Days of Our Lives - Wed., Oct. 24, 2018

Thanks for the summary.
I must admit that i these writers keep glorifying/excusing rapists I might have to admit I must stop watching DOOL. I watched 7 minutes of this episode - I'm thinking I can find something better (more fun) to do with my time than to sit here pressing the FF button! :angry::cry:
I have the opposite impression. I think they're headed for a Lani/Eli/Sheila triangle and Sheila will end up being a long lost Carver kid

I thought it was interesting that during Stefan's dream, Gabby called him Sam at least 3 times.

Gabby always called him Sam or my Sam. Honestly I'll take that over the constant mentions of Gabby with a Y and Gabi with an I. Pick different names next time!

I got cut off from this one too and then On Demand didn't work for me last night either. So I gave up.

I really hope Abby cuts off her loved ones for a while and they have to fight to get back into her good graces. I don't want an instant reconciliation for any of them.
Well, to be fair, Gabi has done a good job of setting up Abby, and so far, has left no incriminating evidence behind. Coupled with Abby suffering the multiple personalities already, I could see how they'd doubt her story of being set up by Gabi.
But Kayla is being consulted for paperwork, has to have heard Abby's story of Gabi setting her up, drugging her, and has to remember being asked by Gabi for the "sleeping" pills she had when she was pregnant. To me, that is the big hole in what is going on.
I still say I would believe my daughter - and have her back (spouse too). Just me!
Right. That's the major problem in this story. Along with Poirot's point about Kayla having to be brain-dead not to notice these things...and the quickie divorce...and well everything really LOL.
As much as I can't stand Stefano, I'm so disgusted with Abigail's family right now, I'd almost look forward to him helping her, if he could get off his stupid obsession with Gabby. Wouldn't there have to be some sessions with a psychiatrist before someone could be committed (unless they were behaving violently or doing other criminal activity)?

I have to admit Abe was unnecessarily cranky about his parking space the first time around, but if I had to interact with someone like Sheila I would probably react worse than Abe has. I'd be looking for some duct tape to put over her mouth. Another character that's intolerable to me, but she's probably going to turn out to have a big heart in spite of being obnoxious.
The thing with Abby is.....she supposedly IS a danger to others, since both Gabi & Kate have claimed she assaulted them.
That's true, Poirot. I had kinda forgotten that, since we know it didn't really happen and I'm just so frustrated with Gabi and now, Kate. I'm not even a big fan of Abigail but I do want to see her clobber Gabi and Kate for what they are doing. Also I'm ready to clobber Chad myself, for always believing Gabi and Kate, even though Gabi has done a convincing job (incredibly so) of setting Abigail up. I hope JJ comes through for Abby but it looks like it may be Stefan who helps her.