Days of Our Lives - Wed., Sept. 6, 2023


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Nov 23, 2006
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Lots of jumping around, various storylines, plus the kissing makes loud noises. LOL Just 33 minutes today, which is good, because nothing much really happens.

Chanel & Talia - They jabber about all the fun they had bowling, picking up splits, praising each other. Chanel kisses Talia, who gets a call from Kayla to come to the hospital, she has news for her. Talia leaves.

Rafe & Jade - Having silly conversation about who is and should be commissioner, some teasing, lots of kissing, then Rafe gets call about shots fired at Bayview, both leave.

EJ is very impatient for news that his henchwoman has finished off Ava, keeps calling. Johnny arrives, chatter, EJ convinces him to tell Chanel how he feels. Johnny reluctant because of having seen Chanel with Talia together, but finally takes EJ's advice.

Ava has shot the henchwoman, a guard comes in holding a gun on her. Standoff. Harris tries to reason with Ava to put the gun down, to no avail. Ava figures she will go to prison, doesn't want that, no one will believe it was self defense. Harris pleads, finally convincing her to give the gun to him. She does, the guard lowers his, but Harris points his gun at guard, saying don't move, telling Ava to run. She does, he does as well. They are together outside, and eventually manage to swipe a key from a desk clerk at a hotel, and are in the room. Harris says they will regroup and plan their next move.

The henchwoman is at the hospital, Kayla says she needs to get into surgery, no Rafe & Jada cannot talk to her now.

Tripp had talked to Kayla about borrowing their place so he and Wendy could have some privacy, arrives there to find Wendy in a red evening gown (????) both are happy, she ordered room service, which arrives. She puts the Do Not Disturb sign on the door, says she doesn't need dinner, kisses Tripp. They start kissing, disrobing, land on the bed, and later enjoying afterglow.

Kayla tells Talia that although her past was brought up, the board decided to hire her on a provisional basis. She is thrilled, can't wait to tell Chanel. But Johnny is telling Chanel he still is in love with her, as Talia comes knocking on the door with her good news. Chanel is delighted for her, Talia sees Johnny, who quickly notes he was just leaving and takes off. Chanel looks after him, seems a bit torn now.
At the end, Rafe and Jada are wearing gloves. Rafe tells Jada the woman isn't a nurse. They don't
know who she is. Jada finds burner phone and opens it. A lot of text messages from one phone. One
text, says "is Ava out of the picture yet?"

At the DiMera mansion, EJ gets news update on his phone. It says shooting at Bayview. EJ says goodbye Ava.
Thanks, Poirot.

It was a shock when Rafe told Jada they would go to his house before the call about Bayview.

I was surprised when Harris took the gun then they both left. And I thought he decided to leave
to find Susan. Maybe they will do that later.

Since Chanel knows Johnny loves her, will she want to go back to him?

It was 3rd time the charm for Wendy and Tripp, but does anyone care?

Jada should be commissioner since she's smarter than Rafe.
I skipped through a lot of the romances I don’t care about, but I shockingly enjoyed the Ava and Harris action. I’m glad the cops figured out right away the victim was some kind of hitwoman. I can’t wait for EJ to find out that not only did his henchwoman get shot, but his mom is still alive.
Nice job, Poirot, thank you!

That henchwoman is not going to throw EJ under the bus, lest SHE be his next target. But I do think that, eventually, it will be revealed that EJ put out the hit on Ava.

The base of operations, as Harris called it, looked like the same grungy motel room Xander and Sarah lived in for a while.

Chanel should choose Johnny and say bye bye to Talia and her sweet bits. If Johnny had not been possessed, Chanel and Johnny would still be together.

I really thought Kayla would call Tripp's hotel room about Ava and interrupt his tryst with Wendy. Tripp and Wendy are so boring together. She had a lot more fire in her when we first met her (on Beyond Salem) and sorry more viewers were unable to see her then. Once again, another character is ruined. Tripp was always boring. No reflection on the actors at all. They were just not given enough to work with.

I half believed Jada when she told Rafe she should be Commissioner, that it was HER chair. At least she will get to see his house. Isn't that better than being Commissioner?:rotfl:
Thanks for the summary, Poirot. What a yawner. Tripp may be a cutie, but his relationship with Wendy would put Ambien out of business. Mind-numbing and sleep-inducing.

The plot for Ava, Harris, and EJ is just absurd. So stupid! At least Harris is somewhat entertaining, I'll give him that, but this doesn't make any sense.

I agree that Talia needs to leave Salem and be dumped by Chanel. Chanel is way better suited for Johnny.

Rafe and Jade continue to make me root for them. I hope it stays that way.
Once again, EJ showed that he isn’t worthy of playing in the DiMera big leagues. If Stefano was still around, he’d be uttering the immortal words, “Elvis, you fool!”

As for Harris, Ava owes him a lot, but how long will it be before he’s boring her to death.

As for Trippy and Wendy, they displayed the rare ability to make a hot, romantic tryst into something truly snoozeworthy.

Finally, anything to do with Johnny, the Biscuit Bandit, and the Cookie Baker was essentially barf worthy. If Seth Burns has any sense, he’ll send new hire Talia to a clinic in Mammoth Falls where she can treat hikers with poison ivy and persons who were injured when their cabins burned down.
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Am wondering if the need to cut down the large cast Days has, is what is leading them to severely limit some of the characters' time on screen??? Meaning they pop up for a few episodes, then vanish again.
Well that was a big fast forward day. I assume my ability to watch in under 10 minutes left me confused that Tripp and Wendy had slept together long ago. I assume that's why we got all of this today anyway. Who talks to their stepmom about such nonsense? You're a doctor for heaven's sake, I'd think you could afford a hotel room.

I really hope that Ava and Harris run off somewhere and we just don't have to deal with them again or at least for another year. This story seems like someone just came up with it out of the blue. And honestly I wouldn't be shocked to find that's the case. Actress who plays Ava probably called up and said she'd like to work and here we are.
Chanel and Johnny could be a young love story for the long-haul like Ben and Ciara. Making Chanel an unlabeled, equal opportunity sex partner is the worst thing ever for these writers. They don’t know what to do except love triangle after love triangle, which they do with every love match these days. None of this is as cutting edge as they think. This story with Talia is boring, and they have no chemistry.