Days of Our Lives - Wed. Sept. 8, 2010


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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Episode #11413 Taped 7/14 Director – Grant A. Johnson

Awkward moments and a few cat and mouse games throughout the show today. Nathan sits alone at the Cheatin’ Heart, remembering a conversation he had with Chloe, and in comes Melanie, Chloe, Philip. Melanie is her usual chirpy self, barely nods between Chloe & Nathan, or even Philip. Seems the happy couple brought Chloe there to ask her something, while Nathan is waiting for Stephanie. Mel sits with Nathan a minute of two, Phil & Chloe find a table, she joins them.
Outside, Stephanie is on the phone to Ian, who cannot find out if Philip changed those results without his e-mail address & server. Inside, Melanie tells Chloe she wants to throw her a baby shower, Chloe is touched, fine with her, it will be fun, maybe have couples…..Chloe agrees, Mel says yeah, like the birthday party, only too bad Philip had to leave. They begin talking decorations and such, Philip grins, his cue to leave. He joins Nathan, mentions something about the children’s wing, Stephanie had walked in earlier, eavesdropped, walks back in hears part of what Philip was saying and blurts out “oh, my gosh, did you tell him?”. Tell me what? We were talking of the children’s wing. (Sorry, this whole conversation is stupid, IMO. Stephanie awkwardly covers, talking of not knowing Chloe was telling everyone about her pregnancy, Nathan is puzzled, they both found out at same time. Chloe & Melanie leave to go shopping for shower decorations, Stephanie joins Philip, and starts the interrogation. She wonders if it isn’t awkward for Philip to be with Chloe/Daniel seeing as he & Chloe used to be lovers. He tells her it is past history, long ago, just like him & Steph. She asks where he went during the birthday celebration, he wonders how she overhears things from across the room. She persists, he says overhear, my foot. Tells her he was at Titan, some meeting for a project he & Stephanie had been working on some months earlier. He gets disgusted and leaves. She calls Ian, saying Philip probably used a titan computer, he needs Phil’s e-mail addy and name of server.
The gals return, loaded with shopping bags, Carly comes in, joins them, learns of the shower, figures it will be fun. Chloe laughs at how Melanie registered her with every shop in town. And now, in walks Vivian, delighted to hear about a shower, cannot wait. Melanie tells her she is not invited. Vivian pushes right in, she is Melanie’s step-mother-in-law and Chloe is marrying Victor’s godson. Melanie cannot take any more, leaves.
Vivian sits down, wondering why Carly & Chloe are such fast friends, ignoring the fact she paid people to mislead Chloe into hating Carly. And insisting there must be something else that is bonding them, what could it be.

Sami has decided that perhaps she should go to the hospital, Rafe is going with her. Meanwhile, Stefano is impatiently waiting, wanting to see his son. Daniel has to go check him first. Lexie tries to keep Stefano calm, Bo has come in, learns they got the bullet, it was sent to forensics. Stefano is blowing a lot of hot air, threatening, accusing, etc. Bo comments on all the enemies EJ has made, Stefano is insulted that Bo might think for a minute he would hire anyone to do in his son. Bo tells him it would not be the first time. LOL. In walks Sami & bingo, a new face to accuse. Rafe defends her, tells of how she was with him. Sami tells Stefano that when EJ comes to, he will be able to tell everyone who did it. Carly comes out, says EJ is steadily improving, it is looking good. Sami is getting coffee, Kate walks over, whispers they have to talk, about the phone call. Sami says not now, or here. Kate walks away. Rafe has observed. Lots of little scenes among all the characters. Kate is outside, Bo has come looking for her, wonders if she remembers anything, she repeats about she & Stefano being on the yacht all night. He gives her his card, in case she thinks of something. Bo is back at the hospital, has gone into EJ’s room. Daniel is checking the chart, comments how last night he had to pull him off of Nicole, was trying to kill her. Bo’s ears perk up, but Daniel assures him Nicole was with him & Chloe all night, with a bunch of FBI agents outside the door.

Stephanie calls Titan, making up a story about not getting e-mails about something or other, gets Philip’s e-mail addy and the name of the current server (they evidently switch them around constantly), calls Ian with the info.

Earlier, Vivian eavesdrops as Victor calls Maggie, knowing she is packing, wanting to see her on some foundation business before she leaves, but Maggie puts him off. She works on her laptop, as Melanie comes in, drops all her “shower shopping” packages, tells Maggie about Vivian trying to horn in. They talk about Maggie’s trip, going it alone, Melanie worries, Maggie assures her she will be fine. She leaves, in comes Philip, who hears about Vivian, who is insisting on coming, even tho she was told she was not invited. Philip agrees it is not o.k. at all.

Back at the hospital, the sound of one of EJ’s machines is heard, everyone is looking thru the window, Carly eventually comes out, saying he was going into shock over the loss of blood, they were transfusing him, that should do the trick. Stefano is roaring as usual, telling Lexie that no matter what, no matter the cost, or who has to be brought in, everything possible to save his son must be done. He will take care of everything. Ooops, Lexie is looking over papers, tells everyone that it is not up to Stefano at all. That EJ is a lawyer, very thorough, and drew up papers he faxed to the hospital, with a living will and naming Sami as the person in charge of making health decisions for him, should he be unable to do so. Shock all around. Sami is floored, she doesn’t want this, Stefano is beside himself. Lexie figures EJ thought he & Sami would be married, so this is why.
Stefano is roaring that it could be set aside, Sami agrees, where does she sign. Lexie says it is possible but would require going to court. Stefano is one the phone in a jiffy, will get a judge down there immediately, two if necessary.
Now Stefano is yammering at Sami again, insisting she wants EJ dead. Rafe reminds him she was with him all night. Stefano retorts yes, asleep. And looking straight at Sami says that whoever did this to EJ will pay, they will die… pain……..and alone.

I love how EJ is a bad bad guy until he is shot and then he becomes Lord almighty and everyone else is bad... oh please
Thanks Poirot. Those scenes at the hospital with Stefano sound great. Looking foreward to the show. Bet the scenes with Chloe, Melanie, Philip and Stephanie would be fun to watch as well.
Stefano threatens that whoever shot EJ will pay. Would this not be considered a threat and it would place Bo on high alert for some sort of retaliation. Sami being in charge of EJ. Seems the tables have turned. EJ was one pulling all the strings with Sami and now she is the one. I am in love with Days again. Way to go writers. Barb as always thanks for your excellent write-up.
Kate is outside, Bo has come looking for her, wonders if she remembers anything, she repeats about she & Stefano being on the yacht all night. He gives her his card, in case she thinks of something.

Now why would she need his card? Dont all the cell phones in Salem have everyone's phone #'s in them??? I mean anytime ANYONE needs to call someone, they just flip open their phone and have the # right there. :rolleyes:
That is the first thing I thought

Now why would she need his card? Dont all the cell phones in Salem have everyone's phone #'s in them??? I mean anytime ANYONE needs to call someone, they just flip open their phone and have the # right there. :rolleyes:

You took the words right out of my mouth.... With all the crimes Kate has been accused of and involved in she should know the number by heart.
I love how EJ is a bad bad guy until he is shot and then he becomes Lord almighty and everyone else is bad... oh please

Even bad guys get a somewhat of a unbiased/untainted/half-hearted investigation. You know they "SPD" has to keep up appearances. They would not want to incur Stephano's wreath either. I mean they kinda found the Lucas shot EJ last time.
Thanks for the lood ahead, this looks like it will be a good episode
I would really love it if the person Stephanie spoke with at Titan, and pumped for Philip's email and IT address, innocently mentions the call to Philip. And then, Philip angrily calls Stephanie on her tapping in to his and Titan's front of Nathan and Melanie and Chloe and Daniel and Carly!!!

I'd like her to get busted in a big way...maybe just as Kayla walks into the pub. That would be a great touch. I isn't going to happen that way. Just a thought.
LOL, it was Philip's personal assistant (Marie was the name Stephanie used) . And yes, I can just hear her mentioning to Philip that she hopes Stephanie solved the problems and is gettting the e-mails now. LOLOLOL
Stephanie doesn't even work at Titan anymore... Why would someone in IT give her that info? That usually is very secured...Just too stupid to me.
Thanks for the write up!

I'm glad that Nicole had an air tight alibi.

The whole things with Stephanie getting the IP address is really silly, though.
@sportzgirl........I agree. Even to the personal asst. knowing which server is the current one. LOL
However, Stephanie was supposedly calling on behalf of the Salem Hospital, and that Children's wing that Titan is funding or something. I will tell you I just could not believe the questions Stephanie was asking Philip, and he was so onto her spying for some reason. What the heck is it her business where he went or why when he left the birthday party. And to see her standing in the middle of Cheatin' Heart, just standing there, for no reason. She was eavesdropping, plain as day. Ugh.
Thanks, again, for the write-up. Sounds like a confusing but fun show. Well, parts of it.

This is a bit off topic but I wanted to mention something about Stephanie gaining access to the email and server info. First of all, she used to work at Titan so I would think that she knows Phil's email address.

Second, I'm a bit of a geek-wanna-be and read a lot of stuff that my friends look at me and go "why do you read that?" LOL. I read an interesting article a couple of weeks ago about how "secure" information is obtained. Interestingly, "cold calls" by people pretending to be in some sort of tech support to LARGE organizations found it quite easy to obtain useful information from the lower admin people, i.e. the person answering the phone! This was all an pre-arranged setup just to see what would happen, and the supposed "perpetrators" were investigators sworn to secrecy, and it sometimes took several phone calls to get all the info. But the point of all that was how easy it could *possibly* be to obtain such information. So since Steph used to work at Titan, I could accept her being able to get away with obtaining the info. Just my thoughts :)
Now why would she need his card? Dont all the cell phones in Salem have everyone's phone #'s in them??? I mean anytime ANYONE needs to call someone, they just flip open their phone and have the # right there. :rolleyes:

lol I thought the same thing.
well I guess melanie is officially 21 now because in today's show both her and philip were sitting at the table drinking bears.
Really? Now just how do you drink a bear? Do you use a juicer or Osterizer? LOL, just kidding, I know you mean beer. Melanie's birthday is in November. That is #1.

Legal drinking age in every state is 21. Some states have 19 as beer/wine consumption age. Illinois is 21 across the board. So is Wisconsin (except alcohol can be served to someone under that age, if they are with parents or spouse who are legal. Bartender discretion.
I think, tho, didn't Melanie have it mentioned that she turned 21 last year. Or was that 18? LOL. Cannot keep it straight.