Days of our Lives - Wednesday, January 3, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
38 scintillating minutes; you’ll be on the edge of your seat.

Crazy knocking at the Horton house. Chad and Julie talk about how loud it is, instead of opening the darn door. They eventually open the door, it’s Everett.

Sloan slept through the night, Jude slept through the night, Eric slept through the night. Eric talks about waking with Holly when she was little.

Nicole's sitting and talking to the comatose Holly. OF COURSE, Nicole blames herself for Holly’s situation.

Kayla and Marlena sit out in the open and discuss Holly and Tate. Tate’s been arrested. And how much of a donkey’s butt EJ’s being. Tate is at fault for not calling EMS right away.

Stefan and EJ argue over drugs and Holly and who is truly to blame for Holly’s condition.

Kayla and Marlena are in Holly’s room. Holly has strong brain function. Lots of chatter about Tate. Nicole says she never thought Holly would get drunk either. Nicole has more blaming-herself speech while the other two women watch her.

Sloan and Eric are cooing over little Jude when Marlena calls with the news. Eric drops everything and dashes off because Holly is like a daughter to him. After Eric leaves, Sloan gets a credit card alert.

Nicole and Holly chat, well Nicole chats. Nicole tells of the story of Holly’s birth.

Kayla and Marlena chat in the open nurses' station.

More stupid EJ and Stefan arguing about Clyde and drugs. EJ is livid about Stefan selling drugs to protect one person who is in prison for murder.

Julie, Chad and Everett have moved to the living room discussing what is known and not known about the Holly Jonas event. Julie grasps her pearls. Everett wants to bust this story wide open.

More pounding on doors, Leo spent $1200 on a single bottle of champagne. Sloan and Leo snark at each other. Thankfully it’s a 35 second scene.

Everett and Chad talk investigative journalism. This ought to be great. The writers can’t do doctors, lawyers, police or campaigns for governor with any air of truth, so let’s bash journalism. Everett has CI’s (confidential informants) who will talk but he needs money. And because they don’t talk for free, Everett needs $5,000 to start.

Stefan and EJ continue to talk about who’s the worst drug dealer ever, Clyde, Stefan or EJ. Stefan tries blackmailing EJ who didn’t help Stefan stop Clyde when the time came. EJ is going to take down Stefan for good.

Eric has made it to the hospital and into Holly’s room. Guarded talk about feelings. Nicole can’t lose her daughter. Eric gives her comforting hugs.

Chad can’t believe that Everett wants $5,000. Julie is also part of this conversation about talking to drug dealers. Everett is certain he can pull this off.

Stefan and EJ continue arguing.

Sloan continues to lecture Leo about his overuse of her credit card. Leo tells Sloan about getting his job back as Lady Whistleblower.

Nicole and Eric at the hospital, Nicole has yet another breakdown. Eric convinces her to pray for Holly. Holly has a seizure as they pray over her. Eric runs to the door screams for the doctors.

Chad created an account for Everett. They discuss how he (Everett) covered the 2006 Israel and Lebanon war so Chad is sure he can handle himself. Chad respects Everett as a journalist. Chad hopes Everett is going to make Salem safer for everyone.

Sloan and Leo continue discuss who knows what? Sloan puts Leo on a financial stipend.

EJ and Stefan continue this really stupid yelling argument out in the open. EJ will never forgive Stefan for his part in Holly’s illness. Everett overhears???? Anyway, he walks in on the conversation.

Kayla kicks Nicole and Eric out of the room as she cares for Holly. Marlena watches them hugging Kayla comes out

Stefan tells Everett thank you as that conversation was going nowhere. Everett asks Stefan if he knows anything about the overdose that happened last night? Stefan is going to add an extra security detail on the dock. But Stefan does not feel responsible for the actions of any person who takes drugs.

Julie comes in and happily reports the children are playing board games, Doug is enjoying his morning coffee and reading for the umpteenth time “Master and Commander”. He can’t get enough of the Patrick O’Brien novels. Chad tells Julie it was one of Abigail's favorites too. Chad muses on Abigail’s death and how he misses her. Julie tries to comfort Chad. Julie wants him to move back in the Horton house. Julie breaks down how she and Doug could help with childcare, driving them to school and stuff. Chad agrees he will move back in with Doug and Julie.

Leo has a hissy fit to find out he is on a budget. Another 45 second scene of nothing between two people no one really cares about.

Kayla is having a neuro doctor look at Holly’s test. The seizure was brief so things are looking better for it not to become a permanent thing. Eric thinks Holly will wake up. He hugs Nicole, and EJ walks in as Nicole returns the hug.
Thank you, Robin!

Everett better get receipts for that $5,000. Of course, anyone he speaks to will be able to produce one, that's a no brainer.

Makes sense for Chad and the kids to move back to Doug and Julie's. Maybe Theresa will move into Chad's old apartment once she and Alex break up, because that is inevitable.

All EJ needed to see was Eric comforting Nicole, especially in his state of mind. We have seen this scenario before. When Marlena saw them earlier, we know she was thinking back to her session with Nicole. This is a sign of things to come.

Leo on a budget? Are we now in Bizarro Salem?
Some people do appreciate the nods to past stories and characters. I get nervous at all of these references because, to me, they are just foreshadowing the return of some of these long-"dead" characters for absolutely no good reason.
Kayla and Marlena sitting in the multipurpose nurses' station/waiting room/lobby discussing Holly. I may have missed it but why was Marlena sitting there doing paperwork? She has an office. If a relative of a patient heard them talking about said patient, I'm sure there is a lawsuit. What about HIPAA? They can't give information to non-relatives, but it's ok to talk about them in public?

I know Marlena looked around once when talking about Tate, but he's not even a patient. At the beginning of every school year we signed a confidentiality form saying we were not allowed to discuss students in public even if it was to say positive things about them. Can't even say it helped the plot because not even sure that scene was necessary. ALSO, they are blaming Tate for not getting help fast enough? He's what, 16\17? How many scared teenagers think that quickly?
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Well at least Holly is out of her dress. She needs to recover quickly. If Sloan doesn't feel anything with Nicole going through this when she has her son then she needs to go now. Stupid Eric! It's all his fault for falling in love with this viper. Love how Eric gets all priestly.

That cop was on Tate in like 10 seconds so why do they keep saying he didn't get help right away? Oh right da plot.

Had to laugh when Chad says he keeps expecting Abigail to come back. Hey you live in Salem. How many people do you know that have come back from the dead? Though I hope she doesn't.
Re: Chad saying he expects Abby to appear anytime. I lost a granddaughter in an accident a year and half ago. Because she was "so alive" it just seems possible that she is dead. If a person is ill or old, death can be expected, but when it's sudden, and a young person, it just doesn't seem real.

I'm probably the only person on the planet who has always wanted Nicole and Eric together and not broken up with some contrived reason. I like both actors and despise EJ. He can never be good enough, I don't care what he does. That whole DiMera clan could leave and I would never miss them.
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Ejerk wants to take Stefan down for good.

I want someone to permanently take Ejerk down and dispose of his body with a woodchipper, then burn the chipped up pieces to gore so there's no chance of Rolf reviving him. I may be watching too much forensic files.

Some people do appreciate the nods to past stories and characters. I get nervous at all of these references because, to me, they are just foreshadowing the return of some of these long-"dead" characters for absolutely no good reason.
LisaK, which long dead characters?
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Pity poor Tater Tot for being blamed for not acting fast enough. The typical Salemite wouldn’t react at all. They’d do what they always do — talk, talk, and talk some more except maybe Eric who would have reached for his rosary beads and started feverishly praying.

EJ as the wrath of God has become more than tiresome. The next time he goes into one of his self-righteous tirades, somebody should ask that he be arrested for disturbing the peace.

The big-spending Leo and baby-stealing Sloan has also gotten old. EJ the righteous maybe tiring, but it is also rather funny to those who are aware of Elvis’s many past adventures in immorality. Leo-Sloan is just dumb.
Thanks, robin.

How many people think of Daniel when they say Holly Jonas? It's been awhile since he's been in Salem.

EJ talked about Stefan not having a heart. He has Jake's heart, does that count? :)

One day angry EJ's head will explode.

Ticks me off that EJ is going after Tate when he knows who's really at fault with Holly's overdose.

Nicole knows Tate is involved with what happened to Holly, but she's not blaming him. She feels guilty since she
wasn't paying attention to Holly after the baby "died".

Nicole told Holly the story of when she was born. Why wasn't Chloe mentioned?

Leo is living on a top floor of the Salem Inn. Sloan can solve her problem by throwing him out the window.

Did Chad check Everett's resume? He mentioned he was overseas in the early 2000s.

Interesting Marlena called Eric to tell him about Holly. Not surprised EJ showed up at the end.
I'm probably the only person on the planet who has always wanted Nicole and Eric together and not broken up with some contrived reason.
This was totally me when Nicole and Eric got married and then in a shocker the writers absolutely pulled off making me hate Eric when he left Nicole alone and then was a sanctimonious jerk and refused to try to work things out when she cheated. The writers did such a good job with that final break up that I've been done ever since. I really wanted her to stay with Rafe.
I can't stand EJ.
Neither can I. I was waiting for Brady to lay a beating on him in the hospital during yesterday's episode. Brady did kick the crap out of him years ago when James Scott (former EJ) was in the role. It was down at the pier. Brady almost killed him until Melanie Jonas showed up.
I really wanted her [Nicole] to stay with Rafe.
I had always wanted Nicole and Rafe to be a couple after he pretended to be the father of her baby (Daniel Rafael, who was stillborn). Then when we finally got them together as a couple, the writers ruined it within a nanosecond. Heck, we didn't even get an on-screen wedding, so the writers were obviously not invested in promoting them as a real couple.
I am not invested in Rafe's relationship with Jada. I do not feel any chemistry on screen.

Ancient history, Nicole needed to hide, and Brady took her to Canada (I think) with Tate and Holly. They acted as a family.

NOW it is forgotten that Brady even knows Nicole, and forgotten that Maggie is Holly's grandmother. etc, etc, etc.

Such poor writing.