Days of Our Lives - Wednesday, February 1, 2023


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Dec 30, 2012
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Xander kisses Gwen and asks her to remove her top so he can see if she is wearing a wire. He lets her know that Leo came by to say he cut a deal, he thinks she came by to help Leo. Gwen slaps Xander. They argue about his right to be suspicious, she knows he his drunk, she came by to reassure him that she's taking his side. Gwen lets Xander know she chose him over Jack. Xander thinks she is crazy, Jack means a lot to her but Gwen says so does he. "I love you, you big knob, don't you get that?" She tells him. But she thinks he loves Sarah and all she does won't mean anything because Sarah will probably just forgive him, they'll resume their relationship and she'll be left alone. But she is still happy to help and will always do it because she will always care about him.

Xander tells her he signed divorce papers. Gwen thought Sarah liked him being a bad boy, Xander says there were limits, they're done for good this time. Gwen says she's sorry to hear it. "No you're not," Xander replies. Gwen admits that Xander is right, but she tells Xander she truly does care about him. She's sorry he is hurting, but she still thinks that Xander can win Sarah back and she will be all alone. Xander reassures Gwen that his marriage to Sarah is over, and not just on her side. He doesn't want to be with someone who's always moving the goalpost, who can't forgive him, but all she does is insult him and file for divorce. "Meanwhile, there's you." he tells Gwen.

He points out that she didn't throw him under the bus like he deserved, despite it costing Jack and even with the chance he might not take her back. But she truly cares about him and believes in him and doesn't judge him. Xander will show her how that makes him feel, he kisses Gwen and she responds. Xander asks if Gwen still doubts him, she doesn't but finds it so hard to believe that this is happening. They talks sweetly, Xander thinks they belong together. They continue kissing on the bed.

Sarah interrupts Bonnie writing her speech for Kayla's eulogy. She was a wonderful doctor and friend, but Sarah's papers aren't a eulogy but divorce papers from Xander. Bonnie thinks Xander will walk through those doors thanking her for helping Sarah forgive him. Sarah says she walked in on him with Gwen, and that though they hadn't made love, she can't go back to him like this. She is tired and scared of the bad boy act now, it isn't fun or exciting anymore. All she has to do is sign them, but Bonnie takes them away.

We get a silly chase scene with Bonnie telling Sarah to think about this and threaten to rip the papers apart (in what world is this OK?). Sarah tells Bonnie she is getting really upset even if Bonnie thinks she is being helpful. It isn't helpful, the childish conversation and threats to rip the papers continues. Sarah regrets ever getting involved with Xander. Sarah will simply have another set drawn up and signed if Bonnie rips up the papers. Bonnie folds and gives Sarah the papers, she was standing up for true love. Sarah says Xander didn't truly love her or else he wouldn't have done what he did. She signs the papers as Bonnie walks away, resigned to the situation. Sarah looks a bit sad.

Allie sees Alex in the Square with flowers, asks if he and Stephanie are back on track? He says no but perhaps later tonight. Apparently Alex has updated Allie and she can't believe he's just going over without a warning. Allie asks why Stephanie would agree to see him. Blah blah blah about turning her phone off, how Paulina talked to him. They sit down, Allie thinks if the letter is a heartfelt apology then she would forgive him, if it was Allie in Stephanie's shoes.

Alex and Allie give each other a pep-talk. The conversation shifts to Chanel, she updates him on what happened and that they're on a break. Alex offers to be the couple's therapist if she calls Chanel over right now. He took psychology classes in college and wrote relationship articles, so that gives him the experience needed. Allie rightly says this is only between the two of them and he needs to get to Stephanie. He takes his leave.

Stephanie tells Chad it is a good time, he just saw Jack, has some serious things to tell her about the two of them. Stephanie is confused, Chad is nervous and feeling warm. He goes on about never really being able to move on from Abby, doesn't want to say his mushy pre-prepared speech, but wants a future with her. Stephanie points out that he told her he was grieving, but he says his conversation with Jack changed everything. Chad will always remember and miss Abby and love her, but Jack told him he cannot let this hold him back because otherwise it'll never be the right time. He doesn't want to keep waiting or else he will miss out on something really great.

Stephanie can't believe this since he told her not long ago that he wasn't ready, which is why she got with Alex. Now he says she didn't have to? It could've been them this whole time--it only hit him tonight. She is happy he didn't wait another minute and kisses him, just in time for Alex to walk in and see. He closes the door without being noticed, and leaves the note and flowers outside before leaving. Stephanie stops, thinking she heard something, Chad didn't, they continue. Now they're on the sofa kissing, Chad stops and Stephanie asks what is wrong. He talks of being so happy and nervous, but she is going through a lot right now, she's happy he spoke with Jack.

Chad thinks he should leave and give her some space, they can talk again in a week or two. Stephanie thinks Jack didn't get through to Chad totally, there'll never be a right time. She kisses him, they continue. Stephanie leads Chad to her bedroom. Chad begins to interrupt but she tells him she's sure, no more doubts or hesitations, music plays as they begin to make love. They're in the aftermath, Chad jokes he forgot flowers, which Stephanie doesn't need, they pillow talk before kissing more.

Alex is back in the Square and Allie asks how it went. He points out that he's here alone. Allie has been updated that he walked in on Chad kissing Stephanie. She is so sorry, but Alex feels like the biggest idiot that ever lived because of what he did. He made a huge mistake, pushed the woman of his dreams into another man's arms, Allie tries to make him feel better, but it doesn't work, he doesn't want to talk about it anymore. She hates seeing him hurting, he asks about Chanel, she hasn't heard from her. Allie thinks if she went to see Chanel, she would've walked in on her with Johnny or another person. Alex asks her to join him for a drink and off they go, giggling.

Anna is tearfully writing Marlena's eulogy. Chloe comes in, looking for Stefan and Anna says she hasn't seen him. Chit-chat about her with Stefan, but Anna offers to stop prying. Chloe came by to tell Stefan that they should end things. Anna asks what happened, Chloe says she doesn't think Stefan knows what he truly wants. A phone rings, it's the landline. Anna picks up, hears from Statesville, she asks why Vivian Alamain is calling. Anna doesn't understand whatever points Vivian is trying to make, gives the phone to Chloe. Of course, it comes out that Gabi has Stefan in the secret room.

Gabi is so happy that Stefan is alive. He asks where they are and why he's tied up. Gabi yells at Rolf for erasing his memories, Stefan asks what memories have to do with anything. Rolf tries defending himself, but Stefan doesn't understand what is going on. Gabi begs him to remember what she means to him, explains why they're here and says she loves him and is helping him. He asks if she is really trying to help him, says he feels like he loves her. Gabi is shocked, Stefan loves and wants her, doesn't know how he felt any other way.

Rolf warns that he might be faking it, Gabi asks Stefan if that's the case and believes Stefan insisting that he is in love with her when he tells her to kiss him for proof. He talks about them and their love when Anna and Chloe barge in yelling at Gabi, who says Chloe is too late because Stefan loves her. Stefan agrees but he also loves Chloe. Gabi insists that Rolf fixed him, he doesn't feel anything for Chloe. But Stefan insists both of them are in his heart, Gabi yells at Rolf, but he finished his work, she insists he do something about this. Anna unties Stefan and wants to figure this out, Stefan says he loves both of the 2 most beautiful women in the world, what a lucky guy he is.
I liked the episode (so happy there was no devil), beyond the Allie-Alex crap and the Bonnie's scenes with Sarah. That was just silly and irritating filler.

I have always liked Xander with Gwen more than him with Sarah, so today's show made me really happy in that regard. Also am happy that Stefan does truly love Chloe. Stephanie and Chad being together also warmed my heart. And it was nice seeing Anna again. I think this lays the groundwork for a promising Valentine's Day, if properly done.
So Alex the sleezeball decides not to interrupt the kissing couple, but leaves his flowers & note right outside the door. Hmmmmm.

Wonder who finds them, Chad as he leaves, Stephanie, or both at once??

Ahhh, Gabi, Rolf warned you things might not go well. LOL.

So good to see Anna today !!!!.

As for Gabi/Stefan/Chloe.......Chloe had come looking for Stefan and said outright that she wanted to tell Stefan it was not going to happen between them.

Thanks DaysD........
Who asked Anna to write Marlena's eulogy? And why? I like Anna but it just seems from left field....will Anne Milbauer be writing Kayla's eulogy?

Three long time characters died, big story stay with us we will get back to it.... really we will... but in the meantime the younguns must rub body parts together because yea it's disjointed and strange, but really it's important story development while we wait for the blockbuster amazing story we've got for you.... I guess this week is the eat your vegetables week before the promised great story we've written for you story starts.....

Thanks DaysD for the write up....
Who asked Anna to write Marlena's eulogy?
Yeah, it's not like they were besties. They were friendly with each other, considering at one time Marlena was a loving stepmother to Anna's daughter (Carrie). But it's not like they were super close. How about one of Marlena's actual kids writing the eulogy?? Then again, what could we expect from her self-centered screecher twin, her sourpuss fallen priest twin, her lousy lawyer, her sex-addicted stepson, or her other lousy lawyer pseudo-stepkid. The only one I'd have any faith in would be Paul, her other stepson. Oh, and let's not forget the kids she carried for 9 months and bore, the space pod alien twins, who she said she'd always love as her own, but hasn't mentioned since then. :rolleyes:
I really do not like Chad. Did he honestly believe that one day he would just forget about Abigail? I was hoping Stephanie was go to say, "Chad I can't. You're not ready and you were my cousin's husband so it's kind of creepy," but nope! She jumped right into bed with him! Of course she had to, otherwise we couldn't have a fabulous who's the daddy story.

I was hoping we were going to have happy Gabi and Stefan but lord knows we can't have happy. Seems he might be a little sleazy now too.

I was glad that Alex didn't barge in. Love the actor, so I'm rooting for him.
Nicely done, DaysD!

I think Chad is going to "get back" at Alex and take the flowers/letter and throw them away, but if he is smart, he will ditch the flowers far away and shred the letter and ditch that, too, where no one can find it/piece it together. Better yet, literally shred it with a shredder.

We were not privy to birth control talk, but I hope they used protection. They never should have hooked up to start with. Just because Jack said Chad should move on, that is what Abigail would want, he beds Stephanie? Isn't it still under a year? Abby is gone since July? I can't remember.

I thought it would be very funny, indeed, if Stefan looked at Rolf and said he loved him, too! He had such an innocent face today, he loves everyone!! When actors convincingly shift gears, and their faces reflect that, it is a gift for the viewer.

Xander, also, is good at looking sad, angry, lying, seductive. Did everyone notice that he was patting down Gwen when she was lying down on the bed. He doesn't trust her. I feel bad for her. She is not a one-sided character. We have seen many layers of Gwen, and she truly loves Xander.

Just because Sarah signed the divorce papers, does not mean she will file them. Bonnie has definitely influenced her. Why does Bonnie care so much, anyway?

I got whiplash watching Alex take the glasses off/put the glasses on. He is a lovesick puppy who is in the doghouse.

Waiting for Chanel to walk in on Allie and Alex next.
will Anne Milbauer be writing Kayla's eulogy?
Might be worth hearing if so!!

The merry-go-round as the writers react to the fans reactions to their poor decisions continues - with Xander now wanting Gwen. Snore (and I like both characters).

I admit I know longer know if the story is about Stephanie and her cousin by marriage or Stephanie and her other cousin by marriage. I don't really like any of them, so I'm hoping for a "who's the daddy" storyline where the hospital explodes during the paternity test.
I thought it would be very funny, indeed, if Stefan looked at Rolf and said he loved him, too!
I think Stefan should become infatuated with Julie since she has his heart. Would be funny to watch him chasing her around Salem, declaring his undying love for her. Boy, that would chap Gabi's behind. :rotfl:
Sometimes, at some funerals, several people give an eulogy. Or at least go up, separately, to say something about the deceased, their relationship, an experience, etc. etc. Have been to a few.
Thanks DaysD.

Sarah is lucky the fireplace wasn't lit when Bonnie got the divorce papers. Bonnie would have thrown them in to burn.

I don't know who sang the song when Chad and Stephanie were taking off their off clothes. It was interesting the person
sang about the "wayback machine" (from Mr. Peabody)

Alex told Allie he "felt like the biggest idiot" when he saw Chad and Stephanie kissing. That's a fact.

Nice to see Anna today.

I can understand why Anna might be writing an eulogy for Marlena, but why was Bonnie writing one for Kayla?

It was funny when Rolf asked Stefan if he was faking when he said he loved Gabi.

I laughed at the end when Stefan said he was in love with two most beautiful women in the world.
Salemites speak out on today’s events.

Steve: ”Baby girl, can’t you do better than a dull DiMera with children?”

Alex’s bouquet: “Face it guys, we’re headed for the trash.”

John: “I let anyone who asks write a eulogy for Doc. I’m too tired to say no.”

Rolf: “Gabriella, so vat if Stefan loves Chloe too. Don't you Americans love competition?”

Gwen: “Thanks for the smooch, big boy, but now get cleaned up and put on some clothes.”

Alex: “So what if I flunked that psych class back in college.”
Just yuck on Stephanie and Chad. Considering she jumped right into bed with him maybe she could admit that Alex was right about Chad and that he should have been wondering about her too. And there's something just gross about people just jumping from bed to bed each week. Could these people maybe date?
Bonnie writing one for Kayla?
"I remember when I was pretending to be Adrienne, I got so close to Kayla, and Justin has told me so much about her from the time they were engaged...." NOT EVEN IN SALEM. LOL
John: “I let anyone who asks write a eulogy for Doc. I’m too tired to say no.”
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: