Days of Our Lives - Wed. Sept. 15, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Episode #11417 Taped 7/16 Director – Albert Alarr

Our Salemites seem to be finishing up a very long day, so let’s start with a funny scene. Kate enters EJ’s room, stands at the foot of his bed, pulls a long decorative pin (like a hat pin) from her lapel, and jabs EJ’s leg thru the sheet. She pulls it out, says…so, you are not faking, sorry, but I had to know….and puts the pin back in her lapel.
Meanwhile, Melanie has come to the doorway of the doctor’s lounge, overhears Nathan murmuring in his sleep, saying her name and “I love you”. She trips over a garbage can making a racket, Nathan jumps up, she tells him Dr. Harrison has come in, he can go home. She is very jumpy, Nathan wants to know what is wrong, she babbles, he realizes he must have been talking in his sleep, she admits she heard him say “I love you”, and claims he was talking to Stephanie…and quickly skedaddles.

Over at the mauseleum, replay of Vivian conking Brady on the head, him going down, she berates him, telling him he will be joining his mother wherever she is, still holding the urn, she is ready to bash Brady in the head again, but stops. Figures his blood and brain matter would be difficult to take care of on these granite floors. She paces, worrying about what she is going to do with him, how to get rid of him….gee, if Gus was here, he’d know what to do. I’ll call him, offer him a raise, double his salary, get him two front row tickets to a Cher concert…she is frantically pressing buttons on her phone, hoping Brady did not break it, the apps cost her a pretty penny. Suddenly, Brady’s hand reaches out, grabs her leg as she is walking by. (gad I loved these scenes). She tries to pull away, he starts getting up, now grabbing her arm. She is not going anywhere. He is in her face, talking first of what she was planning to do to him…maybe get help to throw him in the river? Then about Maggie, how she is deluding herself that his grandfather has any love for her. Brady tells her that even if Maggie was gone, and there was no other woman around, he still would not care for a second about Viv.
Now he plans on taking her down to the police station, where she can tell them of her plans, and can she imagine what his grandfather is going to say.
Vivian wants her purse, Brady will get it, she says no, he insists, all those papers that fell out….and he notices one…a receipt. From a pet cemetery. She claims Lawrence had this Persian cat he loved, and she promised him when the cat died, to bring it to Salem. Brady says this is a rather large lot for a cat, then realizes this is what she had done with his mother. She is babbling, stuttering a bit, as she talks of putting her up on a hill under a willow where she can look down…..Brady is enraged, tells her to run for her life!. And she does, right out the door. Brady chases after her.

Down by the docks, Sami comes upon a rather pensive Will. She has been so worried, called, left text messages. He just wanted time alone to think. She asks if he has decided what he is going to do. Will has been clearly conflicted, never liked or trusted EJ even before she moved into the mansion. But what he did, taking Sydney, and making them all think she was dead…..if she was gone, what would happen to his sisters & brother. He has researched what she would be charged with, attempted murder, and it would not make any difference about just cause, her lawyer might plead temporary insanity, but if EJ dies…..No, he is not going to tell anyone. He will not turn her in. Sami has stood silently as Will talks (very good scenes), and now they hug each other, she has teared up.

Over at the Pub, Caroline is talking to Rafe, worried about Will, tells Rafe how she talked to him about Stefano, being so concerned that Will was being taken in by him. Rafe agrees, noting what a feather in his cap to sway Sami’s son. Caroline also talks of Johnny, who is upset, is difficult to get to sleep. Next, Sami & Will have come in, Caroline comes out with Johnny who wants to see his daddy. Sami puts him on her lap, saying they have to talk. Will has gone to the bar, Rafe comes up beside him. Johnny is playing with a fork and spoon, Sami explaining his daddy is in the hospital as she already told him, that they don’t allow little children to visit, but that his daddy loves him, and mommy loves him…..Johnny asks if she loves his daddy. Sami replies she loves Rafe, Johnny knows that…..but the little guy now asks if she did not love his daddy, why was she going to marry him. Ah, saved by Gramma with a glass of warm milk. Johnny wants to make his daddy a card, Caroline take him & his milk off so he can make the card, and that little chatterbox never stops talking all the way. LOLOL

Now a few filler scenes. Philip is playing pool at the Cheatin’ Heart, in walks Nathan, calling Phil’s name, causing him to miss his shot. Nathan says he just saw Melanie, who is on his way home. Philip wants Nathan’s advice, he & Melanie are planning on getting their own place…what kind of house does Nathan think Melanie would like. Nathan is a bit taken aback, just says she would not want a big house. Phil knows that, Nathan starts to leave, Philip thanks him, says something about them understanding each other and Nathan leaves.
Melanie has arrived home, Maggie is making a to do list for her & Philip while she is gone, Melanie wishes she wouldn’t go. Now she tells Maggie of hearing Nathan say I love you in his sleep, assuring Maggie he was saying it to Stephanie. Melanie claims she doesn’t think Stephanie is right for him, Maggie tells her it is not her call. She doesn’t get to choose for him, friend or no friend. She assures Maggie she loves Philip, she married him. Nathan is past history. Maggie advises to let Nathan make his own mistakes. And now Melanie lights into Maggie, scolding her for not taking her own advice, for running away. Maggie reminds Melanie that Victor is a married man, Melanie laughs, cuz that marriage is a joke. She thinks Maggie should bring out her own vixen traits, telling she probably still has a few tricks up her sleeve.

Rafe & Will have talked a bit, Will only saying EJ deserved what happened to him, and now he is going to bed. Next we see Kate running into Chad at the hospital. Seems Chad is filling out a job ap, not going to Wake Forest, his dad more or less has written him off, blaming him for his mom’s death. Says her hypertension (high blood pressure) was due to him. So, he will be going to Salem U this next year. They talk about EJ a bit, how upset Stefano is. Chad agrees, has to awful to think you might outlive your son. He leaves, Kate contemplates, murmuring aloud that since “your mother is dead”, I’m the only one left who knows EJ is not Stefano’s only son.”. She is sure she can use that knowledge in some way.

Will has come into EJ’s room via a side door, sees all the tubes and machine, wonders what his mother has done. But he goes on a minor rant, telling EJ he did this to himself, all of it, when he took Sydney. And now, if he dies, his mom will be a murderer, if he lives, she might go to jail, if Stefano doesn’t deal with her first. And then, what about Sydney & Johnny? Kate walks in, surprised to see him. Will claims he just wanted to see EJ, he leaves. Kate is bothered, asking God to please let it not be Will, but just in case, she has something in her back pocket, something to use to bargain with Stefano.

Will runs into Chad at the Pub, mentions he heard Chad will be staying in Salem, Chad says yes, explains how his dad still blames him for his mother’s death. Will wonders if his dad knows Chad was digging into her past. Nope, and no one will ever know. Chad leaves. Will tells himself that no one will ever know about his mom either, muttering his mom should not worry, he will take care of her.

Rafe & Sami are in bed, talking of all the children. The young ones are fast asleep, but Will in not in his room. They both figure the kids will all be o.k. and then cuddle.

And back at the mauseleum, angry Brady is dragging a nervous Vivian back into the room. He berates her about his mother, as he holds his fingers on either side of her mouth, squeezing it together so she looks like a cupie doll….as she asks “What are you going to do with me”.

Viv needs a minion right about now, this does not look good, ah ha
Thanks for the write-up Barb!

Loved the Kate stabbing EJ in the leg with a pen! It brought a smile to my face that I definately needed today!
Too bad that Brady doesn't have the huzpah to break Viv's neck and toss her down the hill. That way we could get rid of both Brady and Viv and bring back Jack and Patch. :)
Go Brady, bring dear ole Viv back to the mausoleum. I can't wait to see Viv's scenes once the lid is shut. LOL
Thank you! :clap:

I'm a few days behind watching, but these Vivian/Brady scenes sound great. I'm really looking forward to seeing them. I'm so glad the writers went this direction instead of having Vivian bury Maggie alive.
"Ej is not Stefano's only son"... ummmmm ... i think Stef knows that lol... what about Tony and Andre? and whoever- i thought Stefano had more than just Ej already... maybe I'm confused... someone help me?

Tony and Andre are least right now they are.
like a cupie doll eh? yes....I can see ol' Viv as Betty-Boop. LOL!

Great write up Barb, thanks!
Andres was Tony's nephew, right? Tony was his "adopted" son?

I Love that Kate pins EJ's leg, just to be sure.

Can't wait to see more Brady/Viv.

And, laughing at Melanie saying that Maggie should play the Vixen role. Maggie certainly doesn't need to try, and Melanie could learn a thing or two from Maggie.

Thanks for the write up!
Andres was Tony's nephew, right? Tony was his "adopted" son?

Tony and Andre were cousins. Tony wasn't adopted by Stefano, I think what you may have in mind is that at one point, there was a reveal that Tony's mother had an affair and Tony wasn't Stefano's biological son after all. I'm not sure if that is still the official story or if it was later rewritten again.
No, Tony has referred to that, referring to himself as the gardener's son a few times. However, Stefano accepted him and raised him as his own, tho had no qualms about "punishing" Tony at times. Which is why his "grief" over the death of Tony seems entirely too over the top.
That's why I referenced adopted in air quotes, b/c it wasn't a formal adoption, but Stefano referred to him like a son when it was convenient for him. ;)

I think the only children Stefano has alive are Lexie, EJ (for the moment), and Chad. I need someone with a better memory than myself to confirm.