Days sets/locations that vanished


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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There are sets we saw all the time, and then, we realize we have not seen them in forever. They just virtually just disappeared.Recently, it was the DiMera study...... But there have been others

The Hope & Bo Brady home
The Kiriakis patio/pool
The loft apartment, where many of our Salemites lived at times
Maggie's kitchen
The cemetery - I think it is St. Luke's
Chez Rouge
The PIER.........
The new DiMera set looks like the room where Stefano was "killed" a few years back. He listened to opera in there.

The Penthouse, and The Penthouse Grill - now that Marlena is back, where does she live?
Java ? - the coffe house prior to TBD
Various offices, bedrooms, etc that come and go as story lines dictate :)
St Luke's - wonder if they'll have a Christmas service?
No, it was the library, a smaller room, and that is what we are seeing now as the "main" meeting room for the occupants of DiMansion.
Actually, Lauren Koslow mentioned the new sets, and the library in a recent interview. Said because of all the new sets they had to reduce the space for the DiMeras.
In Horton Square, they just took away the white sofa, also those fires that were burning all the time.

Oh, the Fancy Face....remember her. We used to see a lot of her. LOL
And of course, Salem Place. Sure do miss that one.
He may have, Daysd. I was thinking of a particular time, and actually found some video. Not sure it's the same set, but it is set up similarly. You can also see some of the others sets mentioned in this post! :)

The relevant scenes begin about the 3 minute mark:

How about the Kiriakis family mausoleum. While Vivian was around, people dropped by there all the time, but now nobody visits. Isabella must be getting lonesome. Another locale that has vanished is Chelsea's old sorority house. Perhaps, dear old Salem U. closed the place down after the Ford Decker incident. (Imagine Eve's reaction if she learned that her darling daughter was living in a sorority house that once had a body buried in the basement or that JJ had joined date-rapist Ford Decker's old fraternity.)
Salem Place
The Pier
Marlena's penthouse
Marlena and John's smaller penthouse
The old Kiriakis mansion--this living room is similar but the mansion used to be much larger
Marlena's old office
The Cheatin' Heart
Roman and Marlena/Abe and Lexie's house
Roman's smaller house that we only saw a few times
Salem PD set
Jack's old condo where he lived with Eve
The Spectator set
My last round of research will be the Set Database, which I'll either start working on next year or 2016. Eventually we'll have a list of EVERY set ever used on Days, and their first/last appearances, and perhaps a ranking of how many times each has appeared. After that list is done, there's pretty much nothing else left for me to research on the show. I'll be all "researched out" besides keeping the lists up-to-date with the new episodes.