Days Of Our Lives - Wed. Oct. 9, 2013


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Jennifer is rushing around her house, looking for her keys, finds them and is about to go out the door, and there is Daniel, about to knock. Jen tells him in a very nice way, that he cannot be there, that Justin has warned them all not to talk to anyone who is a witness or possible witness, and that right now, her focus is on her son, nothing else, and she cannot deal with anything else. She more or less nicely tells him to get lost, but thanks him for helping her son to NOT cause any more problems in the square.

JJ is in his cell, remembering what he read, and smashing the windows in the bookshop. He dumps his cot upside down, a cop comes, says to calm down. He is calm. Now Jen arrives, having brought a sweater or jacket as Hope has said it gets cold "down here" sometimes. She tries talking to JJ, who is silent, but he finally stands up, berates her for withholding the info about his father all this time. She talks of that being so many years ago, and that both she & Jack wanted to tell the children when they were older. They told Abby, when she was old enough to understand. JJ notes that it was before she was 18. Jen admits that is so, but then his dad went to Afganistan, and when he returned, after all that happened, it was a difficult time. And then he died, and when you came home here you were so angry, there just never seemed an opportunity. JJ is having none of it. berates his mom. She says she loves him, you are my son. No, I am not, I am done, I AM DONE! She bends down, slips the jacket thru the bars on the floor, says she loves him and leaves. He kicks the jacket into the corner.

In the park, Marlena is gathering her things into her purse, Nicole is chattering away. Marlena has everything, she thinks, listing them verbabally. She doesn't have her keys, they both look around, Marlena finds a lipstick, Nicole locates the keys. Two cops arrive, they explain what happened, though Marlena seems to think she has everything now. Chatter, chatter, both will go to station to give a statement, look at mug shots. One cop stays behind. And just in case we miss it, the camera shows up that flash drive a half dozen times, hidden by the fallen leaves.
At the station, as they talk to the cop, (Let's call Nicole Sherlock here, because she is very quick to realize things) Marlena tells of being with Kristen planning a party, her leaving, getting the phone call, etc. Nicole asks if she ever got the pkg. No, she ran after the mugger. Nicole notes that it seems like Marlena was lured outside. Lightbulb moment for Marlena, she takes off, leaving Nicole to the sketch artist. But Nicole realizes Kristen had something to do with this, chases after Marlena, catches up, and asks questions. Reluctant Marlena finally admits the plan she & Victor hatched, how she overheard Kristen talking of an affair, but had not told Brady. Ah, and Nicole heard Kristen talking to Stefano about a secret that could stop Brady from marrying her. Marlena tells of Vic giving her the device, the spy tool, to try and download the info from Kristen's phone. Looks like a flashdrive. Nicole gets her lightbulb moment. A flashdrive? Wait a minute. Flashdrive??

At the hospital, Kate is asking Jordan how Rafe is doing, Jordan thinks the 2 antagonistic visitors yesterday were actually a help. Anger is a good incentive. They chatter a bit, Meanwhile Roman is in the room with Rafe, getting a call from Sami, who wants to see him. She comes to the hospital, telling her dad about the party and she wants him to come. Cagey Roman asks what the party is for. Sami tries to evade, but admits it is a celebration....of her engagement. Roman flat out refuses, reminding her he was just in with Rafe, who was nearly killed, because Stefano tried to off him, and that if Sami had not happened to be there, he WOULD be dead. He gives her a hard time about wanting to live in that house, all that man has done. He tells her he loves her, but he won't celebrate her marrying into that family. He leaves.

Sami goes to Rafe's room, he isn't there, but Kate is. They have a few polite, but negative words, (meow time), and Sami goes to the therapy room. Earlier, Rafe was questioning Jordan about how well he did that morning. She gave him a C. He was not too happy. Now they are in the room, he is parked by the parallel bars, and determined to take a walk. He struggles as he pulls himself up, (Sami watches thru the window) and takes a few steps. He stumbles, falls, Sami rushes in, Jordan tells her to leave him alone. Sami is insistent, Rafe scolds her, she goes outside again. He pulls himself up, and struggles but makes it to the end, plopping into his chair. Back in his room he asks how he did. Jordan smiles, gives him a B. His face falls a bit, she adds "plus". She mentions again a supervised outing for him outside the hospital. He smiles, she leaves, in waltzes Sami, wondering how he can stand that woman. Rafe notes she helps him. A lot. He asks when she & EJ will tie the knot. She says soon. She wants Rafe to be happy for her, but he smiles, and notes there can hardly be anyone in Salem who is happy for her.

Kristen & Brady are pestering Father Eric as to whether he will marry them. He hems and haws, talks of being ill in the Capital, worried about that, but finally says he will perform the ceremony. They leave, Brady stays behind to talk to Eric a few minutes, while Kristen meets with the Doc who provided the poison, getting reassured again that Eric won't remember anything. In the park, the thug is hiding in the bushes, as the cop sticks around waiting for someone to come back. Kristen calls him, he explains he ran into a few problems, doesn't have the flashdrive, but has his eye on it. She warns him about getting the job done. Brady comes out, wants to know what she is talking about. She pretends it is work.

Father Eric goes to see Daniel, asks about Jen, JJ, but Daniel has no info, doesn't think Jen will be returning Eric's call, tho probably grateful. Dan gives an envelope to Eric, from that hotel, mentioning he asked for the name of the dark haired woman, and they promised to send it. Eric gets a call, has to leave.

The thug is in the bushes, eyeing the flash drive. The cop finally leaves. He calls Kristen (who is in bed with Brady, where else?) saying "mission accomplished") He goes to get the flash drive. We see it, under that bench, covered by the leaves, and a big ball comes rolling up next to it, followed by Parker & Daniel, who talks of kicking the ball in a more open area. Parker bends down to pick up the shiny blue object, Daniel takes it from him, murmuring, hmmm, a flashdrive. Someone has lost something.

Eric is back at the rectory, opening the envelope. The note says something to the effect that the only woman who registered alone at the hotel that night was Fay Taylor. Eric knows that name. Where do I know it from, he ponders. He looks at the note again. "Nicole", he exclaims.
Shout out to Roman and Rafe for telling Samantha the truth :clap:

So Kristen's hired thug knows who has the flashdrive, by site if not by name....interesting.

I can't believe it, but I am feeling bad for JJ :( Casey Moss is doing a great job!

Ok how many months has it been since Kristen drugged and raped Eric? And they are just now getting around to a list of guests checked in to the hotel :rolleyes:

Thanks Poirot.
Kristen is a disgrace to the DiMera name. Her plot to get back the flashdrive was so comically crude that both Marlena and Nicole suspected something wasn't quite right almost immediately. In addition, Elvis hasn't demonstrated much skill in the skullduggery department either, with his recent bumbling efforts to manufacture evidence for the Sami trial. Stefano had better face facts -- all the brains and common sense possessed by his children died with Tony and Lexie, and when he passes from the scene, his mighty criminal DiMera Empire is doomed.
Kristen just can't stop hiring flunkies. What an idiot. I liked the scenes with Marlena and Nicole. They really play well off each other. It's about time they got into each other's orbits. Eric is an idiot if he thinks Nicole was the strange woman at the hotel or if he believes that Nicole was the one who drugged/raped him. This is all a bunch of garbage.

I actually feel bad for Jennifer. She tried to explain to JJ the reasons why he didn't know about Jack/Kayla but he wasn't having it. In his eyes it's all just excuses at this point. I think JJ is going to have to come around on his own and/or get some help. He's a very angry kid right now and can't think or process anything rationally. This whole incident just further proves that individual and family counseling should have been happening long before now. I hope it's not too late.

LOVED Rafe's comment to Sami: Speaking of nightmares, when are you and EJ getting married? :rotfl:
The thug knew where the flashdrive was, and did not wait til it was in his hands before sending Kristen the text message. So now, Daniel has it. LOL.

And Kristen actually using the name Fay Taylor to check into the hotel? Now what woman with an accent (be it French, Italian or whatever) has the name Fay Taylor.

And for newer viewers......Fay Walker was the name of Nicole's mother who is now deceased. Taylor is the name of her sister.
Kristen truly is evil.
Bravo Roman and Rafe! Finally!!!:clap:

Sami and Rafe are both bad liars. They had more chemistry in that brief argument than we've seen with her and EJ all year. Liked Sami's jeans, hated the top. Rafe needs a new color shirt.

Does Kate have nothing better to do than stand around a hospital by herself all day long? That's literally what she did today aside from the brief conversation with Jordan.

Why is Kristen wearing heels in bed? I'm so over this storyline already. So, Kristen now threw Nicole under the bus. I can't remember but did she use this name back in the hotel scenes or was this just getting revealed today? Also, why didn't the thug hiding in the bushes just get the flashdrive rather than calling Kristen every 2 seconds? I actually thought it was Austin initially--he looked like him.

Loving Marlena and Nicole working together. I can't wait for them to be sitting at the Brady Pub conspiring with Victor and then Sami walks in! :D

I take back what I said yesterday. I don't like Nicole's dress anymore--it needs to be a couple inches longer.

Another outstanding job by Casey Moss(JJ) today. I'm kind of excited for the court scenes just to see if we get all the characters together again.

I'm really confused about whether this is a new day or not. Jennifer and company are all in the same outfits yet everyone else seems to have changed clothes and is treating it like a new day. I thought Sami and EJ were in bed while Kayla was talking to JJ in her office. Yes Sami had on the pink dress then and Jordan was also dressed differently.
Kristen's flunky is truly an incompetent fool -- grabbing Marlena's handbag and then dashing into the park (why the park?) and then blundering into Nicole. This guy was so clueless that it's surprising that he didn't join park regulars, Bev and Rory, share some weed, and then fall asleep on a park bench. That said, he's just the latest in a long line of blundering idiots whom the DiMeras have hired. There was the ill-fated Cy, who was dumb enough to think he could extort extra money from Kristen; Troy who ran down Ariana; bumbling Bernardi, the only cop in Salem history ever seen with Sami riding on his back; the ISA dunce who mistakenly bombed the safe house; and Arnold Finnegar, who made such a hash of his Rafe impersonation. Good grief -- EJ once even hired poor, doomed Willow Stark to break into Bo Brady's home, and then she almost burned the place down. With help like this and the fact that EJ and Kristen are hopeless when it comes to hatching plots, the DiMera Empire is doomed once the mighty Phoenix joins his ancestors.
Sounded like the extra who was talking to the cop in the park started to flub his line, but caught it. To me, it sounded like he told the cop that the purse snatcher ran into the "f...park", as if he was about to say "forest" instead of "park", but then quickly caught it.
Eric is back at the rectory, opening the envelope. The note says something to the effect that the only woman who registered alone at the hotel that night was Fay Taylor. Eric knows that name. Where do I know it from, he ponders. He looks at the note again. "Nicole", he exclaims.
Nicole and Fay had the last name Walker.

Kristen is a disgrace to the DiMera name. Her plot to get back the flashdrive was so comically crude that both Marlena and Nicole suspected something wasn't quite right almost immediately. In addition, Elvis hasn't demonstrated much skill in the skullduggery department either, with his recent bumbling efforts to manufacture evidence for the Sami trial. Stefano had better face facts -- all the brains and common sense possessed by his children died with Tony and Lexie, and when he passes from the scene, his mighty criminal DiMera Empire is doomed.
Kristen's last name is Blake as I remember.
Ah, but after Tony died, Stefano "adopted" her so she kept the DiMera name. They mentioned that when she came back to town, I think.
Why did I always think Stefano did not adopt those children, but did raise them, consider them his "wards". In fact, if I remember right, The Woman in White was their mother, who was not dead, though they thought both their parents had died. This was why Kristen & Peter always had the name Blake. Kristen did not use "DiMera" until she appeared back in Salem this time round.
Yes, the "Woman in White" (Rachel) was their mother. It's murky about whether Stefano adopted the or not. Half the online bios (and Days books) say they were adopted by Stefano and the other half say they were just Stefano's wards, upon the death of their parents (although, later finding out Rachel was alive). But Stefano did "raise" them and they considered him their father. I'm guessing they were in boarding schools though, since we never heard of them until they showed up in Salem.