don't tell him. Gabi swear Sami to secrecy, saying she allowed Sami to be in on private info, so she cannot tell anyone. Sami promises, but what does she tell Rafe as to why she called. Gabi says to make something up. Sami leaves, calls Rafe back, tells him it was nothing, she figured out what her problem was, tis all o.k. She hangs up, goes to talk to the pacing, nervous Nick, assuring him Gabi is fine. Nick has some errands, Sami shoos him off, she will stay and be with Gabi. Will give her Nick's love.

At Common Grounds, Kristen sits with EJ, wanting to know how things are going with him and sami. EJ says he has not seen her at all, except when he picked up the children. In walks Marlena, who begins telling Kristen her plots and plans won't work, and to lay off her plots and plans regarding Marlena and her family. John comes in, takes Marlena outside. EJ is curious, Kristen brushes off the minor incident of accidentally spending the night with John on Smith Island. She now offers EJ a plan whereby he can see Sami every day, as her boss. EJ laughs, as Sami would not like that, but Kristen says Sami wants the Countess W job, agreed to work for Kristen, so will be a piece of cake.

Cameron returns, finds Gabi alone. She cannot understand how they can tell so soon. He rattles off some test which shows she is at least 9 weeks pregnant, it could be 12. She flashes back to her one night stand with Will. Cameron has to leave, she tells herself this has to be Will's baby. She doesn't know what to do now.

Will & Sonny are in Sonny's apt. kissing, making out, taking off each other's shirts, falling on the bed. Later, they talk about each other, themselves, how happy they are, and both being where they want to be right now.

Outside Common Grounds, John & Marlena argue again about Kristen and her intentions. Marlena cannot get why John cannot see what is going on. He says he thought they agreed to disagree. Nope, Marlena did not agree to that. She talks of how Kristen has inserted herself into all their lives, even to being Sami's boss. John refuses to think anything of it.

And that is all I got up to the interruption for the President's news conference. If I get the 2nd half later this afternoon, will put it up then.
Well, got the rest of the show.........

Ahh, and we resume at the same place. John & Marlena arguing. She hates it, that Kristen has already come between them this way. She leaves for work.
Inside Common Grounds, Kristen is convincing EJ that he has to step in as the boss man at Countess W, and he has to call Stefano. EJ is very reluctant, but Kristen is very convincing. Tis just a call, not dinner, etc. She warns him time is growing short, that if he doesn't make a move, it gives more time for Sami & Rafe to make up. He will think about it. He is out in the Square, debating, pulls out his phone, looks at a pic of Sami & the kids on it, sighs, and calls Stefano, tells him he is coming on board, on his own terms, but will still be running his enterprises. And if there is even a hint of interference from Stefano, he is out. He then talks of sending him the numbers at the end of the year. Stefano asks if he is sending audited ones, yes. O.K. sez Stefano, we will see how it goes.

Gabi is beside herself, not hardly believing what must be true. Sami comes back in, trying to be upbeat, Gabi almost tells her the baby is Will's, but doesn't. She again makes Sami promise not to say anything. Sami goes on about when she was pregnant with Will, about fathers having rights, and having a say in things. She leaves, Cameron returns, giving Gabi the name of an OB-GYN, Gabi wants his reassurance he will say nothing to anyone.

Will & Sonny have been going at it, but take a break with bottled water & chips. Sonny wonders if Will misses the good life he had when working with EJ, but Will is happy right where he is, with chips, water & Sonny. They soon are making out again, when a loud knocking at the door causes a pause. They laugh that it is Lucas, but the knocking persists, even louder, they ignore it, until Gabi calls out Will's name. She has to talk to him, it's important. Will goes to the door, Gabi realizes she interrupted, is about to leave, but Will can see she is upset, and insists she tell him what is wrong.

John sits in his office, with various files, looks at a pic of him & Marlena, sighs. In walks Kristen, John is all business like. What does she want. Kristen pours on the charm, the smiles, talks of knowing Marlena was so upset, and how she wants to make things right. She tells John of her plans to step down as Sami's boss, which she hopes will please Marlena. She wants to make amends, and fix things. They shake hands as she leaves.

Nicole is looking for that jogger, calls Marlena to see if Eric is back in town. But Marlena thinks she is calling for an appointment, and babbles on that although she knows Nicole does need help, because of the history between them, she doesn't think she is the one. Nicole protests she is not crazy, then says forget it, hanging up before asking her question. Now she goes thru her phone, looking for who might know if Eric is back. She decides against Roman, Sami, then realizes she really cannot call anyone. She decides to forget it, go shopping or something. She is passing by the Pub, and thru the window spots this guy. She says "It IS him", draws a deep breath, and goes inside. His back is to her, she calls his name. "Eric". He turns partially around, she smiles, walks up to him as he turns all the round, stands up, and she stops short. He is wearing the collar of a priest.
heehee, I know it was a typo, but it is funny to think that Gabi would need a test at the hospital to conclude she is 9 or 12 weeks pregnant.

Evey time I read of John defending kristen's innocence, I think of stupid young men who pretend to their girlfriends that they don't recognize another girl's flirtations.

Also, I hate the phrase "let's agree to disagree," so I am glad Marlena pointed out she never agreed to that.
That's not a typo; that's what Cameron told Gabi. He said her HCG levels indicated she was more than 9 weeks pregnant, closer to 12 weeks pregnant.
Honest, that is what Cameron said. Something like.....her OCG (???) showed she was about 9 weeks along, but that (using another term) she could be 12 weeks.
12 weeks?!?
I guess Gabi meant " how they can tell so soon," as if she thought Nick was the father? OK, now I get it.
Yes, Gabi was thinking "so soon" after recently sleeping with Nick; not imagining she'd be 9-12 weeks pregnant, making it Will's baby.
Thanks for knowing the right letters for that test, JS.
And yes, Gabi insisted she'd been so careful, etc. Sami told her that sometimes the birth control just doesn't work.
Birth Control- 99.9% effective, except in Salem, where it doesn't work at all!

On another note, why in the world does Nicole have Sami as a contact in her phone?
Momo--I think all cell phones in Salem come with all Salemites' numbers pre-programmed.

Sami was seriously bugging me today. So were Kristen, and Marlena, and John. Poor Gabi. I think we all saw it coming tho.
Why would Nicole have ROMAN as a contact? Or Marlena? beckaboo is right. Cell phone are pre-programmed with the Salem phone directory, and come complete with pictures to match.
Loved the Will/Sonny scenes today....BUT...(sorry don't mean to nit pick) but the background music during their scenes was very distracting/awful. I know they have a low budget, but I mean...the background music they used to have was so much better! LOL And I PRAY this baby isn't Will's. YUCK. anyways...was a good episode overall besides those two points. Was surprised to see Eric dressed like a priest!