Days Of Our Lives - Wed. Sept. 4, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Adrienne is walking in Horton Square, spots Marge & Timmy, stops to chat a bit. Marge thanks her for her help in getting Sami Brady to stand trial for murder, and warns her to keep her son away from Sami & her family. Marge brags about Timmy learning about saving his money (did you all not know this was coming?) from his dad, and how he puts his allowance in there regularly for future, even getting a receipt. Small talk, Timmy drops his backpack, stuff has fallen out. Marge & Adrienne help gather it up, with Adrienne picking up the open passbook, staring at the receipt. She returns everything, says goodbye, and hightails it over to Abe, who has no time, but Adrienne is sure he has time for this. She explains about the savings account book, and even with the $12.00 he just put in, doesn't think he could have saved over $100,000. Abe is shocked, and wonder if they can now prove Bernardi was a dirty cop after all.

Earlier, Abe took Sami to a room, where she figures she is to confer with Justin before the trial, which is to start in a while. In comes EJ with Johnny, Allie, Sydney, and even Will carrying Arianna. Sami is overjoyed, is hugging the kids, wants to know all that is going on, hears something about super glue, and then coloring wars. The kids start asking about how she can be with them at home if she is here, EJ is assuring them he will make sure she comes home. Will changes the subject, giving Arianna to Sami to hold for a while.
The kids are gone, Will returns, talking of telling all about shooting EJ, the evidence Sami tried to get, etc. etc. Sami is refusing to let him do that, EJ pointing out if he did, it would only strengthen the case against Sami in the jury's eyes. Plus Trask would probably indict his father for perjury. No, Will doesn't want that. In comes Abe with some news. There is some new evidence that has arrived, and the D.A. has asked for a continuance. A very happy Sami hugs EJ.

Daniel is at the nurses' station, trying some friendly small talk with Jordan, who is not receptive at all. He wonders about knowing someone with her name in med school, she says no, none of her family were ever there. Maxine arrives, asking Jordan to have coffee with her. Nope, too busy, and off she goes. Now Daniel asks Maxine to be his date for the shindig coming up honoring him. She mentions Jen, not a good idea, finally accept, but says he can change his mind any time.
Kate meets with Kayla, complaining that Rafe is not happy with his progress or therapist. She wants someone else. A wise Kayla notes that Kate herself did all the research to get this person, knows the credentials and history, chose her, and if Rafe has a problem, then let him contact Kayla.

Meanwhile, Stefano has come to see Rafe, give him a very hard time, laugh at him for his inability to be a man, throws a lot of digs. Rafe's hand is inching towards the call button, which Stefano swipes away, sits down on the bed, and laughingly makes fun of Rafe's inability to move much. You can see Rafe is angry, but Stefano won't leave until he has been as verbally cruel as possible, and yes, Kate is brought up. Stefano claims he doesn't care who his whore of an ex-wife takes up with. He finally decides to leave, pressing the call button before doing so, saying the nurse will now come in to get him his pot. He leaves, Kate arrives, learns Stefno was there, goes racing after him, but Stef is grinning from ear to ear as the elevator doors close. She finally catches up with him in the square, giving him another one of her ineffectual warnings. He is unmoved.

JJ comes downstairs with his backpack, sits on the sofa, pulls his newest stash out of his boot, contemplates it as Abby comes in. He stuff it in his backpack, she asks what was that. None of your business, then makes some crack about Mom, who happens to be coming in the room. Abby wonders what he meant. He has said something about lying, Abby realizes something happened, Jen won't say, so JJ tells of how Mom always lies about being done with Daniel and isn't. He has a class, takes off, Jen following him outside, stopping him, scolding him about being disrespectful. She says she never lied to him, he says she never believes him, why should he believe her. He has to go to his last class, she is going to check up his grade online. He tells her to knock herself out and leaves.
Next, he is the park, calling Theresa to tell her he has what she wanted. Bev comes along, small talk, she leaves. Here comes Rory, asking if JJ got the good stuff. Yep. Rory says, good, cuz he even got a new customer. A bit later, some young guy comes up to buy, JJ gives him the stash, takes the money, and out comes two cops, JJ & Rory are under arrest, and are handcuffed.

Abby has talked to Jen, learns that it is over between Daniel & her mom. She cannot believe it, but Jen tells her it was Daniel who was right, they each have to concentrate on their sons. So Abby goes straight to Daniel, trying to talk him into keeping her mom in his life. She talks about the guilt she felt about her father's death (really? since when?) and the guilt her mom carries...about the way she treated Jack, deals with JJ, fell in love with Daniel. But... No way. Daniel is very firm. Now Abby mentions JJ, but Daniel doesn't want to talk about him. But Abby asks then, from a male perspective, what can she do to help JJ. Daniel tells her that unless JJ decides he wants to take responsibility for himself, there is nothing she can do.

Jen checks on JJ's grade, finds he was in the upper 86%, is ecstatic. She mumurs for JJ to keep up the good work. (See above). She goes to the hospital, where Maxine mentions having this date with Daniel, and hinting around for perhaps Jen being with him. She gets a big smile, telling Maxine to go, and have just a wonderful time.

Sami is embracing a seated EJ, loves him so much. EJ has already promised to get her out, saying that Stefano is not the only one who can work the DiMera name, that he knows how to play chess, too. Sami cannot wait to be a DiMera herself. She is hopeful that whatever the evidence, she will soon be free.
finally a woman who isn't interested in "Golden Boy" Daniel Jonas! Go Jordan!

Stefano is so damn transparent, all this anger, ranting, names callings are further evidence of his deep love for Kate!

Adrienne should have gone to Justin, she just made another idiotic decision!

"Evidence” to clear Sami finally showed up…Yeah she might ends up in deeper pile of stink with Ej's lies and schemes regarding that so-called Evidence!

Abby needs to get life... Instead of meddling squarely in Dan/Jen affair.... I thought she was going to finally go all the way with Chad!
I was really looking forward to watching DAYS today because of Rafe, Stefano, and Jordan. But a friend of mine gets DAYS a couple of hours before I do and she told me there was a lot of the golden couple, my enthusiasm dropped to zero. I have watched DAYS most of my life and 3 little words junior and Sami can ruin it for me. Normally if there is something on DAYS that I would like to see I will switch between stories GH and DAYS, but GH is so good right now that I didn’t even think about DAYS. Hopefully someone will post the scenes with Rafe, Stefano and Jordan I will watch them.
A bad day for the backpack wearers. Little Timmy and JJ ought to learn to be more careful about what they stuff in them. As for Stefano, he'd better hope that Marlena doesn't hear that he was mocking Rafe for his inability to move. If she does, maybe she'd give the Phoenix another shot of the magic drug that left him totally immobilized. Finally, Sami is looking forward to being a DiMera? Good grief. Obviously, she has poor powers of observation. What being a DiMera means is right in front of her in the person of the monstrous Phoenix, slimy EJ, and sicko Kristen. Samantha Gene's messy life has been heaven on earth compared what she'll experience as a true DiMera.
Yay for Jordan and Daniel not being together! Though that can always change. Also, what a miracle that we see the kids for once! Thanks Poirot!

However, I didn't care for the show today, besides JJ being arrested. Stefano is downright awful! I can't stand Sami and EJ's scenes, and it's the same old same old with Abigail mediating Jennifer and Daniel's relationship. Ugh!
I had to laugh at Stefano making a snide remark about Arianna being illegitimate (by calling her a name). Isn't he the pot calling the kettle black??? NONE of his children were born within the bounds of marriage.
I was really looking forward to watching DAYS today because of Rafe, Stefano, and Jordan. But a friend of mine gets DAYS a couple of hours before I do and she told me there was a lot of the golden couple, my enthusiasm dropped to zero. I have watched DAYS most of my life and 3 little words junior and Sami can ruin it for me. Normally if there is something on DAYS that I would like to see I will switch between stories GH and DAYS, but GH is so good right now that I didn’t even think about DAYS. Hopefully someone will post the scenes with Rafe, Stefano and Jordan I will watch them.

I was so excited to finally watch Rafe but it only took a few minutes into the show and my interest was gone . I don't know what these writers are smoking but Sami saying
she can't wait to be a Dimera, the I love you and the love of my life is just so phony and unbelievable between the two it just makes me change the channel .
Don't want to ruffle any feathers here.... But does anyone else find Jordan a tad BORING!!
I think they're making her very professional, to the point of not getting involved with anyone around her.

I also think they're trying to make her seem mysterious, since Daniel said he went to medical school with someone named Ridgeway and she got an odd look and immediately shut down his attempt at conversation.
I'm getting better day by day with handling Sami/EJ. I'm actually at a point now where I can fast forward their scenes without closing my eyes.

I'm not a huge fan of Dr. Daniel Jonas at the moment, so anyone who's not jumping at the bit to be his friend or sing his praises is aces in my book. Go Jordan! This is why Abby can't figure out the ridiculousness that is her love life, she's too busy trying to fix her mom's. It's time Abigail Deveraux got a clue and butted out.

I'm so beyond ready for Rafe to get out of that bed. In a couple of weeks, it will be 4 months. This has to be the longest anyone has been a guest of University Hospital. It wouldn't be so absolutely ridiculous if we were actually seeing him in his therapy sessions making progress.
I was so happy to see all of Sami's children AND her granddaughter together. It was a good move on the writers' part to have them come and visit her before court. Those scenes certainly pointed out what Sami has to lose if she's convicted. I really enjoyed knowing that Abe helped arrange the visit for Sami. Loved the EJ and Sami scenes too.