Days of Our Lives - Wed., Nov. 21, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, November 21, 2018

It is Thanksgiving Day in Salem, as Eric sits in the Pub, moving around little vases of flowers on the bar, and Sarah comes in. Huge hangover, is embarrassed over her behavior last night, Eric says not to worry, his dad comped that couple’s meal, all is o.k. He makes his dad’s famous awful tasting hangover cure, Sarah has to get back to the Kmansion for TDay, invites Eric. Roman is serving at the Horton House, he was there earlier, had intended to go back, but agrees to go with Sarah.

Justin & Adrienne have laid out their plans to try and get Victor to tell where Sonny is. She squirts eye drops in her eyes, they go into the living room, with
Adrienne crying because Sonny is not there, and they cannot reach him. Victory isn’t buying it, refuses to tell where Sonny is. Will comes in with flowers, having overheard Victor yapping about how many times Will has hurt Sonny. Will agrees he did, Victor lets him know he is not welcome, Will gives the flowers to Maggie, leaves. Sarah & Eric arrive, Victor has another fit, doesn’t want Eric there, he killed his godson, and stole Nicole away from Brady. Oh, Victor is in fine form. Justin & Adrienne decide they are not staying, will leave now. Maggie has scolded Victor (mind you, they have a 20 lb. turkey!!). Maggie goes to check on things, Eric went up to see Holly, Sarah tells Victor off, also saying she doesn’t understand why her mother puts up with him, she should take off that wedding ring and shove it in the turkey.

She goes upstairs, comes down with Eric. Maggie has brought in some snacks, Vic’s fav. Out in the foyer, Sarah & Eric hear Maggie call for help, Vic is choking. Sarah rushes in. We don’t see a thing, except the aftermath, with a pale Vic commenting that if he died there would have been dancing in the streets. But he realizes he was acting terrible, asks Eric to stay for dinner. Holly appears at the door, and gotta say, the cuteness is spread all over the room. Eric swoops her up, she is grinning, everyone finally smiling.

Julie is setting the table, all nervous or something. She sends Doug to baste the turkey, Sheila arrives, Julie starts giving orders to wipe spots from glasses, help Doug baste the turkey, scrub the men’s room, set the berry dishes (seems cranberry sauce cannot be on your plate, has to have it’s own little sauce dish). Sheila is indignant, I don’t work for you, I am executive asst. to mayor. Julie is taken aback a bit, did not realize Sheila had not accepted her offer of a job. They go round and round about this, til Doug comes out, halting it all.

Abe is with Lani, on Skype, talking with Theo, who is doing well, and Brandon, who seemed awful quiet. Lani figures he is still in shock about Nicole. She gets a call, domestic disturbance, short handed, has to take off, hopes to be back at least in time for desert. Valerie goes to see Eli, tells him of her job offer, he is happy for her, congrats. She tells of Abe’s unhappiness about it.

Adrienne & Justin are having dinner in the square, Will comes by, they insist he join them, which he does. They consider him family, etc. He has called his mom, learns EJ is beginning to communicate (isn’t that just wonderful, she is with him, and not her kids…yes, sarcasm intended here).

At Doug’s place, Eli & Val arrive, so does Abe. Sheila asks Abe to explain to Julie that she works for Abe. He does, Julie apologizes again, but Eli never told her Sheila took another job. He is sorry, finally they all sit down. Doug wants all to hold hands, tell what they are thankful for, he starts, is quite eloquent, lovely thoughts, mostly about Julie. They all take turns, expressing their feelings, etc.

After dinner, Abe tells Val he realizes how selfish he has been…both Lani & Sheila have told him in no uncertain terms. He knows this is Val’s dream, he is proud of her, wants her to take it, they can try the long distance, only a 2 hr. flight, they can skype, etc. Kiss, hugs. Sheila wants to leave, Eli wants to wait to see if Lani comes, Sheila says he can run back, but right now, she wants to go. They depart.

Some fun scenes with Eric, Sarah & Holly, silliness about imitating turkey gobbling, Holly is having a great time, is laughing. Later, after dinner, all 3 are sitting on a bed, Eric has read a story to Holly, asks if she now wants to look at the pictures. Sarah is glad he stayed for dinner.

Maggie comes into the living room, Vic is on the sofa, everything was fine, he has a wishbone, wondering if Maggie has one more wish that he could possibly give her. She just wishes Sonny could have been there. Vic says already granted, he is on his way, Vic sent the plane.

Will is in the park, calls Sonny, leaves another message, wishing him Happy Thanksgiving, is thankful he is in his life, love you. Behind him, Sonny comes thru the gate, I am just as thankful for you, Will. They stare at each other.
We joked about this episode because of the teaser pictures and the small Thanksgiving table, but man this episode exceeded expectations. It was very bad for a Thanksgiving episode.

I’m glad that Brandon, Theo, and Celeste are together and that we now know Brandon knows about Nicole’s death.

Adrienne trying to fool Victor with tears from eye drops was funny.

I was never a huge Val fan, but I’m going to miss her.

More EJ and Sami propping and Will and Sonny propping :sick::rolleyes: I bet Sami couldn’t wait to tell Will about the delicious turkey and stuffing shake she made for EJ because he still can’t eat solids yet. Seems like a Days will never learn when it comes to predetermined couples and couple forcing.

Eric and Holly were adorable. Holly laughing because everyone else did and Eric tickling her while making the gobble sounds was just too precious.

No comment on Sarah. :rolleyes:

Hope everyone has a blessed and happy thanksgiving too! :)
He was downright nasty....and the upshot was there was only going to be him and Maggie (maybe Sarah) at dinner.....articles have called him choking on that food.....a near death experience...but not that we see. But, it was scary, surprising that it caused Vic to change his mind......but Maggie WAS very upset. I did like that every one left to eat elsewhere. That had to shame Victor. Loved Sarah telling him off.
This is probably the most disappointing "holiday" episode I've ever seen. Are we to believe that Sarah's hangover was from last night, when Chad kidnapped Abigail one night and she was taken to Bayview the next day and Gabi sneaked in another day (or did everything happen at once)? The number of people missing is unbelievable and given that the show tapes so far ahead it seems Thanksgiving could have been portrayed in a better light. Just my two cents. Have not been enjoying the show lately and have watched, literally, since I was a child.

Happy Thanksgiving and many blessings to all!
Thanks, Poirot and Happy Thanksgiving to you.

I'm glad Abe and Lani talked to Theo, Brandon and Celeste.

Will talked to his mom on the phone. Why didn't he talk to Lucas?

Holly has grown a lot since she moved to Salem.

I almost cried when Doug and Julie were talking about each other when
they gave thanks
Sarah tells Victor off
The writers know the way to my heart. GO SARAH!
Sheila had not accepted her offer of a job
I had completely forgotten about this plot point.
Abe is with Lani, on Skype
The scene where they finished their conversation with Theo, Brandon, and Celeste was better done than the last time. Just seeing the tail end makes it more believable somehow.
Justin & Adrienne have laid out their plans to try and get Victor to tell where Sonny is.
I liked this scene. It was in character for them to try, and in-character for Victor to see through it. However, all this gassing on about Sonny and they have THREE other kids who didn't even get a mention? Yikers.

And while we're doing Skype scenes - why on earth could Will not Skype with the just-departed Lucas and his sister Allie? Lame, lazy writing. Also, who the heck has Arianna right now? Is this the same day as the day Gabi sneaked in to the hospital?
As to Hope, Rafe, Claire, Ciara
They were noticeably absent from the Doug's Place celebration. Really Days - this is the episode where you pull out all the stops and go a bit over budget. Do a flashback episode next Wednesday to make it up.
Budget or not.......Days films scenes from several shows in one day.....their "thing" is 1 1/2 shows per day. They did not have dialogue, just show a 10 second montage at some point, of all these folks at tables, and I do not care if it would have been in the square. The scenes could have been filmed at different times, different days, when the actors were there, then edited together, as they do.
But then, the show has had rather lousy Christmases for years now. They just don't/won't devote an entire show to a holiday.
Victor started out as the Grinch who stole Thanksgiving and finished like a reformed Mr. Scrooge after being given a grand tour by the Ghosts of Christmases Past and Future. As for Sonny, he was back so fast, it appears that he took the Titan jet all the way to West Salem.

As noted by MirriMaz, there were plenty of Salemites who were missing in action. If Days had a bigger budget, perhaps viewers could hav been treated to a few of the following:

Rafe, Hope, Ciara, and Gabi, sitting around the table arguing about Ben and the plot against Abigail;

Stefan Zero eating alone at the DiMansion with only photos of Vivian and “Gabby” for company;

Kayla dining with Claire and Little Trippy and saying how disappointed she is in both of them;

Roman happily serving Wanchai Ferry to the destitute at the Horton Center.