Days of Our Lives: Wednesday, January 19, 2022


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Dec 30, 2012
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Kristen tells Patch he caught her off guard, holds him at gunpoint. He admits it has been awhile, asks how she is, she says she’s rankled and doesn’t want him to irritate her even more, won’t let her sit. Kristen thinks Xander hired Patch to find her, but he clears the air and says it isn’t true, it is a misunderstanding. He wonders if Kristen has anything to do with Sarah’s disappearance, like she does with many people. Kristen says she has no reason to, Sarah went through Hell and she considers her like a sister. Patch suggests she drop the gun but Kristen wants answers. Why is here there if not working for Xander? Why are Steve and Kayla dressed as clergy? Kristen suggests her wants to expose her to the convent. Steve says her “spiritual home” is in prison. She asks who paid him to find her and Steve admits Brady, Kristen is shocked.

Steve asks if she framed him for Philip’s disappearance. Kristen says she has nothing to do with Philip and wouldn’t ever send Brady to prison because she loves him. Patch thinks she wants revenge on Chloe and Brady. She admits she would’ve framed Chloe if she had anything to do with it. Steve says he’ll report back to Brady, apologizes, but Kristen won’t let him go, she can’t let him go now that he knows where she is (umm, wouldn’t she just leave, since she’s always on the move?). She calls him stupid when he insists he will just go talk to Brady. Patch suggests she leave, go to Mongolia, Kristen laughs and doesn’t believe that Patch won’t follow her. He tries finding his hidden gun, but Kristen has it, as she got there first. She says Patch is really predictable for a PI, points his gun at her as he looks scared.

Rafe asks Nicole what she’s doing with the table. She tells him she’s trying to move the table because it reminds her of something she regrets. Rafe understands, doesn’t wanna bother her, Nicole asks why he is there. He says something at work is up, came to talk to her, tells her about the issue with his complaints. Rafe thinks that someone put him up to it, Nicole denies doing it but he says he doesn’t suspect her, although she has to do with it. He tells her he suspects Ava, because of Nicole & Rafe. (Bingo!) Nicole can’t believe it because Ava loves him, but Rafe reminds her Ava also loved Steve. He thinks something’s off with her. Rafe says she has the connections to make it happen, reminds her of suspecting Ava cut off Duke’s head, Nicole doesn’t believe this. Rafe suggests that Ava found out about Halloween. Nicole doubts it because Ava doesn’t hide her feelings, would’ve immediately confronted them if she knew. Rafe starts to think Nicole is right but asks her if Ava acted weird to her. Nicole doesn’t think so but then remembers she got a weird feeling the other day at the Square. Rafe asks what she means, Nicole says she saw Ava hugging Rafe (he didn’t see her; this after he accused her about Duke), that Ava smiled at her with a knowing smile that unsettled her. Ava walks in (this after her conversation with Gwen, see below), sees them together, it is great she doesn’t have to find them separately. Rafe says they were just talking about her. She says it is impossible to get a hold of them, won’t hear any excuses to cancel from either Nicole or Rafe, though they both try. Ava thinks they’ve both been moping around like sad sacks in the office, decide they all three should have some fun.

Abigail and Xander ask Grainger in the Pub if he remembers flying Sarah Horton out of town. He says it isn’t a face he can forget. However, to Xander’s disappointment the pilot only means she is pretty. Abby reminds him the details of the flight, reminds him he quit right after without even picking up his last check, says she is an investigative reporter and that Chad is the company CEO. She tells him she can find out all the details of the flight and Xander suggests he concentrates harder on the photo. Grainer asks for a drink, and he tells Abby she looks a bit familiar.

The dude says the beer hits the spot, supposes it is possible that Sarah flew on the jet, Abby says they need more because it has been a year since anyone heard from her. Xander claims she is in big trouble and needs to help her, asks again. The pilot admits he flew Sarah. Grainger says Sarah hired him to fly her on the jet, had freelance gigs, Abby can’t believe it’d be on a DiMera jet. She is there with the Spectator, not the company, he admits he would do it for the right price, she loved spending money, he wasn’t the only one who flew her. Xander gets impatient and asks where she is, but Grainer says it was part of his deal with Sarah not to say where he flew her. He didn’t think she would be in danger, but can’t be more forthcoming with them. He says Sarah paid him to be discreet, but suggests they can bribe him to tell all. Xander says he has no money, tells Abby to pay, but Abby think it is unethical because of the newspaper. Xander tries to convince her. He can’t believe she’ll let Sarah slip through their fingers because of ethics, she says the lead might not be reliable and doesn’t wanna risk the paper her parents left her. Xander decides to get his family’s money to pay. Grainger says he’ll go out and look for a new watch to buy with all the money.

Maggie shouts out that she loves the tea she is drinking, asks Henderson what it is. “Sarah” arrives at the Kiriakis mansion, Maggie hugs her, can’t believe it is her. Gwen says “Me neither.” Maggie basically recounts everything, as “Sarah” tells her she can explain. “Sarah” tells Maggie she didn’t say anything because Xander stopped her from ending the engagement and he made her leave. Maggie says she called off the wedding, not engagement. “Sarah” said she needed to make sure he left her alone and had to get away. Maggie can’t understand why she was so desperate, but “Sarah” isn’t too forthcoming. Xander walks in to ask Maggie a favor and is shocked to see “Sarah.” He hugs her as Maggie smiles, watching.

Gwen is shocked to find Sarah at her door, who says “me in the flesh.” Gwen doesn’t get how she is here, Sarah says she asked the front desk for Xander’s room number. She recounts the whole thing with Kristen, how she got off the island, Gwen looks nervous as “Sarah” says she’s really on the island. “Sarah” removes the mask and reveals Ava underneath. Gwen is confused, Ava says the prank was mean and apologizes, but couldn’t resist. Ava tells her that Kristen sent her the mask this morning after their phone call, updates Gwen on Steve’s mission and her discussion with Kristen. The mask showed up on her door (magically overnight from Italy), very good and detailed, Ava tells her that Kristen doesn’t want Sarah found.

Ava thinks Gwen can use the mask to stop Xander from searching for Sarah, tells her how to use it. Gwen is shocked by the likeness to Sarah, Ava says there are masks like that which can be made of anyone. Ava wishes she could get a Nicole one and tell off Rafe. Gwen asks Ava what she should do with the Sarah mask, Ava tells her how it works, comes up with a plan for her. Gwen is nervous, Ava tells her to put it on. Gwen comes out of the bathroom with the mask, Ava is impressed but Gwen still has her voice. Ava comes over and fixes the voice changer, Gwen is shocked. Ava says their plan is a go, although Gwen isn’t convinced because Xander knows Sarah. Ava points out that Rex knew Sarah but Kristen fooled them both, suggests she take a test run.

The head nun asks what Kayla’s doing here, says she only need ask if she needs something. Kayla says she is looking for a bible, the nun points it out right in front of her. Kayla slips up—shocking the nun—by saying her husband always says she needs glasses. Kayla covers by saying she comes from a strong Irish family, takes the church seriously and referred to G-d as her husband. The nun is surprised He “nagged” her about glasses, small talk and Kayla covers. But the head nun asks her to recite a passage from the Bible by heart. Kayla says she doesn’t know verbatim, the nun tells her to give it her best try, asks if she wants to try in Hebrew or Aramaic. Kayla declines, wants to do the Christmas story, but the nun gives her something “more fitting.” Kayla gets lucky and succeeds, the nun came for her rosary, usually keeps her drawer locked. Kayla watches as she locks the drawer and puts the key away, the nun thanks her for bringing it to her attention, even if by accident. The nun must leave to discuss choir practice with someone, will see her at dinner and tells Kayla to lead evening prayer. Kayla shuts the door as the leaves, texts Steve about her close call. We see Kristen texting “keep me posted, sweetness.” Yes, she has Steve’s phone, wears his eyepatch and laughs as Steve is knocked out on the ground.
Actually really enjoyed this episode--maybe Days is improving, if only ever so slowly and slightly. Was a relief to see Rafe and even Nicole grab a hold of the Salem Brain.
Thanks, DaysD

I laughed when Xander told Abby he was going to the bank of Kiriakis.

This was a good show since demon Johnny wasn't on.