Days of Our Lives - Wednesday, April 9th 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Episode #10,801 Taped 3/19 Director – Phil Sogard

Philip is on the phone with Jake, telling him he only has a week to find him. Chloe walks in, realizing Phil was talking about Brady, then getting upset that Brady has not been found, it has been months, and she got a call from the Austrian Consulate (just amazing that Salem even has consulates in their town. Wonders never cease! LOL) & they want to have her come in for questioning. Philip can’t believe they called the Kiriakis house, & promises to take care of it. Chloe boo hoos that Brady may never be found and she will spend her life in prison and may die there. Phil consoles her as perky Nicole comes in, asking what they are talking about. Phil wants to talk to her alone, Chloe goes to her room. Nikki tho is hungry, and if Phil wants to talk to her privately, then it has to be over dinner & a bottle of wine. She says the dress she is wearing is just made to be seen in public. Off they go.

Scene shift to Chez Rouge, Sami & EJ arriving, Sami not a happy camper, doesn’t see why she has to be there, if he has to meet with Mickey. EJ reminds her they have to put on this charade of the happy married couple for Mr. Burke, the INS agent, as you never know who he will interview next. Maggie shows them to a table, EJ looks over the wine list, asking her preference. She says she can’t do this, Maggie arrives with a bottle of wine, saying something about them fated to be together. This makes Sami very uncomfortable, & she tells EJ that is not so. He agrees, and knows it is all just an act, but talks of needing Burke to give him a Visa, and needing to be there to be a father to his son. Sami agrees (and again does not mention Allie!) and tells him that this charade will be over once he files for citizenship. (Still not understanding how he can practice law in the U.S. no visa, no citizenship????). EJ gives her a look, and just says one step at a time. She reminds him this marriage is not going to be forever, and says she really misses Lucas. He asks what happens (with his son) when Lucas returns, Sami says they will work something out, and then asks why he is so concerned, Lucas will not be getting out for quite some time.
And who walks in but Nicole & Philip. She spots Sami, rushes over to say hello, to a very surprised Sami, pulls up a chair, sits down, and gushes over Sami. She introduces herself to EJ, and says Stefano really got around, when she hears his last name. She tells Sami she looks radiant, as if she just gave birth to twins. LOL, then congratulates her, turns to EJ asking if he happens to be one of the fathers. EJ admits he is. Sami says he is a lawyer, works for Mickey Horton. (uh, oh) Phil comes over, telling her the table is ready, and she finally leaves. EJ asks who she is, Sami tells him she is married to Victor, which really makes EJ laugh, especially when Sami informs him she attempted to to kill Victor…..then says Victor WAS declared legally dead.
Over at Philip’s table, Nikki asks what Phil wanted to talk to her about. Phil tells her that her returning has not set well with his father, and Nicole goes all wide eyed, declaring how she wants to be a good wife to Victor, and to make this all work. Phil scoffs at this, saying the lawyers are working on this as they speak, reminding her she tried to kill his father. She protests that it was Jan Spears, and if she wasn’t still in a coma, she would tell him that. (well THAT question is now answered, lol) Phil says “if it is money you want….”, but Nikki merrily continues on about wanting a share of the Community property. She jumps up, saying she is going to talk to a lawyer, and she flounces back over to EJ & Sami, saying she needs some advice. If someone is married, and the spouse is declared legally dead, but isn’t, are they still legally married?

Chelsea is having coffee with Dr. Dan, asking how he likes the latte, he pronounces it good, they chat a bit, he asks her about herself, what she does for fun. She mentions being a student, hanging with friends, watching TV, reading…..rather boring. He says he wants to check all the cool hot spots in any town he is in, currently that is Salem, is she game to go with him. Sure. Nick comes up, saying hi, she introduces them, he joins them, thanking the doc for what he did for Bo & Chelsea, she mentions Nick’s grant – research talk ensues between the two men. Nick mentions wishing he could drive a hydrogen car, Daniel just happens to have one parked in Victor’s garage (how convenient!) & tells him to take it for a spin. Chelsea is looking uncomfortable & flushed, Daniel wants to take her to the hospital, she blames it on the hot drink, leaves to get a cold one. This gives Nick the opportunity to question Dr. Dan about his relationship with Chelsea (just friends) & stake his own claim. Chelsea returns, the doc is taking a phone call, Nick tells her he loves her, she is #1 with him, that he knows he has been busy with his research & grants, but that he is reprioritizing and she will always comes first with him. The doc returns, has to leave, tells Nick to keep an eye on Chelsea. After he is gone, Chelsea complains of being cold, inspite of all her layers of clothing.

John arrives at Marlena’s office, all ready to give her what she wants. Him. She continually badgers him about being old John, so he is all ready to see if that person is still there, and wants her to hypnotize him. If old John is there, then so be it. If not, then Marlena can stop pressuring him. She agrees, and puts him under, asking for his first memory. He talks of a room, all steel and lights, and a man, who gives him much pain, it is Rolf. She then asks him to think of a place that makes him happy. He smiles, it is his home. He loves it, it makes him happy. Marlena now tells him a story of a man, with a wife…….and we go into a series of flashbacks of John & Marlena….the 60s date at Salem Place, him on one knee proposing, both in bed in Hawaii when he brings her strawberries plus pineapples & whipped cream, & both on the beach. John remembers none of that. She brings him out, he asks how it went… didn’t. He says then you will stop, yep she won’t pester him any more. He leaves, and she says aloud that she knows their love is still there, and says John knows it too. Outside the door, John says there is nothing wrong with him the way he is now, and Blondie will accept him just like he is.


Sorry folks, adding this part. We see Nicole calling the Austrian Consulate when Phil goes for the car. Later, Chloe finds she is home alone, the phone rings, someone asks for Chloe, then hangs up when she says this is she. A bit later the doorbell rings, and it is two men from the Austrian Consulate, who want her to come with them for questioning.
thanks Barb .... I had high hopes for the first scene between Sami and Nicole ... Saddly it seems like the writer's are disappointing us ... dang! Sami and Nicole seemed rather boring.
Thanks, Poirot, for the write up!

I don't understand why EJ introduces himself to Mickey as EJ Wells, but to Nicole as EJ Dimera. The man needs to pick one and stick with it!
Still witholding opinion on Nicole until I see a little more of her. I loved that she called the counselate on Chloe. Somebody needs to do something with that girl to get her to talk....but I don't know where they are going with this story. Is Brady coming back or what?

As always, looking forward to seeing NuJohn on screen. Just love him and that cheesy, fake looking smile...and that black form fitted t-shirt.
I wish they would have had John remember soooomething ! It didnt even have to be anything big-just something.....

Thanks for the write up !!!!
Good write up Barb, They will eventually get back together everyone always does. The ones that are meant to be together that is. Look at Bo and Hope, Steve and Kayla and let's not forget all the times that John and Marlena have been apart and gotten back their love and relationship. And hey who knows maybe he will stay the way he is and they developed a new and stronger love. I like him better this way anyways. I thought that he was a little wimpy before.

Can't stand Chloe or Nicole! I hope that their come back is short lived.
Oh, for cryin out loud, Mikki, you just reminded me of something I forgot to include. About Chloe. I am gonna edit the writeup.

#CJ....yeah, the first scene between Nicole & Sami is not much, as Nikki focuses her attention on EJ.
Thanks for the write up!
Here is my wish list of what I would like to see happen..
Bring Brady back..or let us know what happened. cus Chloe is BORING!!!!
Bring back Lucas...Sami needs some guys competing over her. I go back & forth on Lucas/Sami & Sami/EJ. But bring him back for the stroy to get interesting.
John to be a good guy again!!! I do like his edgyness, but I hate that he is trying to be so domenating, both his personal & business life.
Nicole...go away!! :)
Oh, for cryin out loud, Mikki, you just reminded me of something I forgot to include. About Chloe. I am gonna edit the writeup.

#CJ....yeah, the first scene between Nicole & Sami is not much, as Nikki focuses her attention on EJ.

I guess there are some big Nicole and Sami scenes coming up in a few weeks! I guess I will just have to wait for the "real stuff".

Interesting how Maggie seems to be an EJAMI now! - What is up with that "fated" line?

I would so love it if EJ is the one who gets Lucas his early release - doesn't EJ say in this scene that he forgives Lucas? I think that EJ has resigned himself that Sami will never love him and so he is going to give Sami back her life with Lucas - he just wants to be reassured that he will be able to be a father to Johnny ... I see a whole lot of foreshadowing going on .. I think EJ is going to give Sami the surprise of her life!
@CJ, Yes, when he asks her about what happens when Lucas comes back. Sami says something about Lucas not coming back for a long time, and what does EJ care anyway, Lucas shot him. EJ replies that he has forgiven Lucas, that people make mistakes, or do things for which they are later sorry, and that he himself has done some rather shoddy things.
I'm loving Sami & EJ. But what is going on with Nicole? Is she back to make Sami realize that she does love EJ?

I really like NuJohn. Old John was so dull and boring.
Strange about Maggie and Mickey, after all, Lucas is their nephew. Would think they wouldn't be so helpful and nice to EJ. UNLESS, they have ulterior motives. Most people in Salem do.
@CJ, Yes, when he asks her about what happens when Lucas comes back. Sami says something about Lucas not coming back for a long time, and what does EJ care anyway, Lucas shot him. EJ replies that he has forgiven Lucas, that people make mistakes, or do things for which they are later sorry, and that he himself has done some rather shoddy things.

Thanks Barb ...
That's interesting ... How does Sami respond to that admission?
This is a very important question and would apply to John and Marlena as well!

Nikki merrily continues on about wanting a share of the Community property. She jumps up, saying she is going to talk to a lawyer, and she flounces back over to EJ & Sami, saying she needs some advice. If someone is married, and the spouse is declared legally dead, but isn’t, are they still legally married?
@CJ........she doesn't. A minute before, when he says everyone makes mistakes, Lucas made one. he says he has moved on. Sami replies she doesn't believe that for a second. So then he makes this comment about the shoddy things. And then he adds that the difference between them, is that when someone does something to Sami that is unforgiveable....she is unable to ever let it go, isn't that right? Cue Nicole & Phil to arrive and the camera shifts over to them, with Nikki spotting Sami and just "has to go over and say hello". LOL
Thanks for the write up!
Here is my wish list of what I would like to see happen..
Bring Brady back..or let us know what happened. cus Chloe is BORING!!!!
Bring back Lucas...Sami needs some guys competing over her. I go back & forth on Lucas/Sami & Sami/EJ. But bring him back for the stroy to get interesting.
John to be a good guy again!!! I do like his edgyness, but I hate that he is trying to be so domenating, both his personal & business life.
Nicole...go away!! :)

I agree with everything you say here!!! I too love John's edgyness!! But I do want him to get back more of his moral compass. I think that that will come from Marlena the more they are together. Marlena has to much integrity to stay with him as long as he is doing anything illegal.
@CJ........she doesn't. A minute before, when he says everyone makes mistakes, Lucas made one. he says he has moved on. Sami replies she doesn't believe that for a second. So then he makes this comment about the shoddy things. And then he adds that the difference between them, is that when someone does something to Sami that is unforgiveable....she is unable to ever let it go, isn't that right? Cue Nicole & Phil to arrive and the camera shifts over to them, with Nikki spotting Sami and just "has to go over and say hello". LOL

Thanks Barb ... So EJ can forgive and move on ... but Sami can't let things go!
Sami and Every other women on this planet ... women IMO in general have a hard time moving past things.

Barb ... do you believe EJ when he said he forgives Lucas?
Old John -- New John

I want Old John back, and his old memories and personality are stored on a disk that the evil Rolf hid from Marlena, etc.

I guess I'm in the minority because I HATE the "Eva" story line.
I'm with you on the whole Ava thing. It's boring to me and I fall asleep through most of it. That AND the whole taping Stephanie & Morgan's internships. I've tired myself out yelling at the tv on that one... how that's NOT how it would be done, they are right, the cameras should be following the girls, not focusing on Tony and Anna, etc.

Therefore, yesterday's episode (Monday, April 7 in US) was a real snoozer to me. yawn!


I guess I'm in the minority because I HATE the "Eva" story line.
This is a very important question and would apply to John and Marlena as well!

Remember Melaswen? That would have also applied to Caroline and Shawn, Doug and Julie, Abe and Lexie, Roman and Kate, AND Maggie and Mickey (although, didn't they remarry after "Bonnie"?). ALL of those couples (and more through the years) have had someone declared legally dead. Some of them several