Days of Our Lives - Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Steve stayed the longest chatting with Abe, who really doesn't remember. Maybe that is why Steve was the one on Abe's mind. Haven't seen the show yet, how did Abe know Steve's phone #?

The answer was given the day before. From the Tuesday, August 1st summary:

"John tells Abe that he and Steve will annoy him to help him remember who he is. They tell Abe they have stories. John tells Abe he has support with friends and family. John reminds him what he said a long time ago, "rest is a weapon". They leave and tell him their numbers are in his phone."
I kind of feel bad for Paulina, I'd probably be just as annoying to my husband!

Eric bothers me so much I feel like I want to be in Sloan's corner, and that is saying a lot! He has such nerve. Ugh.