Days of our Lives - Wednesday, January 10, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
43 minutes today, folks. Sorry this is late, lots of other distractions at the house today.

Paulina is blending a “slop”, per Chanel. Shrek, Green Goblin are mentioned. She hasn’t heard from anyone about her thyroid.

Stephanie brings a cup of coffee to the Pub for Everett. We got to see the headline of the story Everett worked on all night. “Mayor Price’s Tough-On-Drugs Policies Net Record Poll Numbers” The two chat about their trip down memory lane, and how she can bring in outside food because she’s a Brady. Everett is concerned that he derailed their meeting on New Year’s Day, night.

Jada and Harris come into a room to question someone who had 10 bags of drugs.

Nicole is home, she worried about leaving the hospital. She hasn’t slept for 48 hours. EJ is going to have cook make her a light breakfast and then she can take a shower. Nicole yells at EJ for treating her like she’s five.

Brady and Theresa are waiting for Tate to arrive. Tate, arrives head down, stumbling, the guard tells the parents no hugging. Tate has a black eye. Brady yells WHO DID THAT TO YOU?? As if he has the power to do something.

Stephanie wants to plan an escape room with the paper as a sponsor for a fun evening.

Paulina has finished the green glop. She goes on and on about how Western medicine hasn’t fixed Abe but maybe holistic medicine can help. Abe arrives with food from the bakery (that Chanel hasn’t been to yet or has come home from, as she’s still in her robe) with some double dutch chocolate croissants. Paulina takes them and tosses them.

EJ talks to Nicole about defying the odds, he talks of surviving the odds as he was shot in the head and while recovery was long, he is fine. (Sami shot EJ in the head before she thought he was all that and a bag of chips; or EJ could be talking about when Clyde’s henchman shot and killed him in the park. I don’t remember that being a head wound) Nicole doesn’t believe that Holly will recover because God didn’t look out for her son.

Tate tells them the tale of the black eye. He was sitting and eating, and some guy stole his sandwich. When Tate looked at him, the bad guy punched him in the face. Both parents are outraged and Theresa promises that Brady will do something about getting Tate out of jail TODAY.

Stephanie and Everett continue their holdover meeting from New Year’s Day night. Everett has re-threaded the brooms for the MKL Day celebration, A Day of Service. (Who re-threads brooms? Is there a store front business for that?) Leo didn’t get his column in on time. But will get one ready soon. Stephanie flashes back to waking in Harris’ bed, hungover.

Harris and bad guy and Jada continue to talk. His name is “Mr. Smith” Mr. Smith just sold 3 bags to an undercover cop, it's an open and shut case. Harris and Jada blah blah for a bit.

Brady doesn’t know what to do. Theresa asks Brady to talk to Nicole and see if maybe Nicole can talk to EJ to get Tate’s bail reinstated.

Nicole tells EJ that she said a prayer when they spread her son’s ashes outside. It is now abundantly clear how God feels about her. EJ tells her that God doesn’t keep an eye on each person and how accidents happen. Nicole doesn’t need permission to cry, that’s all she’s been doing. She wants to scream. EJ pulls her to a standing position and screams with her.

Abe wants to know why he can’t have a chocolate croissant? We get a PSA about good food and eating healthy. Chanel leaves, sorry, that was a dress not a robe. Paulina goes into her pitch about alternative treatments for memory loss, but Abe stops her. IF he doesn’t get his memory back, he can live with it, can Paulina?

Everett is secretly a gigolo, that’s his deep dark secret. In the middle of this conversation, Everett gets a news update they are taking someone in for questioning. Everett leaves as Jada comes in looking at her phone so they don’t see each other.

Mr. Smith’s real name is Mr. Hulsenkamp, his prints came back. Harris makes fun of the guy's name, because of course he does. Hulsenkamp was released from Statesville 2 days ago.

EJ and Nicole have finished their screaming session. Nicole is going to shower, EJ will bring her toast and tea. The doorbell rings and EJ is forced to answer it. It’s Brady. He heard screaming down the driveway. Brady wants to talk to Nicole alone.

Paulina and Abe continue the pointless memory return conversation. Paulina wants to show Abe a video of their wedding. Abe knows that it was a very bad day for Lani. He does want to see the wedding ceremony, because it must have been one of happiest days of his life.

Jada joins Stephanie, they discuss their day drinking party. Jada asks Stephanie if Harris got her home safe and sound like the gentleman that he is? Stephanie smiles.

Everett knocks on the window, interrupting the interview. He wants a chance to interview Mr. Hulsenkamp.

Theresa and Tate talk. Theresa wants to know if he put ice on it? Tate breaks the news to his mom that there is no going to the infirmary for a simple black eye. Tate is faking being brave, he doesn’t know how much longer he can take this.

Nicole comes downstairs, she wants to talk to Brady. EJ reluctantly leaves. Nicole allows Brady into the foyer. Brady apologizes for Holly, he loves her and hopes she pulls through. Brady puts his case forward. Tate was beaten by a grown man.

We get to watch pieces of the wedding video. Paulina cries throughout the service, as does Abe.

Harris tells Everett that he may be a rookie, but he knows enough to not let a reporter in to talk to the suspect.

Jada and Stephanie girl talk. Stephanie tells of her and her Seattle ex kissing on New Year’s Eve. Chanel appears at the pub to have an unhealthy breakfast and she’s going to try to smuggle one back to Abe.

Theresa tells of her time as a captive in Mexico, she was held captive for two years. I knew that story dragged on for awhile, but 2 years? She uses that story to convince Tate to be strong.

Brady continues to attempt to convince Nicole to ask EJ to allow bail. Brady believes in his son. Brady says all the wrong things. Nicole yells at him. EJ is now just going to get meaner. Brady realizes his mistake.

Abe and Paulina sit on the couch, no memories have been dragged out. Abe wants to reenact their first kiss. Paulina gets a call from Brady. Brady asks Paulina to fire EJ.

Nicole explains that Brady thinks the drugs were Holly’s. EJ tells Nicole that Brady is just trying to help his worthless son off the hook. EJ claims he is living proof that a helpless case can be turned around. Holly is going to get the best care in the world. Tate Black will pay for what he has done. EJ swears on the soul of his father.

Brady shows up in the prison. Paulina thinks that EJ is still working within the confines of the law. He is?

Paulina has questions about EJ trying Tate. Is EJ railroading an innocent man? Abe and Paulina finally get their kiss.

Stephanie, Jada and Chanel chat a bit about Taila.

Everett rushes back to the Pub. Before he can enter, Chad calls.
I am not a cop but shouldn't they have ordered a search warrant for Holly and Tate's room to look for more drugs? Also, have they looked in Holly's purse? I do know Rafe said about questioning the teens at school but, they have zero evidence that Tate gave her the drugs yet he is in an adult prison? As for not getting help fast enough, he just found her and the cop showed up. I guess it is all for da plot! EJ & Nicole are in for a surprise when Holly does wake up or will she have amnesia?

Also I am getting frustrated on how much longer are they going to keep Abe from his memory, and Everett and Jada running into each other.
he [EJ] talks of surviving the odds as he was shot in the head and while recovery was long, he is fine. (Sami shot EJ in the head before she thought he was all that and a bag of chips; or EJ could be talking about when Clyde’s henchman shot and killed him in the park. I don’t remember that being a head wound)
I'm guessing he's talking about when Sami shot him in the head while he was passed out drunk in bed. It was over him arranging for Sydney to be kidnapped (when he gave her to Anna DiMera to keep safe while pretending to help in the search for Sydney, and also putting her bloody clothes - from a nosebleed - into the Salem River for the police to find, making Sami think Sydney was dead).

Clyde's henchman shot EJ in the torso somewhere (chest? stomach?).
I'm guessing he's talking about when Sami shot him in the head while he was passed out drunk in bed. It was over him arranging for Sydney to be kidnapped (when he gave her to Anna DiMera to keep safe while pretending to help in the search for Sydney, and also putting her bloody clothes - from a nosebleed - into the Salem River for the police to find, making Sami think Sydney was dead).

Clyde's henchman shot EJ in the torso somewhere (chest? stomach?).
What happened to EJ being burned from stem to stern???
That happened when they were trying to rescue him from the fire in the Nashville resurrection factory, after Clyde's henchman killed him and he had been dead for four years. EJ died in 2014 and was found in the Nashville warehouse facility in 2018. Then Sami had him transferred to a special burn facility in Italy where he stayed for a few years until returning to Salem in 2021.
Great job, Robin, thank you!

In the real world, ha ha, Tate would go to juvi, not an adult prison. He is lucky all he got was a black eye. Putting him in gen pop puts a target on his back. He should be isolated and given his meals in his cell.

Nicole was super harsh with Brady. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Even if Tate had given that cop the bag of pills instead of hiding it at the docks, he would have been blamed.

Tate acknowledged he regrets not telling his parents about the drugs immediately, but we can't go back in time, none of us. "If" solves nothing.

Brady can't blame himself for bringing Tate to Salem, either. Anything can happen anywhere.

Had Jada turned around when Everett was looking up, that would have been too easy. This is going to play out for a while. They really do need to bump into each other soon. I know, I know, duh plot is causing the delay.
The shows are getting a lot longer. Had been 34 minutes, now 43. 9 minutes more.

I just knew Tate would have a black eye. Had to laugh when he said yeah, he got ice. It was right next to the fudge pops.

Jada & Everett. So close.

Nicole kind of overreacted. Sadly your daughter did take drugs. It is reasonable that they were hers. You can't say no, I would seen it. Tate tried to help your daughter.

A lot of people in Salem have come back from the dead but one I think really needs to come back is Lexie. Get Abe away from Paulina. She was Stefano's daughter. Come on, Rolf.
Brady took his tale of Tate’s troubles to the wrong place. EJ wouldn’t care if the kid was beaten to an inch of his life and Nicole is the mother of the alleged victim. He should have gone straight to Mayor Paulina about DA EJ’s malfeasance and how bad it makes her look that her handpicked district attorney is misusing his position. He could also threaten to go to Everett and Lady Whistleblower who’d produce the very bad publicity that she fears.

If EJ is going to recall fondly being shot in the head, he should inform inquiring minds that an angry Sami did it while he was passed out drunk. He could then add how Clyde’s flunky shot him in the abdomen during a drug deal gone bad, and how Will once shot him off the altar during one of his marriages to Sami.

I am not a cop but shouldn't they have ordered a search warrant for Holly and Tate's room to look for more drugs? Also, have they looked in Holly's purse?
A thorough search would have covered their rooms at home and school lockers. Holly having drugs and Tate being clean wouldn’t have helped angry EJ’s case.

Finally, whoever played drug dealer Holtzenkamp did a fine job of portraying a silent lump.
Thanks robin.

It's a new day in Salem.

Darn, twice today Jada and Everett almost saw each other.

Chanel mentioned Shrek and the Goblin. The drug dealer reminded me of Aquaman.

Poor Brady. He went to see Nicole to help Tate, but made things worse when she asked him if he thought the drugs
belonged to Holly.

Poor Tate. He got a black eye. Let's hope things won't get worse for him.

It was interesting how long Theresa got to visit Tate. Brady left then came back. Usually inmate visits don't last that long.

Did Paulina mention to Abe about EJ being DA? Does Abe remember what EJ had done over the years?

What story is Leo doing that's taking him so long to write a column? It could be anything. Stephanie coming downstairs
to the pub. Sloan taking Nicole's baby. EJ DiMera, from a crime family, is DA. Belle Brady turned invisible
I believe Leo is writing something for Martin Luther King day.......
Nicole kind of overreacted. Sadly your daughter did take drugs. It is reasonable that they were hers.
Ugh this was all I could think when I slowed down from fast forwarding and saw this scene. Hello Nicole, clearly your daughter is the one that took the drugs. I get not wanting to think your daughter has gone down this path, but let's get real. And Brady was spot on saying Holly's life had been a mess. In reality Holly is only like 8 and has had how many men rotating through her life? I could have gone on and on if I'd been in Brady's spot. :)