Days of Our Lives - Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Episode #10,874 Taped 6/18 Director – Noel Maxam

Ava is laying on a sofa, murmuring in apparent ecstacy, “more, more”, but it turns out John is giving her a foot rub, easing the misery she suffers from wearing high heels. She wonders if he has a roof top terrace, he mentions a nearby balcony, but rejects her suggestion of a horizontal mambo. She laughs at him thinking someone could come in, and that is the cue for EJ to walk in, telling her not to make any long term permanent plans. He has just come from the D.A.’s office, and things do not look good for her. John leaves the room, as lawyer/client privilege is more sacred than the confessional. Now EJ lets her know, in no uncertain terms that she is going to jail. Usually both sides allow a tiny peek at the cards they hold, but the DA’s office let him see the whole deck. And they are not even charging her yet with kidnapping, shooting Hope, that whole mess. Right now, 2 men are dead, both married with families/children. Shawn Brady is dead, a most well known and beloved member of the community. She is being charged with sabotage and murder, one of her cousins has agreed to testify against her in exchange for immunity. AND the Irish government wants to charge her, too, and try her in Ireland. Both agree to fight the extradition, EJ suggests she try to make some sort of deal. The more a judge studies the case, the longer the DA spends with it, the worse it will be. She wishes her father was alive, he would know what to do. EJ doubts her father could do anything in this case. He notes that they both know influential and powerful people, and suggests they both contact those people and see what they can work out. She asks EJ for some time alone, he leaves, and she is in tears.

Hope comes rushing into their house, sorry she is late. Bo tells her about the Salem PD finding Paul Hollingsworth’s jacket in the river, and she can tell he is upset. He denies it, she pesters, he says only he is working on something and wants to keep her out of it. She realizes he knows something, is keeping it from her, asks further, Bo snaps at her. She tells him they are partners, and both are working on the case, he cannot solve it alone, but he is adamant, and keeps mum. He leaves. Hope is frustrated, knows something is bothering him, and worries over what he is keeping from her.

Kate is having a drink with Tony at the Pub, celebrating the huge success of her Hearth & Home line. Roman comes by, hears the good news, congratulates their both. Tony figures it won’t be long before Kate knocks Martha Stewart off her pastel pedestal, lol. (yeah, right! Ha.) Roman gets a call, learns of Paul’s jacket being found, tells Tony & Kate a new piece of evidence has shown up in the Paul Hollingsworth disappearance, and he takes off. Tony remembers John asking him to do a publicity spin on Paul, and decides to visit Uncle John. He calls Anna, leaves a message, and takes off. Kate is still there when Anna arrives, wondering where Tony is, surprised he has gone. She checks her voice mail, gets his message and decides to wait. Kate is rather cool towards Anna, but finally, with some urging on Anna’s part, invites her to sit down. They are both awkward, silence ensues, Anna cheerfully mentions having talked to Carrie recently, learning she & Austin are thinking of starting a family. Now both women talk in generalities of their more or less failures as parents, tho they tried the best they could. Anna tells Kate her children did all turn out fine…….then corrects herself about Lucas, saying he will have time to think about his choices. Kate says, yeah, 10 long years, Anna says, well, only one of your children ended up in prison. Both ladies are drinking cocktails, get a bit chummy. They go outside and hear a siren, then helicopter, Kate wonders what is going on, Anna says, don’t you know, they are dragging the river for a body.

Tony arrives at DiMansion to see Uncle John, telling him, as he looks around, that the mansion seems to suit him. It still seems to carry an air of menace. (LOL). Now he is curious about one of their clients, reminding John how he asked Tony to get some positive publicity on Paul Hollingsworth. John says he felt sorry for the guy at the time and felt he needed a break, but no longer. If he saw him now, he’d like to rip out his heart and feed it to his dogs.

Abe is talking to Morgan about finding the jacket. He asks Philip to wait outside. Morgan asks where he found the jacket, Abe says caught in some wires not far down from the docks. She accuses them of thinking her father is dead, Abe tells her they are not jumping to conclusions, and she shouldn’t either. She rejoins Philip, tells him of the conversation with Abe, talks of how close she & her dad always were. That she & her mom always got along, but she and her dad always had a special bond. She just wants her daddy to find his way back to her, she loves him so much.
Roman has arrived at the cop shop, and so has Bo, who learns they are now dragging the river. Abe & Roman go to check with the dive teams, as Bo grabs Philip and shoves him into Roman’s office to talk privately. He shuts the door, accuses Philip of killing Paul. Philip denies it, yes he threatened Paul, but that is all it was, a threat. He did not kill him. Bo claims he listened to that tape very carefully, and there was no anger in Philip’s voice. It was no spur of the moment threat. He was calm and deliberate. A definite Kiriakis. This brings up Victor, Bo thinks Victor probably destroyed the tape 2 minutes after he gave it to him. Bo is beating himself up for withholding evidence. Philip realizes Bo did it for Victor, not for him….even tho they are brothers, they were never close. Victor would anything to protect his family. Philip reminds Bo what Victor did for Brady, for his own good. And how he brought in Daniel Jonas to save Bo. And how he has come to Philip’s rescue any number of times. (LOL, no mention of the face transplant.) Bo is very angry and distraught, warns Philip that if it turns out that more evidence comes up connecting Philip and he has killed Paul, Bo will not only arrest Philip, but will confess as well. He opens the door for Philip to leave, to find Morgan standing there.

Thanks for the great write up. Good to see Tony & Anna, wish the writers could really give them a great story line.
Cant wait to see Bo's emotional performance, I bet it is great!

So I assume the way Ava will leave the show is off to jail? That leaves the way open for eventually bringing her back to wreck havoc another time..LOL

I sure thought she would turn into a stalker with John, and try to do Marlena in. And that could be in the future if they don't kill off the character.

Thanks for the great post.
Kate and Anna trying to be civil LOL I guess it COULD happen.

No wonder Bo is jacked. I would be too if I knew I had to confess to withholding evidence and arrest my half brother if anything else comes up.

I don't think Ava will get out of this one.

Hi ho hi ho, its off to jail we goooooo. we'll do some time because we're slime. Hi ho hi ho hi ho hi hoooooooooooo!
It also leaves the door open for Ava to return with a child. We would have another "who's the daddy?" storyline with John and Steve. I can hardly wait. NOT!!!!
@AnnieBelle.......EJ is very adamant about all the evidence piled up against Ava, and that the DA has a slam dunk case. However, his talk of "making a deal" of some kind (I have no idea what, he already says one of the cousins is going to testify against her for immunity) leads me to think of two scenarios. She goes into witness protection thus having to leave town. Or she skips out. Either way, I doubt she is going to jail. EJ would not have done all that "let's make a deal" talk if that was what was in store for her. But....just my opinion.

Remember, she said she could not live at the Vitali house as it was part of the investigation into her father's "business".
So, she could reveal a lot in exchange for immunity and witness protection.
Has anyone thoutht about this.....
I think Ava had Paul killed to help John out but, he doesn't know it. And if John finds out he will not anything to do with her, cuz he is not evil at heart.:D
Paul's jacket would have had to be all torn up as if I remember the ending scene for Paul, both his hands and legs were bound when they rolled him off the dock and into the river. :confused:

Morgan definitely used to have the one brain in Salem ~ but still confides in Philip even after her father, who she had this "close bond with" warned her about ~ which makes me believe the brain hath moved on to another ~ just hard to tell who these days!

Thank for the write up Barb! You Rock!
Guilty in Salem

How is it possible that Ava has been walking around a free woman all these months if she had all these charges against her?

And does Philip know for sure that Morgan didn't hear the tape recording her father left? We know she didn't accept the package, but I don't think he knows. Days seems to have missed the opportunity for some drama there -- having Philip fret over whether Morgan heard the threat.
:mad: Is it me or are these story lines getting to be a bit tooo out there? Days has gone from really great story lines to some really unbelievable stories.

Ana is walking around with all these charges against her...although I guess they haven't officially charged her yet. EJ has things about him on the internet - his trying to kill John, raping Sami, etc. but yet he is a free man with no charges even being thought of.... Train rides for 400 miles is taking 3 or 4 days, etc.:rant:

What happened to the story lines of Bo & Hope, Shawn & Belle, Steve & Kayla..those were the good ole' days and the stories that kept everyone on their toes waiting to see what happened next and hoping. These stories now are just getting tiresome - IMO.

Anyway, thanks for keeping us updated on the show...even though they are getting tiresome...I have always been and probably will always be a DOOL fan and will always tune in.
Hi ho hi ho

Thanks, Barb, for your always magnificent write-ups.:)

I don't think Ava will get out of this one.

Hi ho hi ho, its off to jail we goooooo. we'll do some time because we're slime. Hi ho hi ho hi ho hi hoooooooooooo!

I think you may be wrong, Nurse Hamster, about Ava getting out of this one, but I hope you're right. Anyway, I love your song!:clap:

I thougth Carrie couldn't have kids? Am I wrong on this?:confused:

Or was that the blackmail Sami used - didn't she blackmail Lexie and have her tell Carrie she couldn't have children? I don't know - they change history so much I forget....
I think you may be wrong, Nurse Hamster, about Ava getting out of this one, but I hope you're right. Anyway, I love your song!:clap:

Thanks! What do you think will happen to Ava? I can't imagine her getting community service. Do you think her goons will whisk her away? I guess the goon who accidentally shoots someone will be in trouble too (trying to be sensitive here and not reveal much of anything from spoilers).
Thanks! What do you think will happen to Ava?

I personally think she'll go to jail. I think she and John will have a fling and be done with it, and then John will move on with Marlena again. You know the writers aren't going to keep those two apart for long, though I personally prefer him the way he is now.

JMO, though
I'm confused . . .

I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but I thought Carrie couldn't have children . . . am I mistaken?

BTW, I love the character of Ava and I wish they would reconsider - there is so much she can do!