Days of our Lives - Wednesday, May 8, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
36 minutes of quick scenes. And guess what? Eric and Nicole are working their way back to each other. Gag me.

Ava delivers food to Holly and Sophia at the pub. They are working on Mr. Ronald’s final project which is due so soon and they have a creative writing assignment due soon. Holly works hard all along; Sophia works best under pressure. They take a break from “working” and talk fun things, like the upcoming prom. Sophia is working on getting Tate Black to ask her.

Meanwhile at the park, Tate and a super bushy-haired guy (Arron) are talking about how summer league would sharpen their skills. They discuss extra activities and how that helps in getting scholarships. This conversation devolves into who’s going to the prom and with whom.

Harris is trying to crack Clyde and Gil’s code; he gets frustrated.

Eric just put Jude down for his whatever time of the day it is at that apartment, nap as Sloan comes in from wherever she went, and Eric leaves for work. As soon as Eric leaves, Sloan calls Melinda Trask and demands that she drop everything to come over to Sloan and Eric’s place.

EJ is strutting around the living room on the phone talking with the esteemed Dr. Rolf, who is running some DNA samples and after YELLING at the good doctor, that he wants the results as soon as possible. Nicole walks in asking if everything is okay? EJ apologizes for Nicole having to hear this his anger over a DNA test.

Nicole wants to know why he doesn’t let his people do the DNA test as she believes it is part of one if his cases. EJ admits to micro managing. He and Nicole discuss EJ working two jobs. EJ thinks if he gets the call, he will answer and be the head of DiMera Enterprises, the DA and Mayor. Johnny walks through with tea.

Ava comes in to help Harris break the code. Harris has sent part of the file to a old navy buddy. So did he send it to Thomas Magnum (Magnum PI) Steve McGarrett (Hawaii 5-0), Sam Hanna (NCIS-LA) to help him crack the code?

Bushy-haired guy (Aaron) is in charge of the prom. His prom will be better than the Last Blast Prom that everyone talks about. Tate continues to hem and haw about going to the prom. Then we jump to donating blood. There will be a blood drive. Tate faints at the site of blood. He then gets assigned to hand out cookies and juice and see what that will do for his street cred.

Back to the girls. It seems 10 boys have asked Sophia to the prom; one covered her entire front porch with flowers, which her mother loved, but her father not so much. But none of the boys are Tate. Sophia is going to ask Tate. Holly looks pained, Sophia asks if it’s okay that she (Sophia) asks Tate to the prom? Holly responds sure, that’s fine, we are good. Sophia wants to know if Nicole has backed off her tyranny vibe a little bit? Holly says a bit. But since Holly doesn’t want to go to the prom, she isn’t going to push her mom.

Melinda comes into the apartment and coos over the baby. Sloan recaps the story about Eric finding out she was paying all Leo’s bills, Leo getting drunk, and Leo telling EJ about the baby. Melinda is less than pleased.

The boys are talking about how Tate is no longer into Holly but he still talks to her because he's not a jerk. They play catch with the football, not sure either of them have ever seen a football.

The girls get ready to leave, Ava is nowhere to be seen so they may have put money on the table or they just left, couldn’t make it out. They head to the cute little boutique down the way that has amazing vintage prom dresses. They can try them on and pretend to walk the cat walk. Holly wants to finish her work but Sophia convinces her to go for a mental health break.

EJ's on the phone needing things put on his calendar by the end of the week. He is talking with Rita and buying up Titan stock. Johnny comes in, he needs a favor.

Ava and Harris discuss and freak out over the black book. Ava’s phone rings. It’s our good friend Clyde. Ava lies and tells Clyde that she hasn’t found the book. Clyde suggests places to look. Ava stalls, hems and haws with Clyde. We do NOT hear or see Clyde in this conversation.

Johnny tells EJ that Chanel is pregnant. EJ is shocked to find out that he is going to be a grandfather. Johnny says possibly.

Nicole and Eric talk about Sloan. Eric realizes that he is making the same mistakes with Sloan that he made with Nicole.

Melinda is panicking that she could be dead soon if EJ knows of her involvement in the baby stealing business. Sloan tells Melinda so far, her name has been kept out of this.

Tate threw the football and hit Sophia in the face. (Brady Bunch anyone?) Now poor Sophia will have a black eye for the prom.

Clyde gives Ava 48 hours to find the book, then she is to scan the book and send it to a place on the dark web. Once she’s done that, she’s to destroy the book. Harris is upset because the book is the bait to catch Clyde. Sending it over the dark web won’t capture him.

Sloan lets Melinda know she told EJ that Eric was Jude’s daddy and once he knew that little fact it was like some switch was thrown and his mood changed. Sloan believes that EJ knows the truth. Once the truth gets out, Sloan has convinced EJ that Nicole and Eric would want to be together.

Eric and Nicole talk about their past relationships as they slowly build back to being a couple that absolutely no one wants or believes in because the writers have done this to us too many times. Off they go.

EJ has been told about the radiation exposure of Chanel and the baby. Johnny tries make it not about EJ hating the mayor. He's upset that he didn’t find Chanel in the snow, but he knows he would have in another few minutes and the only bad thing would have been Chanel would have been a little bit colder. EJ asks if Chanel is going to go through with the pregnancy?

Harris and Ava can’t believe Clyde has won again. Ava has never felt so out of her depth. Harris techno babbles about tracking IP addresses. Ava needs to go back to work.

Tate has run to the pub to get ice for poor pitiful Sophia, who now thinks her nose is broken. Sophia guilts Tate into taking her into the prom.

Nicole and Eric blah blah their PSA on unhoused/homeless people.

EJ and Johnny discuss pregnancy, Johnny wants Chanel in front of all doctors who can help with the answers. EJ thinks that it’s too much to have this baby. Johnny tells EJ that there is no way he is going to tell his wife what she can and can not do with her body. EJ responds brilliantly, this baby is a DiMera first. Johnny asks just what the heck does that even mean? It sounds twisted, being a DiMera is no guarantee that the baby will be perfect. EJ apologizes for upsetting Johnny; Johnny accepts the apology.

Melinda and Sloan continue to talk about how much fun it is to be hiding such a huge secret. Sloan has finally figured out that nothing will ever be enough for Eric.

Nicole continues to talk about the homeless/unhoused time of her life; living in her car, the Misty Circle movies barely kept her afloat. Eric had no idea. Nicole tells of her good luck and amazing daughter. She feels the need to pass it on. Eric is now seeing her in a new light.

Holly coaches Tate to take Sophia to the prom. Aaron, aka bushy-haired guy, agrees to take Holly. They are going to double date.

Ava is back in Harris’ room thinking that the book is sticky. There is blood on the book!!!!!! From the look on Harris’ face, we know that this is important.
Eric had no idea.
Really? Is this true that Eric was that unaware of Nicole's history?????

Eric and Nicole talk about their past relationships as they slowly build back to being a couple that absolutely no one wants or believes in
I NEVER thought I would say this!!!!!!! But I would rather see Nicole with Eric than with EJ. So, if I have to choose between the 2, I guess I will be on "team Eric". Egads. It has come to this.
Really? Is this true that Eric was that unaware of Nicole's history?????
I know. That did seem like quite a stretch of believably, but Eric did seem totally unaware of lots of Nicole's backstory and who knows, well besides Just Samantha (the woman with the encyclopedia of Days knowledge that is amazing), how much of this was new, it seemed to be familiar.
well besides Just Samantha (the woman with the encyclopedia of Days knowledge that is amazing)
Ehhhh, what I don't remember, I research. :) Thankfully I'm able to find a lot of archived websites with old Days info. Plus, we're lucky to have Jason47's knowledge and records.

That being said, there is no way Eric didn't know all about Nicole's early life and hardships.
I guess there are periods in Nicole's life we didn't witness. Her young life was no bowl of roses.
We didn't see any of Nicole's life until she was first shown as a waitress at Java Cafe in Salem Place as a young woman in 1998. Over time we learned about her abusive past, and how her father drugged her and forced her to make adult films.

Here's a clip of her first scene:

Dr Rolf. Wow haven't heard that name in awhile. EJ is disgusting. He knows Nicole's baby that she mourned is alive and doesn't tell her. Doesn't say you were right, Jude is your baby.

I was surprised Holly had cash to pay for them both. My kids, who are older than Holly, never have cash.

So didn't Clyde know where black book was hidden? Or was it a mystery to him too?

Eric, stop apologizing. You were an idiot. Still are. I agree with everyone. No way did Eric not know about Nicole's past. Sloan's being pretty cold to him. Has she finally realized Eric isn't that great a catch?

I did not expect EJ to tell Johnny that they should abort this baby
I have been gone for the last 2 weeks and haven't caught up on past summaries. So, EJ now knows about the baby being Eric's? Or just that her baby is alive? I will have to start reading past Days.
EJ knows Jude is Nicole's baby and that Eric is supposedly the father (thanks to Leo and Sloan, separately). I believe Sloan gave Eric's toothbrush to EJ. Then later, he was hugging Nicole and her hair got caught on the band of his watch. I guess Sloan also gave a EJ sample of Jude's DNA.
Thank you, Robin!

I agree with all who are over and done with Nicole and Eric as "soul mates." However, if they find out about Jude, I trust they will leave Salem together with Holly, and we don't have to see them again. Will miss Nicole the most. She has chemistry with everyone.

Never liked the teen scene. And now the four will go to prom with the obviously wrong dates. What trouble will Holly cause THIS time, and do we need to see it unfold?

Even though Eric is finally realizing he is treating Sloan like he treated Nicole, does not change the circumstances. We see this marriage imploding. Sloan is already showing indifference to Eric, making her jealousy of him working with Nicole worse than her hidden deceptions.

With all his mad skills, could Dr. Rolf be given a huge payday to come to Salem, under cover of night, to do his thing and see if Chanel and Johnny's baby is okay? I know all could be well now, and no way to tell until after the baby is born to be certain, but at least if there are definite issues in vitro, it would be good to know now. This is a horrendous situation for anyone to be in. I wish all the baby killing and switching and kidnapping would stop. Let them have a healthy baby and move to Italy. Will Johnny go work for DiMera Enterprises to "become an adult"?
Aaah, Brisby....I almost agree with you, however I do have the ability to move 10 seconds forward, which I use at times. I was thinking of skipping, but I think perhaps I will give it a shot, maybe it will only be a partial 10 min of beginning and 5 of the end. LOLOL
Thanks, robin.

A blast from the past. The Last Blast dance was mentioned and there are pictures of
it at school.

Wow, Ava gave a bill to Holly for their food.

Interesting that Navy Seal Harris can't crack the code of the black book. And whose
blood is on the book?

It's been awhile since we've heard the name Misty Circle.
Is there anyone in the Days audience who gives a fig about these so-called teens? I guess there are periods in Nicole's life we didn't witness. Her young life was no bowl of roses.
I can honestly say no, I don't really care about them, but on the other hand we do need to have young blood because John and Steve are getting a little long in the tooth to be doing believable spy stuff or action hero stuff. But considering they shipped off the Last Blast crew and their kids who should be leading stories at this stage, I live with the hope that these kids will start to be important.

Also Arron, besides having strange hair, normal for boys in this age group, currently has a clean bloodline. He could date young Arianna, when she returns to live with mommy, after mommy gets out of prison. Or Sydney, as we have no idea how old she is these days, 18 or 24.
Delusional EJ should learn some manners. What makes him think that anyone would want him as mayor? Does he think that everyone has forgotten that the governor once removed him as mayor? As for manners, EJ shouldn’t be yelling at Rolf. The mad scientist is a unique DiMera asset and should be coddled, not verbally abused.

Doesn’t Harris know anyone capable of cracking simple, Clyde-level codes? A Clyde code probably involves something like reversing the alphabet. Anything more complicated would seriously confuse him.

Finally, the new teens aren’t exactly adding high drama to the episodes. Finding a prom date is pretty pale stuff compared to radioactive mayors and people trapped inside a beer vat.
EJ apologizes for upsetting Johnny
Wait until he learns how he was created.
I don't really care about them, but on the other hand we do need to have young blood because John and Steve are getting a little long in the tooth to be doing believable spy stuff or action hero stuff. But considering they shipped off the Last Blast crew and their kids who should be leading stories at this stage, I live with the hope that these kids will start to be important.
Hear, hear!

This is a major problem for the show. Fans clamour for the return of Bo and Hope, but they should not be leading the show anymore. Frankly, it was stretching plausibility during the last 3 years of Hope's run on the show.