Days of Our Lives - Wednesday, August 2, 2023


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Dec 30, 2012
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Steve comes to the hospital, small talks with Tripp about how Wendy chose him over Johnny and the Abe case. Then talk turns to Trask's date with Li, for some reason. Steve offers to take Kayla somewhere and let Tripp and Wendy have alone time at their place, to get away from Li. Tripp appreciates it, but is skeptical, suddenly Abe calls Steve.

In the Square, Talia runs into Chanel, who hears that Colin was sentenced to 20 years. Chanel isn't upset about it, Talia is emotional because Colin looked at her with such hatred, she should have been going away with him. We get the boring blah blah blah about how Talia thinks Colin was right about her, and Chanel saying he wasn't because Talia saved her and Paulina.

Then talk shifts to Abe's survival and how Talia knocked on Whitless' door, Talia missed Chanel, things get awkward, they decide to go to dinner. Chanel says her employee replacement sucks and she misses her at work and her friendship. Later they're eating dinner in the Square, catfish is mentioned, which reminds Chanel about Abe because he loves catfish.

Abe is at home, Paulina asks if he remembers. He is sorry, but doesn't. Paulina is sweet about it, says she is patient and just happy that he is back and in good health, thinks he will recover soon. He appreciates how she got the apartment ready, she asks if he wants food but he says no, Paulina asks what he wants to do now, then starts suggesting watching movies and cuddling on the couch with popcorn, kisses Abe. He pulls away, apologizes but isn't ready after the ordeal with Whitless,

Paulina is hurt that he can't remember them, understands but has to leave and cries. Later Paulina returns and apologizes, opens the door to Patch, who says Abe called him, mentions John told him to call if he needed something. Paulina is shocked when Abe says he needed a place to stay that he can be comfortable, Paulina get emotional. Patch offers to wait outside, Paulina tells him to convince Abe, but eventually Patch takes Abe away after trying to convince him, and Paulina cries.

Nicole runs into Eric outside the Pub, she is going to see Abe, everyone is happy. He tells Nicole Abe is at Paulina's, let them know he is willing to help anyway he can. Nicole is surprised to hear Abe's back home and will head over there, Eric realizes she never saw him when she was at the hospital. Nicole realizes Eric learned about her run-in with Sloan, mentions Sloan got her test results by mistake, which surprises Eric.

Eric and Nicole small-talk about being happy about where they're at, Nicole's baby being healthy, when Eric reveals he didn't get the test results, which weren't ready. Nicole wonders why they gave Sloan her own test results then, Eric thinks it was part of the mix-up, asks Nicole to give Abe her love, Nicole agrees and leaves as Eric calls Sloan.

Wendy makes some drinks for Li since she is finished working for the day, she wants to hear about his date. He says it was a disaster, she thinks he needs a new matchmaker, he mentions she got it right the first time, as Trask was better on the first date, they sat down and talked and it went well, her first date was Alex Kiriakis, which went badly. Wendy is glad she never was with him, has heard he gets around, thinks the matchmaker did this on purpose, is skeptical he can trust Trask, back and forth.

Li tells Wendy to have a romantic evening with Tripp at home, he gives her his drink to finish because he has a dinner with Trask, leaves. Tripp gets home and hears Li is out on a date with Melinda after seeing the glass. Wendy mentions they have the place to themselves, she can make him a fresh drink. Tripp mentions he booked a room at the Salem Inn, they can watch the stars on the roof and enjoy dinner. They never know when Li might come home if his date goes wrong, Wendy kisses him and says she'll pack a bag.

Sloan sits in the park with Trask, upset about Colin being arrested and sentenced for 20 years, Trask comforts her. Talk moves to Trask's awful date with Alex, how hew wouldn't shut up about Stephanie. Sloan is amused, Trask tells her that she had another date with Li Shin. Talk shifts to the baby when Sloan gets stressed, Melinda wants to know what is wrong and Sloan says it's a secret having to do with Nicole Walker, Trask can't tell anyone. Melinda asks what is wrong, Sloan reminds her Nicole is pregnant, but Eric calls, wants to talk to her about something in person. Sloan says she'll see him soon, hangs up, tells Trask she has to go.

Trask wants Sloan to finish telling her story but Sloan says she has to go, it was nothing, leaves. Sloan gets home to Eric, informs him about Colin, he gives his condolences but she isn't surprised. Eric mentions his run-in with Nicole and questions Sloan about what happened. She flashes back to learning the baby is Eric's, accuses Eric of interrogating her because he asks sensible questions like why she didn't read the name on the results package. Eric apologizes for being insensitive when Sloan says she is stressed about her brother and the pregnancy. Sloan saved him from being hopeless after the ordeal with Jada and Nicole, now they have hope for a future for their family, having a baby.

In the bistro, Trask has ordered her and Li's favorite wine, he sits down and flashes back to Wendy saying that perhaps Trask is trying to get him drunk to have him confess. Li can't stay, there's something he must take care of, leaves. At Paulina's, she opens the door to Nicole, who heard from Eric that Abe came home. Paulina tells her that Abe moved out. At Steve's, Abe apologizes for earlier with leaving Paulina's. Patch tells him not to worry, he has a nice guest room, Abe is grateful for everything.
Hey, thanks DaysD..............was just about to watch the show this a.m. and voila! your excellent summary popped up, so I have put it off to later this afternoon. Wonder if the suits at Days figure it is summer, people are on vacation, at the beach, tending to gardens, watching kids frolic in the pool, etc. etc. so not paying much attention or something. Thus don't have to exert themselves??

They fail to realize that people are able, now, to watch live, so do look forward to doing so. They are not at work, at school, but Days is falling down on the job of late.

Sure, we can't have breathtaking excitement every single day, but what about a scene or two. One of the storylines?? Oh, well, just glad Days is still around, hope they get their back stage problems fixed.
Well done, DaysD!

Paulina needed to dial it back, and there she goes, jumping poor Abe when he wasn't expecting it, and he still doesn't know who she is. Wonder if, that never happened, would he have been able to stay there and sleep in his own room? Do they have a guest room? There is Chanel's bedroom, but what about a third bedroom? Where did Paulina's mother, Olivia, sleep?

I guess Abe chose Steve because he had trouble remembering John's name and called him Jim? Both Steve and John have room for Abe. Shame it came to that, but Paulina couldn't help herself.

Eric sure doesn't miss a beat, grilling Sloan about the DNA tests. Hoped she would get caught but slid by, once again.

Chanel, really? Going to dinner with Talia? She is so annoying, to start with. That's just one reason why Chanel needs to forget her. How much do you want to bet she will rehire her once her community service is over?

Why the heck can't Jada and Rafe canoodle at HIS house, where there is no one to get in their way? Should Jada put a sock on the door knob to keep Talia/others away?

How romantic of Tripp to book a hotel room. Is anyone but me wondering if this will be Wendy's first time ever?

Guaranteed that Melinda will finish that entire bottle of wine. Will Li ever trust her?

20 years for Colin is not enough. What will he be when he gets out, early 40s? He is sure to escape like many before him.
I still think Abe is going to remember bad things about Paulina before he remembers loving her for whatever reason. Still not a Paulina fan. Glad Abe moved out. She deserved that.

So when Nicole finds out EJ isn't the father, because you know she will, will she keep the secret? And wow! I can't believe Sloan almost confessed to Melinda. Will she? I'm sure Melinda will ask.

When will it come out that Li was part of the scheme to kill Stefan? I'm sure Wendy suspects.

Steve, I think it was a little creepy offering Tripp his old room to get busy with Wendy for the first time. And yes Tripp, it was presumptuous to get a room at Salem Inn, but she's packing a bag. I still don't like them as a couple.
I guess the writers figured having Colin roaming around was not good. No sending him to another state, or country. Instead he is in prison, where they can pull him back into Salem should they decide down the road a few years.
Steve stayed the longest chatting with Abe, who really doesn't remember. Maybe that is why Steve was the one on Abe's mind. Haven't seen the show yet, how did Abe know Steve's phone #?
Thanks, DaysD.

When John and Steve talked to Abe in the hospital, they told him their numbers were in his phone.

I wondered why Abe called Steve since John's name should be first, but it's Salem.

I laughed out loud when Paulina jumped on Abe for the kiss. It didn't take long for her to forget what Marlena
said about patience. Will they be seeing Marlena for counseling?

Why did Wendy open her big mouth? Doesn't she want her brother to find someone?

Why oh why is Rafe seeing Jada at the pub? He has a big house they can use.

Will Eric remember later that Sloan "accidently" got Nicole's test results when he finds out he's
the baby daddy for Nicole's baby?
It was hard to stay awake during this one with such highlights as dinners featuring dull and duller (Talia & Chanel) and the barracuda and the schemer (Li and Melinda). Add in forger Sloan and fretting Eric and Mr. Romance (Trippy) and Ms. Tedium (Wendy), you’ve got a perfect cure for insomnia.

On other fronts, Sloan shouldn’t get too bothered by Colin’s 20-year sentence. Caring Eric should remind her how quickly such moral monsters as Kritter, Clyde, and Orpheus get out of prison.

Finally. How romantic will Trippy feel in his Salem Inn love nest if he finds “Alex was here,” ”Xander was here,” “Johnny was here,” or “Leo and Dimitri” were here” written on the bathroom wall?
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you probably got that right, grahamcracker..........

Hey, all the cast has X number of episodes per week, unless they are recuring. (at that poiint, Days takes a chance on them being available)

This is why we sometimes see major characters doing filler stuff. You know, bump into each other on the street, hi, how are you, on my way to meet so and so, say hi for me, will do.