Days of Our Lives - Wed., Sept. 6, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Another day of eyerolling by me, but the good news is the Perils of Pauline ...I mean Gabi...are ended, and I swear I could practically hear the William Tell Overture playing as it happened. (for those who don't know, that is the Lone Ranger theme music, lol). So, let's see. Replay of Rafe finding the list of GDR assets, and noting the house, located just outside of town. Off go the cavalry. Replay of Raines toying with Gabi, threatening her, cocking his gun, aiming it at her. Ahhh, but Gabi jumps up, pushes his hand out of the way, they struggle, she smacks him a few times, but he gets the upper hand, shoves her back down on the sofa, aims the gun as she cringes. But the door bursts open, and with guns drawn, the Calvary has arrived. Rafe, Hope, Eli all have theirs pointed at Raines, his arm is around Gabi's neck, his gun to her temple. Both sides are saying to put down the gun, but Raines wins out. Rafe lays his on the floor, as does Hope, while Eli is lowering his, and following Raines' order to push/kick the other guns to the side. But then Eli takes a chance, fires, Gabi squints, but breaks free, Raines is shot, and put under control, handcuffed, rights read, sirens are heard, he is hustled out to the police car.

And now Rafe reads a riot act to Eli about putting Gabi's life in danger, yada, yada. She sits with a blanket around her shoulders, Eli gets a call from his boss, takes it, confirming Raines has been arrested. Gabi shuts Rafe up, saying they should be grateful to Eli, he saved her life. And she says thank you to Eli directly.

At the hospital, Nicole & Brady arrive to get Holly, who is being seen by a pediatrician to make sure she is o.k. Long conversation about Nicole's fears she would not get Holly back, assurances from Brady that all will be well. He spots Hattie going by, has to talk to Marlena and takes off. (Marlena earlier was on phone with Bonnie, explaining what she did with Anjelica, in bed with Lucas, thought it brilliant, as after all, Bonnie left her with a corpse while she went off to have a good time with Justin, she did the best she could.

Now she is with Brady, who is concerned about his dad, about Marlena dumping him, and Brady then learns she kissed Roman. All the usual back and forth about the years Marlena & John have been together, all they went thru, blah, blah. Hattie manages to turn this around on Brady, that perhaps he is having problems with Nicole. Brady storms off.

Meanwhile Eric has come in (earlier, during a jog, he flashed back to taking pics of Nicole for Holly) he stops, they chat, she thanks him for speaking up for her at the hearing, apologizes for how she treated him when she first came to Horton center. He is happy she is getting Holly back, will be great mom. They shake hands as Brady returns, not happy to see her with Eric. But Eric runs off, has to see about a client, she explains she was thanking Eric for convincing the judge to rule in her favor, and the jealous Brady tells her all, how he talked to the judge, etc. So it was him, not Eric. She is grateful, still worries someone will find out about Deimos, he shushes her, reassures, and a nurse brings Holly out. Oohing, ahhing, the stuffed frog is waved around, Holly grins (adorable) more happy family to be talk, and finally they leave.

Eric has gone to see Marlena, but Hattie is exasperated, doesn't want to talk about her & John, it is over, he may love her but she no longer loves him, yada, yada. Eric mentions wanting her to see his client, she more or less refuses, no freebies. Eric also takes off.

While over at Bayview, John & Marlena have a nice conversation thru the vent, planning their escape, declaring their love, being together at last. The orderly will soon come with the meals, get back in strait jacket mode so he thinks they are still incapacitated. Here he comes, John stands against the wall, the orderly comes in, putting the tray on the floor, as he turns, john grabs him around the neck, saying go to sleep, and down the guy goes. He gets the keys, leaves his room, into Marlena's, she has taken off her strait jacket, both hug at last, are ready to make a break for it, but another orderly opens the door, John tries to take him down, but gets tazer blasted which sends him to the floor, Marlena screaming. She tells the orderly to leave him alone, orderly leaves.She holds John, he berates her for not running when she had the chance, she wasn't going to leave him. They kiss, hug.

Meanwhile, Hattie gets a call while with Eric, he leaves, she comments she told them they were dangerous... she excuses herself for a bit, checks some big book of psychiatry, gets back on phone, knows Dr. Ross is not back yet, so will institute the next level of treatment.

John & Marlena are still in her padded room, but now with their legs in some sort of chained up state. John figures their plan failed, they have to make a new one. They note the longer they are gone, the sooner people will realize something is amiss. The orderly comes in. What now? Tomorrow morning you both are scheduled for electro shock therapy. !!
Here's a spoiler picture of Marlena and John after their electroshock therapy:

Instead of taking the time to hug each other, John and Marlena should have ran the second he had the door open. They wasted precious time which caused the orderly to catch up to them and tase John.

Brady actually approached "Marlena" and discussed John with her. I didn't think he realized John was missing :eek:.

I'm glad Gabi at least put up a fight against Raines before cringing again. Hope also got her payback against Raines for the hypocrisy he showed her while he was a bad cop himself.
Good grief. is Raines ever dumb. How dumb and why has already been covered at length, but one would think he could have done better since as a cop he's seen all the stupid things that other criminals have done. I guess he was a slow learner.

All is happiness with Brady, Nicole, and Holly -- at long last. Now they can go home to the K-mansion and share living space with the grouchiest man in Salem, Victor. Perhaps, Maggie can sustain the happy mood by sedating Mr. Sunshine with warm milk and home-baked cookies.

Pity poor John. He really should have watched more James Bond movies. 007 would never have allowed himself to be overpowered by some idiot of a sanitarium guard. On the bright side, maybe electroshock therapy will cure all the brain circuits that were knocked askew by all his comas.
Can we have a break of Gabi being in peril for a while? This has become ridiculous! Give the girl something else to do! Chase Ari in the HTS or something.

Hattie can't get caught soon enough me. I'm over this.

Sigh. Another talented actor bites the dust. Will miss Raines.
Thanks, Poirot.

Gabi almost saved herself. Maybe she can teach self defense to the other damsels in Salem.

I'm glad Holly is back with Nicole. She was cute smiling at her.

Brady just had to tell Nicole he was her hero instead of that villain Eric.

Line of the day goes to Raines when Eli said they knew he was Dario's partner "Well, the
Keystone cops finally figured it out"
It's about time Gabi fought back but even then I rolled my eyes! And Rafe going off on Eli, I didn't like it but I guess with all his other family members out of the picture, I can see why he was protective of Gabi. bleh

Loved baby Holly and I couldn't help notice her little sandals. Sooo cute! :love: I hope they will really have a scene with Tate and her.
Whatever happened to the Dress For Success business Gabi started? (or whatever she named it) If she paid more attention to that and raising Ari, she wouldn't have time to stick her nose into things that aren't any of her concern. No wonder Salem youth is so screwed up. They all but raise themselves because their parents are into everything but family.
Ironically I thought this was the one time it made sense that Gabi was kidnapped. But since we've seen it happen so many times already, it just makes it look repetitive this time. I didn't like any of the scenes after the cops came in. They were very awkwardly directed. But glad Rafe finally got to rescue his sister. He's been absent the last few times.

So Raines did all this for money? What lazy writing. I'm very disappointed he was thrown under the bus. Another good unrelated character completely wasted. But instead let's keep bringing on big names from other soaps and force them on to the canvas. :rolleyes:

I really want Holly to be Eric's. Brady and Nicole are cringeworthy together. Let's end this madness now.

I also agree about John and Marlena hesitating. They should run first and reunited later. When they do ultimately get out, I'd like to see them sue the mental health facility for the way they were treated. Too many times these stories are dropped without consequences.

I too was shocked at Brady going to Hattie but I'm also annoyed at the way the discussion transpired. Brady was raised by Marlena since infancy. She is his mother. Yet he talks about her as if she married John more recently and was just a casual stepmom to him. I thought at least Ron would get this right.

I did like Hattie turning tables on Brady though and calling him out on his own issues. That was funny.
Whatever happened to the Dress For Success business Gabi started? (or whatever she named it) If she paid more attention to that and raising Ari, she wouldn't have time to stick her nose into things that aren't any of her concern. No wonder Salem youth is so screwed up. They all but raise themselves because their parents are into everything but family.
Very true. Gabi is the new Sami, always dumping her poor child on some friend or babysitter. How long will it be before she starts proclaiming herself Salem's best mother?

So Raines did all this for money? What lazy writing. I'm very disappointed he was thrown under the bus. Another good unrelated character completely wasted. But instead let's keep bringing on big names from other soaps and force them on to the canvas. :rolleyes:.... I also agree about John and Marlena hesitating. They should run first and reunited later. When they do ultimately get out, I'd like to see them sue the mental health facility for the way they were treated. Too many times these stories are dropped without consequences.
Amen about Raines. Watching him take Salem's distracted, unprofessional cops to task after years of getting away with murder under Roman was entertaining. And what a dumb plot took him down. What person looking to make a pile would join forces with the likes of Dario? Indeed, how many people would have bought a used car from him? And yes, John and Marlena should get a good lawyer (not Justin) and sue Bayview for huge damages. In fact, the state should shut this place down. It's so badly run that even Stefano wouldn't have secreted his prisoners there. E.g., Stefano: "Rolf, Bayview is a real dump, yes? We must find a better place to keep our friend, the Pawn."
It is rather surprising that Marlena herself has recommended patients there at Bayview in the past. Seems Abby was in a rather questionable place as well, recommended by Marlena, one that prescribed the wrong meds to treat Abby.

Can't be that only Dr. Ross knows Marlena well, there should be other nurses, orderlies, etc. that would be familiar with her. Why hasn't she asked those people something that only Marlena would know? Why has she not dragged out her knowledge of previous patients, treatments, psychiatric knowledge, etc. Why has she not asked to see other doctors, nurses with whom she would be familiar?