Days sets date to go back to work

The Deadline article has a sentence:

The core families are the Bradys, Hortons and DiMeras, and the storylines involve elements of romance, adventure, mystery, comedy and drama.

I seem to have missed the adventure, mystery and comedy. I'd add romance but I've fallen in line with the constant bed-swapping and sheet-flapping as romance. We aren't going to ever get romance back. Days has been roundly criticized for being so far in advance, thus unable to respond to viewer reaction. If they do not resume filming until Sept. 1, they only have about 5-6 weeks done. ahead at that point. And while undoubtedly they will be getting ahead, if they keep up the pace they have been using........will still be nice to not be so far ahead for a while.
Yes, so it will be dependent on how much they can film. If they drop from 1.5 episodes a day to 1.25 episodes a day, then they'd only be taping 6.25 episodes a week instead of 7.5.

If things slow done even more, and they can't do much more than 1 episode a day, then they'd be stuck reverting to the old schedule of taping pretty much every day with no dark weeks. That would mean they'd never be more than 25-ish episodes ahead of airdate. That would be the worst-case scenario for NBC, who had figured out how to get "Days" to tape all of its episodes in 35 weeks, but now it could take 50 weeks to tape the same amount of material.
Do the actors have a salary during this pandemic shut down? Or the crew on set? If they were on contract does that mean they still get paid if they are not working?
Think I heard that NO, they are not paid during this forced shutdown, and actually, very few even have a contract. Those became uneforceable with what is going on.
Do the actors have a salary during this pandemic shut down? Or the crew on set? If they were on contract does that mean they still get paid if they are not working?

No. Most TV and movie productions invoked the Force Majeure clause which temporarily suspends or terminates contracts due to unforeseen circumstances like a pandemic.
LOL, Well for him it probably would be. He probably shows up at the studio once every 3 or 4 months, you know, especially if they are taking a "cast picture". He definitely is not "hands on" like his parents were.