Days of Our Lives - Wed., Oct. 15, 2014

I want to slap Eric right upside the head with his "I can never forgive you" to Nicole. He is trying to forgive the woman that drugged him and raped him but not Nicole. He needs to think back - Nicole was going to tell him she had the evidence when he - the man she loved that she thought would never love her that way - told her he was in love with her.

He wanted to leave the priesthood to be with her. It was a dream come true for her. I do not understand how what she did is so absolutely unforgivable. And she forgave him for accusing her of being the one that raped him! I am just so tired of Eric's holier than thou attitude.

I'll join you in line with that slap! I was so for Eric and Nicole, now I would rather see with her Daniel. Eric has gotten on my last nerve and I truly wish that the writers would let Nicole give him back some of that verbal abuse he keeps dishing out to her. Let Nicole hand Eric his behind one good time.
I bet that Theresa will end up pregnant with her latest couch romp with Brady. DAYS is very predictable that way. I would rather that Nicole and Brady had a baby. But I guess since she her last name isn't Brady, she is not allow

Theresa and Brady's last names aren't Brady either...
OK, I'll stop being so picky. Theresa is a member of the Brady family, so I get what you mean.
Miguel isn't the brightest lightbulb in the box, Clyde threatened him, but he is too stupid to notice. I also think that Clyde wants Jeremiah to bury Miguel a lot deeper than 6 feet.

He should hire the burying expert--Vivian!!! :rotfl:The he can get romantically involved with her! Both are entertaining villains and have a humorous side! Plus, they're both insane, and very good actors.

Hey, I still want her to return to Salem.
Late to the Party: I watched the show live and was on twitter about it, that usually uses up my 'net time, LOL.

LOVED Nicole in this episode. AMAZING.

I really hate Eric. I also hate that even with EJ dead, we're still seeing scenes in the Brady Pub with a rapist & victim. AWFUL.

Kate was great today.

If Miguel is conspiring with Eeej/Stefano/whatever (which I have never believed) to fake Eeej's death, he's not doing a very good job.

Theo is sad about Eeej? I could believe that if they'd shared more than one scene in the last year.