Days of Our Lives - Wed., Oct. 28, 2015


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

A rather slow show today. Eve visits Chad's room, sits by the side of the bed as she quietly reams him out, and looking at the machine reporting his vitals, decides he is just too peaceful, gets up, reaches towards his feeding tube & bag, Justin's voice advises her not to do that, don't sink to his level. They both leave the room, he wonders how she got past the guard, but she says the guard said it was o.k. He reminds her she owes him a drink, off they go, but end up in the park, each with a drink. Justin thinks that anyone who would kill the girls, etc. has to be insane, but promises Eve Chad won't get off with that plea. She doesn't know how she will ever be able to thank him, but she does, for being such a good friend. She kisses him.

Ben is busy on his laptop, Abby comes home, party was o.k., tells of the male entertainment being arrested for theft, Hope a bit upset. She asks what he is doing (he barely looks at her) but he is checking out investment opportunities, she realizing he is talking about that reward money, he claiming they will have more expenses, blah, blah. She doesn't want them to take the money, mentions giving it to charity if he really wants to take it, he talks diapers, baby food, she insists they planned for this, he reminds her one of them will have to quit work, things will be tight. (hmmm, no rent or mortgage, why are you moaning, Ben?) They are arguing loudly, she says that Paige, Serena & Will are all dead, he talks of nearly being killed, and being responsible for catching the murderer. Abby is upset, figures they should stop this conversation right now. As she turns away, he he yells at her not to walk away from him, grabbing her arm roughly. She is startled, looks at him, he immediately says he is sorry, but she walks out the door. He is frustrated, almost slams his fist against the door, paces a bit, then throws something across the room, we hear it smash. He starts saying, no, no, I am just like him. Clyde. He sinks down to the sofa, face in his hands, repeating no, no, no.

Hope is trying to get Aiden to tell her what is wrong, as he keeps saying he can't do it, then talking of how beautiful she is, perfect. She denies this. More of the same, with him finally just saying he is not good enough for her, but talking of how very much he loves her.

On the plane, Bo is impatient, they are not taking off. Tropical storm Bo keeps insisting he doesn't care, he wants to get home to Hope, not wait around for the goons to know they have escaped, and come looking for them. Steve leaves to buy them some time, giving Bo a razor to make himself presentable, so Hope will at least recognize him. When Steve returns, he's fixed it all...managed to blow up the safe house. (LOLOL, sorry, but that Steve, as much as I love him, has sure become a jack of all trades, a regular MacGyver). Actually, he just lit a match, with the gas hissing away in there, easy. Bo has shaved about 2/3 of that beard off. We see rain outside the windows, Bo is still moaning about wanting to fly thru a monsoon, wants to get home. Steve reminds him that a nosedive into the Pacific makes all Steve's efforts for nothing. Now a big conversation about this guy Hope is going to marry, who is he, what kind of man, where did hope meet him, yada, yada. (Scenes go back & forth between Hope & Aiden, and the plane) Steve explains how most think Aiden is a good man, like him, but mostly it is they want Hope to be able to move on with her life. And most think Bo is dead, or abandoned her. However, Steve doesn't like the guy, doesn't know why, something is off with him. Finally Steve decides to work on the radio, and wow, he gets it working. Bo calls Hope.

But Hope & Aiden are resting on the sofa, she is nestled on his shoulder, and won't answer the phone. Bo calls again, Aiden says it must be important, she finally decides it might be the station, answers, but gets nothing but a lot of static. Bo, does hear her, though. Hope hangs up, maybe a telemarketer (at midnight????). Aiden finally decides to leave, tomorrow is the wedding. Hope wants him to stay there, he says no, not the night before the wedding, she suggests guest room then (being he is full of so much alcohol) he figures a cab, will get it in the square. Kiss, kiss, he leaves.
Bo is upset that Hope hung up, tries to call again, phone won't work. He almost throws it in frustration, Steve stops him.

At the hospital, Chad is dreaming, we see scenes of Ben & Abby, of Ben carrying her over the threshhold, of Abby in labor, Ben eagerly talking of wanting to see their baby boy, of Abby holding the baby, a carrier on the sofa, Ben grinning, as the coo over their baby. And we see a disheveled Chad reaching out, clawing at air.
Abby gets off the elevator,. heads towards Chad’s room.
Inside, Chad’s eye flickers, then opens.
What is this "daycare" and being expensive in Salem that Ben speaks of??? Doesn't he realize that all Salem kiddies are either dropped off at Caroline's or magically disappear during the day? I'm sure Abby could drop off little Baby Deveraux/Weston/DiMera at the pub, or maybe even at the K-Mansion, and it wouldn't cost her a dime. Caroline probably misses Sami's brood and little Joey. I'd bet Aunt Maggie would love having another baby in the house and Tater Tot would like the company in the playpen.
Slow day indeed though it seems like a setup day. I really hope all these comments about Bo being weak and his passing out yesterday aren't foreshadowing of an illness.

I think Bo, Steve and Eduardo need to borrow the Salem razor and get rid of the goatees.

I was glad Abby walked out at the end though I would have preferred she went to Jen's house.

Interesting that when Ben said he hated himself, the light outside turned blue.
Is there anything more heartbreaking then a psychopathic serial killer with self-esteem issues? I mean poor Ben. :cry: Did anybody just want to give him a nice steaming cup of hot cocoa and tuck him into bed? *crickets*

Yeah that's good because I didn't want to do that either.

It's been a while since I've spent any time in hospitals but from personal experience they have something called visiting hours; they don't like people coming and going at all hours of the night. They're not like a 7-11 that's open 24 hours. I know, I know I'm probably injecting logic and realism where it's not welcome but if I didn't comment I would be rolling my eyes so hard they would fall out.

On that note it's a good thing the Salem PD posted guards outside of Chad's room otherwise just anybody could walk in.

My goodness but its been an eventful day in Salem hasn't it? I mean unless I'm wrong within a single day; Sonny left town, Gabi found out about Eduardo and Paige, Eduardo offered Ben the reward money, Shawn Douglas came into town, Bo and Steve escaped captivity, Aiden and Hope had their respective pre-wedding parties, and Abigail and Ben had a major blow-up. And then we had the piece de resistance: Chad waking up from his coma! Never a dull moment indeed.
Stefano should really get one of his goons to watch Chad's room. The cop assigned as a guard doesn't seem up to the job -- letting the mother of a victim into the room. Why doesn't the hospital just set up formal visiting hours for lynch mob members. Over at Hope's place, Aiden "the Pawn" Jennings once again proved to be the master of incomplete confessions. He ought to tell Hope that his DiMera creditors want him to kill her for insurance money, a sting is then set up, Stefano and Andre actually go to jail, and Aiden is suddenly the man of the hour. The only person who would be disappointed is Bo because another person beat him to his life's dream of "bringing down" the DiMeras. At the loving Weston household, Abigail should run for her life. If this is the way psycho Ben acts now, imagine how bad he'll be when the fresh bloom of romance fades away. Even living with squawking, ranting Jenny would be better than bunking with Ben. Finally, if Eve thinks lover-boy Justin is so great, she ought to have a talk with Adrienne. She might find it to be enlightening.
I figure today was a slow "Days" day because tomorrow starts sweeps :)

I couldn't believe what heard.. Eve's song... I thought it was gone forever.

Of course, Eve got into Chad's room... Who was guarding the door? A Salem cop.

Aiden is right. Hope's too good for him.

It was interesting Hope put her shoes on when she answered the phone... Was anyone
surprised Hope didn't hear Bo on the phone.

After Bo, Steve and Eduardo shaves, pass the razor to Daniel
LOL, Kat, I burst out laughing when Hope had to put on her shoes to take 2 steps to the phone. Plus, she is a cop, someone calling at midnight and she doesn't answer? Please tell me who doesn't answer immediately? Anyone??? And then she says "a telemarketer"? At midnight?
I liked how Bo called the home phone instead of a cell phone. It's been a while since we've seen one of those being used. Plus it makes sense given the amount of time Bo has been gone--home number is easier to memorize since it's been around longer. Most folks have cell numbers programmed into their phones.
I would've liked to have seen Bo/Steve being more watchful of their surroundings; a crew of thugs could be sneaking up on the plane. Perhaps the pilot is standing guard. If Steve blew up the safe house with a match, he must have had it tied to a very long stick! :eek:

Eve looked nice today.

Good Aiden/Hope scenes; Hope looked happy.
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It's been a while since I've spent any time in hospitals but from personal experience they have something called visiting hours; they don't like people coming and going at all hours of the night. They're not like a 7-11 that's open 24 hours.

Actually the hospitals by me are open for visiting 24 hours. Only certain areas have visiting hours.
If Steve blew up the safe house with a match, he must have had it tied to a very long stick! :eek:
Are Bo and Steve sure that they weren't being held captive by a group of renegade ISA agents? Any safe house that could be destroyed so easily with just one match is highly likely to have been owned by the inept ISA. And now that the intrepid pair knows that dangerous international criminals are after Dr. Salinas's secret serum, shouldn't they warn him? Imagine Bo and Steve enjoying a gala Bo welcome-home at the Pub when the TV news announces: "Brilliant medical researcher has been murdered in Lima, Peru." Would the ensuing conversation run like the following? Steve: "Ooops, Bo, didn't you warn the doctor?"; Bo: "Uh, no, I was too busy saving Fancy Face from that shyster lawyer. I thought you would."
I don't. Bo's attitude has been terrible. And the FACT remains, that he DID go off, leaving his family to fend for themselves. He has no idea, no clue, what his wife and daughter went through when he deserted them to go on his adventure. The same goes for Steve. At least Steve realizes how badly he hurt his wife & son. Bo acts as if he has been gone a couple of weeks.

Hope has had to take care of herself, her daughter, her job, her home, all by herself for a few years now. Bo cannot waltz back into their lives with just a "Honey, I'm home".