Days of Our Lives Wednesday August 10, 2022


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Dec 2, 2020
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Sonny brings Chad a hangover cure. Chad doesn't think he can do hair of the dog, Sonny says it's a green smoothie and Chad doesn't want it. Chad thanks Sonny for letting him crash. Sonny says it's okay and Chad says it's not. Sonny's been thinking about what helped him when he thought Will was gone. Work gave him structure. Chad says I don't have a job. Sonny offers him a job at Titan. Alex walks in and says the job can't be Chad's.

Allie delivers Chanel flowers - she doesn't know who they are from (one guess, I do!)

Johnny knocks on Chad's door to borrow shampoo and finds Ava dancing. She turns around to see him.

Gwen is knocking on Jake's door looking for Ava. It's really important. Kristen opens the door and Gwen wants to know what she's doing there.

Xander dressed as a priest, comes in offering help with the prison's literacy program. The phone rings and there's an emergency and she has to leave for a moment. As soon as the warden is out, Sarah comes in and they have ten minutes to download everything they need. Sarah says who is stupid enough to keep track of when they lost track of a prisoner - the warden of Satesville of course.

Kristen says Jake and Ava helped her out, and she was looking forward to getting to know her brother better. Gwen says sorry for your loss. Kristen says yours too since you dated him. Gwen says he broke her heart and Kristen quips, you have one? She tells Gwen that Ava moved into the DiMera mansion.

Johnny is sorry to have bothered Ava but he didn't know she was in the room. Ava wants to know if anyone talks to each other in that house. Ava says EJ let her move in as she married his uncle - he says, you married Chad?

Sonny introduces Alex to Chad as his doofus brother. Alex apologizes. Chad says we DiMieras are always very polite. Chad is surprised they've never met. Alex is sorry to hear about Chad's wife. Alex is surprised that Sonny didn't know Victor gave him the job.

Sarah makes it into the files and Xander spells the last name for her. They are looking for all of her records. Gwen's files are downloading. The bloody collar is choking Xander, but Sarah finds it sexy. The warden comes in as they are getting a little frisky wanting to know what is going on.

Sonny wants to know when Uncle Vic gave him the job - and how can they happen when he's CEO, it's his decision. Alex says Uncle Victor sought HIM out about the job. Sonny says it's fine, they'll talk about it later. Alex is on his way to HR to fill out paperwork. They'll see each other at the office. Sonny says you've met my brother now and Chad says "He reminds me of someone, but I can't think of who."

She's the president of their sodality as Sarah turns the computer around and removes the drive. Xander makes excuses to get them out as the warden thinks he looks familiar.

Gwen didn't realize they were thinking of getting married. Kristen didn't either but asks to know what she needed to talk to Ava about. Gwen says to express her sympathy, Kristen mocks her urgent knocking and wants tot know the real reason she's there.

Johnny's going off on Ava thinking she married Chad. He wants to know why she's in his room after she tells him she didn't marry Chad. Johnny doesn't think of Jake when someone says his uncle. He doesn't blame Jake for not wanting DiMeras at the wedding. He didn't know him well but he's sorry for her loss. They discuss her staying there on EJ's invite. Johnny says welcome to the family she might want to get a food taster.

Allie's losing it, thinking the flowers are from Johnny, but they are from Paulina. Mama doesn't need a reason to send flowers. Allie wants to know why the card says sorry then. She tells Allie for a nanosecond mama thought about helping Johnny get Chanel back but won't give details. If Chanel won't tell her what he did, she's gonna get it straight from the *bleep*'s mouth.

Sonny's upset. Chad says he didn't even want the job. Sonny says Uncle Vic had no right going behind his back like that. Chad jokes what did he expect that Vic would give him the company and go make bird houses. Chad says he shouldn't have told Sonny not to work with his brothers.

Alex runs across the bakery and wants to know who came up with the name Sweet Bits. Chanel says she did. He says some people might find it provocative. Then he tries to flirt with her. She wants to know if he's surprised it is her business. She offers him a free sample to entice him into the store. He says she won't entice a guy into the store if she's standing outside. She's not buying it. HE explains he's from Salem, just moving back.

Allie and Johnny need to get something straight. She just heard that he tried to recruit Paulina to break them up. She won and he needs to deal with the fact that she and Chanel are together. Ava walks in saying Well that didn't take long.

Kristen wants to know since when Ava and Gwen are friends. Gwen was in jail because of Ava. Kristen wants to know what she's hiding. What's going on between those two.

Sarah hopes they got everything downloaded before the warden came back. They have visitor logs, call logs, dress code violations (aren't they all supposed to be in jumpsuits or scrubs?). Abby was killed June 10th and Gwen was missing from bed check on that night. No one knew where Gwen was when Abby was murdered. The question now is if it is enough to take to the cops. Xander says no. Sarah can prove it wasn't her that Lucas saw. They could go to the cops and tell how they found the mask as Gwen's place and she tried to get rid of it. But they can't prove she left the prison that night. They determine she must have had outside help getting out of the prison. They check the visitor logs and find Abigail visited her that day, and Sarah was the only other person. But the next day Leo and Ava visited. They find it strange that Ava visited.

Allie wants to know why Ava is there, Ava says she lives there and its a long story. Allie says this is a private conversation. Ava says wasn't it a month ago you told my son you loved him? Allie says yes. Then Ava goes on more about her and Tripp and his leaving town. Allie doesn't want to sound like she's making a threat but they need to be very careful with each other for Henry's sake. Ava understands and says she's right. Allie says since when are you team Johnny I didn't even know you knew him. Johnny teases "Oh intimately." in a whisper which Allie doesn't hear. Allie tells him to back off or she'll go full Brady on him. (I'm guessing she means she's going to turn into Sami)

Gwen doesn't see how that is any of Kristen's business. Kristen has been frozen out of her company, Meanwhile Ava has inherited Jake's stock and EJ has moved her into Kristen's house. Gwen can't help Kristen. Kristen says you and Ava can have your secret but don't forget what I did for you and she might be asking for something in return one of these days.

Sonny says when he was younger his brothers would make his life a living hell but Alex would take them aside and make them reconsider their role. He used to think Alex walked on water. Sonny feels that Alex thinks he's always going to be in charge. Chad says it is surprising to hear about conflict in a family business. Sonny doesn't want to fight with Alex, he was going to give him a job, but not this one.

Alex says that the sample is the best thing he's ever tasted. Tomorrow they'll have mango. Alex can't believe there's a bakery like that in Salem. He's hoping she can help him get re-oriented with Salem. She tells him there's an app for that. Alex was thinking of more. She says I can't. He says you have a boyfriend, and she says I did but we broke up. She didn't say she was single. Now she's with her girlfriend. Allie walks up.

Ava is sorry for shooting off her mouth like that. Johnny says she really does feel bad for what she did to Tripp. Ava wants to know if he's really over Chanel. He hates fighting with his sister so he has no choice. But he's not good at letting things go. She can relate.
Kristen tells Gwen to give Ava her regards. Gwen can't help but wondering why Kristen is stuck living in the dump of the garage. Truth is EJ offered to let her move into the mansion but he wanted concessions she wasn't willing to make.

Gwen made two calls on the day of the murder, Leo and Ava.

Allie comes up and Chanel wants to know how it went. Allie says there was no bloodshed, then offers a napkin to Alex. He introduces himself and she says no way, Sonny's brother? Chanel says he was hitting on her and Alex says until he found out they are gay, Allie says she's bi. Alex now wants to take out the both of them. Chanel says her mama told her to never turn down a 5 star meal and he looks like he can afford it. They agree to go out with him.

Sarah says she got Gwen riled up, next she calls Ava somehow gets out of prison, Abby is killed and Ava goes back to see Gwen the next day. They discuss Ava's connections and how she could get her out of Statesville. Looks like they need to have a talk with Ms. Vitali.

Johnny tells Ava if she needs anything to tell him. Gwen comes in to see Ava, Johnny wants to know how she got in, Harold let her in. Ava wants to know how she knew she was there, and Gwen says Kristen told her. Then Gwen realizes Ava has her ring. Jake got it for her, she asked him to take it back because she didn't want to hurt Gwen's feelings and she thought it would bring bad luck to her. Gwen says sadly she was right. She never thought they'd get married. Ava can't imagine that she came all the way to tell her that. She says No, they brought Sarah in, but she has an alibi, which means the police are looking for someone else. So Ava has to swear she won't tell anyone about her helping Gwen get out the day Abby was killed. Ava says is that because you killed her?

Sonny tells Chad he was so overwhelmed by grief when he thought he lost Will, he started talking to a counselor. It didn't bring Will back but did make him feel better. Chad says he has to talk to Thomas now to make things right. Sonny sends him to talk to Thomas and he'll talk to Alex.

Alex would give them his business card, but they are at the printers. Chanel will be in touch. He's cute isn't he? Allie asks if she should be jealous. Chanel asks again how it went with Johnny. She went there thinking she'd serve him his head on a platter but instead she got hers handed to her, Tripp's mom was there. Chanel wants to know why she was there, Allie doesn't know.

Johnny finds Ava's robe on the floor and flashes to the memory of seeing her without it then smiles.

Gwen says of course not, but it won't look good for either of them if anyone finds out. Ava says don't worry your secret is safe with me.

Xander and Sarah think Ava could be the key to proving Gwen killed Abigail.

Kristen calls Rolf asking if there's any change in Stefan. She's not patient and she needs this done. Stefan DiMera is not staying on ice forever.
Alex can leave now.....but alas he will stick around....

Johnny is now lusting after a woman older than his mom..... sure.... why not..... age is not important in Salem.....

Just why are Kristen's panties in a twist about Stefan??

When can I start work in Salem... Only work for 2-10 minutes get paid enough to live very well, drop things and go chat with whoever or simply leave your place of business.....
At first I thought they’d just be silly about Ava and Johnny. Now they’re turning it into something. She could be his grandma. :sick:

And double that for this weird threesome prostitution date where two women in a relationship agree to amuse a piggish man who fetishizes lesbians in exchange for a fancy dinner. That’s progressive? I can’t believe they got rid of Ben for this.

I enjoyed Sarah and Xander today, and while the conversation was annoying, I like seeing Sonny and Chad’s friendship.
That DOES seem to be the direction Days is traveling of late. Porn, suggestive conversations, looks, sexy inappropriate clothing, cursing, etc. I guess they think they are being "edgier", but instead are losing. Many viewers talk of seeing days because their mother or grandmother always watched it. Would you really want your 7, 9, 10 year old seeing Days now? Would you want them to grow up thinking the behaviors are the way all people act & talk when they grow up? That what they are seeing is "normal"? It's a shame that a show, so beloved for so many years has so deteriorated in quality.

Kris, good job on the summary. Thank you!
The show is just disgusting on so many levels now. The only things I enjoyed were (surprisingly) Sarah and Xander along with Chad's friendship with Sonny. Everything else is silly, ridiculous, and downright filthy! Even if (for now) it's just suggestive, the fact that they'd rather go there is just pukeworthy. This makes even the porn-style music for Carrie & Rafe's ice cube scene look like a PG-rated film in comparison.
Alex is disgusting, turning the name of the bakery into something sordid. I don't care what "advice" Chanel got about not turning down dinners (five star-restaurants?), come on!

True that Ava had no idea Johnny was behind her, but she was flirting, anyway. Hello, Mrs. Robinson? Johnny wasted no time claiming he was over Chanel. So Ava could be "over" him? Ugh!

I won't comment any further, it will just raise my blood pressure. Everyone who posted is on point.

Yet I will continue to watch this on Peacock until the feathers fall off, I guess. But "proud as a peacock" for this show? No. Sad to say, it is just going down the rabbit hole.

Here are a few comments on aspects of today's show that didn't cross the line into tasteless nonsense.

Warden Pettibone: The ease with which "Father Xander" and his little helper were able to steal information from her laptop explains why inmates can walk in and out of prison like it was the Salem bus station.

Xander: In a way it's too bad that he isn't a priest. If he was assigned to St. Luke's, church attendance would go way up.

Victor: He actually gave the loutish Alex an executive position? This guy isn't fit to pull weeds in the K-Mansion gardens.
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Thanks, Kris.

I don't have earbuds. Are they made so well you can't hear anything else? I've seen that happen other TV shows too.

At first, I thought Allie bought the flowers for Chanel. I liked Allie's hair today.

Alex is awful. There's nothing good about him at all.

Were we supposed to think it was funny when Chad thought Alex reminded him of someone? Then the warden
said the same thing to Xander. Maybe she didn't recognize Xander since he was wearing a shirt.

Gwen noticed Ava was wearing her old ring. Since the ring seems to bring bad luck, Ave shouldn't wear it.

Chanel thinks Alex will take her and Allie to a five star meal. Is there a place like that in Salem?

I'm glad Xander and Sarah are putting the pieces together. Did Gwen kill Abigail? We all want her to be the murderer.
I don't have earbuds. Are they made so well you can't hear anything else? I've seen that happen other TV shows too.

My youngest daughter is autistic and has sensory issues too, we got her some that have noise cancellation and they are very helpful in keeping her from hearing things. I’ve tested them before too. So it is possible but far fetched Ava has them
I don't have earbuds. Are they made so well you can't hear anything else?
I have cheap ear buds and when I wear mine, I tend to block out all other noise. Doubtful, I'd hear someone come into my room. Perhaps knocking but if I was dancing and singing as Ava was.... nope....