Days of Our Lives - Wed., Sep. 20, 2023


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
London - Harris in his undies and Ava in her nightshirt stare awkwardly. They decide to sleep in the same bed in the only room they could afford. Harris refuses, something about a submarine, blah blah. He'll be ready to kill any intruder. Later, before they fall asleep, Ava waxes poetic about a previous time she was homeless and ended up crashing with Jake, with whom she fell in love. He died the day they got engaged, which led to her scheme with Gabi, EJ's ousting her, and her revenge which led them here.

Police Station - Rafe has found Tripp's forged passports and asks him if he wants to change his story. Tripp shan't be charged if he gives up the fake names. Tripp stonewalls him. Rafe threatens to target Wendy. Tripp gives it up and lies that he faked the passports. Tripp accuses Rafe of wanting revenge on Ava. Thankfully that idiocy is forgotten as they refocus on EJ's plot against Ava. Rafe calls Trask. While on hold, Tripp promises to give his mommy's location up.

DiMera Offices - EJ catches Wendy trying to hack into his phone. She plays innocent, but not intimidated. He set her up. She accuses him of having a guilty conscience. EJ gets tougher and Wendy starts to crack. She accuses him of getting revenge for her dumping Johnny; he accuses her weak boyfriend of forcing her to do her dirty work. She cracks by saying Tripp didn't even want her to...! EJ smirks. Wendy pulls her reserves, takes control of the conversation; wants to know how EJ ended up being the lawyer for the hitwoman. Wendy tells him his mother is still alive. He doesn't believe her secondhand story. He can't stand her insubordination and terminates her.

Hunter Room - Jada wants to know if Talia slept with Shawn-D? Talia says, "No," but Jada reads the facts and gets a confession from her sister. Jada doesn't understand. Talia tells her Chanel dumped her to get back with her ex, Johnny DiMera. She recounts her drunken boink with Shawn-D, she feels bad about Belle. She's in her stupid-destructive pattern that hurts good people. Jada won't hear her put herself down. Talia says she and Shawn-D both agreed to put this behind them. Jada is mainly concerned about Talia. Talia is grateful for her sister. Jada believes Talia will find love.

Square - Belle asks Shawn-D where he slept last night? He wasn't with Eric. He slept at the Hunter apartment and lies that he was alone (Jada was working overnight and Talia was at the hospital). He's sorry for throwing her past lovers in her face. She doesn't want him to apologize and vows they'll get through this together. Shawn-D recognizes he's stuck in a loop. Belle has offered her help and he has refused. He agrees he'll be heading to AA (Alcoholics Anonymous). He'll talk to Brady, learns from Belle about the Greek excursion. She agrees to go to a meeting with him. As they are heading out of the Square, they encounter Talia. Belle asks about Chanel. Talia updates her. Belle is sorry. Talia says Belle's the last person who should be sorry.

Paulina's Apartment - Chanel enters and is surprised by bunches of flowers. Knock, knock, Johnny's there (side note: when did he get long shaggy hair?). They talk about their marriage and a plan to go to the Florence flower gardens. Chanel sneezes, takes an antihistamine, and worries about having hurt Talia. Later, they are watching Cinema Paradiso and Johnny is blathering on about how it inspired him. Chanel has nodded off. He tucks her in on the couch and is about to leave. She stops him, apologizes, but he promises he's not offended. Later, alone, Chanel texts Talia.

Hospital, Nurses' Station - Tripp is shocked to see Wendy. She recaps being fired. She admits she told EJ about Ava thinking Susan is alive.

DiMansion - EJ tells Johnny that he fired Wendy for attempting to hack his computer. He also repeats Wendy's outlandish secondhand claim about Susan's survival.

Hospital, Nurses Station - Wendy apologizes for revealing Ava's secret theories. He recaps Rafe's interrogation. He told Rafe where Ava and Harris are.

Hunter Apartment - Rafe has awoken Jada. They are heading to London.

London Hotel Room - Harris promises they'll return to their lives in Salem. He's still perched on the chair and he extends his hand. Ava takes it. She trusts him. They go to sleep holding hands. END
Hey, good job, Jason, you covered it all very succinctly, got rid of the garbage....Thank you!

This has nothing to do with the story at all, just something that made me laugh. Ava & Harris have this bed with extra, very fancy, bed pillows, satin covered to match the quilt. Do hotels really provide such fancy bedding in their rooms these days? Stayed in very nice hotel when visiting London once, no such thing back then. Sorry for mentioning something so silly, just struck me oddly as I watched.
So I guess Paulina is out with Abe again? Or maybe since it's dayish time at her office working? The new girl who Chanel isn't too fond of got the bakery open and all those sweet bits prepared for the customers?

Johnny's been shaggy for a while, the few times we've seen him anyway.

Thanks Jason, I tried watching this but it wasn't worth the effort. You are a hero.
Great job, Jason, thank you!

That London hotel room is the same set they use for Leo's room, not to mention other times it has been recycled. At first, it sure seemed like Ava was trying to seduce Harris. I would prefer that they have a solid friendship and not go in that direction. I wonder, do they have a photo of Susan to bring with them to ask around? If they could get those passports, surely they could get a picture of Susan somehow. Will they find Susan before Rafe and Jada? We know THEY will want ONE bed.

Agree that Jada has given Talia too many passes. When someone keeps making mistakes and says they know they keep making mistakes is someone who will not stop making mistakes. The same tired excuse of "we were drunk" is too lame.

Wendy is well out of DiMera. Maybe she can get an IT job at the hospital. I wouldn't be surprised if there was magically a position available, just like what happened with Talia.

Yes, Johnny needs a haircut!
Thanks for this write-up. So a third-straight dull episode of the week. At this point, I don't know why I'm surprised. Also still trying to figure out just what Wendy's hare-brained scheme was. So silly, she deserved to be fired just for that reason.

I don't understand why Jada is treating her physician, grown sister like an innocent toddler. And why is Chanel texting her? Talia needs some space after the non-dumping that took place.

Nothing else really interested me.
Hey, good job, Jason, you covered it all very succinctly, got rid of the garbage....Thank you!

This has nothing to do with the story at all, just something that made me laugh. Ava & Harris have this bed with extra, very fancy, bed pillows, satin covered to match the quilt. Do hotels really provide such fancy bedding in their rooms these days? Stayed in very nice hotel when visiting London once, no such thing back then. Sorry for mentioning something so silly, just struck me oddly as I watched.
The kind of hotel room that Harris and Ava could afford probably wouldn’t even have sheets on the beds.

Harris looked spiffy in his black underwear today. Perhaps, if Alex tried this look, he’d have better luck with the ladies.

Trippy and Wendy aren’t fit to play in the Salem big leagues. They should stick to being a dull couple.

Weepy, pathetic Talia is now undoubtedly Salem’s “biggest loser.”

Why are Rafe and Jada going to London?? Why not just call Scotland Yard whose cops don’t need a tourist map to get around. And how will Mayor Abe react when he gets the bill for this little junket?
Thanks, Jason.

What a snooze fest.

Good for Shawn inviting Belle to a meeting. How long will it be before Belle finds out about Talia?

So, Rafe got Tripp to tell him where Harris and Ava is. Did he give him the fake names?

How long will it take for Rafe and Jada find Harris/Ava? Will they get rooms next to them?

EJ finally caught Wendy up to no good. What will Wendy's father say?

Jada got Talia to tell her the truth about sleeping with Shawn. Will Jada tell Rafe?
If Ava and Harris never appeared again, I don't think a single viewer would care/notice.

I liked the Wendy/EJ scenes. I like Wendy but why do they bother with the criminal/plot intrigue? EJ could strangle Ava and walk. He's a drug kingpin and rapist and nobody cares in Salem. And the DiMansion business stories always stink.