Days - Tues. 4/28 -


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Got 1st 15 min. Breaking news for press conf. again. No idea if I will get any more.

But, Jack & Jen come to see Abby in hospital, she wakes up, looks and hallucinates that Jen is standing there with Orpheus behind her, bomb strapped to her waist. She is yelling, Chad trying to calm her down, Jack bewildered as is Jen. Abby snaps out of it, realizes "it happened again. Marlena arrives.
Earlier, John & Marlena were in their place, she gets call about Abby in hospital, will be right over. John is going to see Brady, cannot believe his son stabbed Vic.

Zoey meets up with David & Orpheus, tho she only asked her father as courtesy. They exchange a few negative remarks, but she tells of filing for custody of David, but Rafe filing to have her request thrown out.

Justin comes to see Rafe, he filed motion. Rafe talks of Zoey's father being Orpheus, brother a murdered. Justin reminds him his father is currently in prison, his sister was. But Rafe was Jordan's choice, & has been his guardian.

Justin was at hospital checking on Victor, out of surgery, on ventilator. He wishes her well, will see her at home. Along comes Steve in wheelchair, tired of staying in bed. He is glad she took his advice about Justin, she would slap him if not in wheelchair, informs him she never left Justin, Steve is sorry, only is glad she made the choice she did.

That's it folks.........Conference still goin on.
Steve's eye has no hope.

Steve and Hope commiserate.

Somebody's drugging Abby.

Zoey's suit is going forward. Rafe's family are also criminals.

Rafe won't let John see Brady, or give him information. John advises Rafe to fight for his kid.

Orpheus meets John and Marlena in the Square.
The look on Jack's face as he witnessed Abby's craziness was priceless. He looked appalled. Then I remembered he wasn't around for the previous craziness, so appalled was the right reaction. The expression was still priceless. I couldn't take me eyes off of him.
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I don't know what to do about the daily interruptions of the show. When it started on time today I thought, Oh, great, going to see the whole show today. But no, After 15 min, bam, they just stopped it with the news conference. Sigghhhh. Wonder who has drugged Abby? Who has been in the house? Gabi, Li Shin, who else?
I just think that Chad has been too robotic, so I am going to guess that somehow he still has some Stefano in him and he is drugging Abby. No idea why, but Stefano did not like her.
Why is Steve still in the hospital? How many days have passed since his surgery?
I've asked this question myself, but Steve is hardly atypical. Many Salemites who fall into the clutches of University Hospital spend a long time there. One might suspect that the hospital is running up the bill, but that can't be it because nobody ever seems to pay for their hospital stay.

Hope: Please make her endless apology tour stop. It's reached the point where Salemites might want to run the other way when they see her coming. Imagine the following interchange at the John-Marlena town house:
  • John: OMG, it's Hope at the door again -- she probably wants to give us yet another apology.
  • Marlena: Let's pretend that we're not home.
Rafe: Remarkably, the writers didn't do a bad job in laying out the factors in a child custody case. That said, Rafe's still in a very strong position. The only way he could lose custody to self-appointed legal genius Zoey is through Justin's incompetence and a bad ruling by one of the legal illiterates who populate the Salem bench.

Brady: Sami may think that Eric is the Bad Twin, but Brady certainly fits the definition of a bad son. He really knows how to make poor John miserable. Taking the rap for creepy Kristen is just the latest in his thoughtless treatment of his father. In addition to his prior relationship with Kristen there have been:
  • worrisome drug and alcohol addictions.
  • once shunning of John, which got so bad that the poor man was reduced to begging Brady to resume a father-son relationship. (How many times during this period was John reduced to pleading, "please son?")
  • the relationship with Jeannie T., who put John in a coma with a fireplace poker.
  • running off to Manitoba with fugitive Nicole.
And the problems might not end when Victor inevitably wakes up and names Kristen as his assailant. The foolish Mr. Black could then be charged with obstruction of justice.
Thanks, Poirot and Jason

It's a new day in Salem.

I'm glad John and Marlena know about the baby switch. I wonder why John isn't out
there looking for Rachel?

Marlena told John after the call that Abby was in the hospital. We all know that's a
no no, but it's Salem

I laughed when Orpheus said Justin was a "2nd rate nephew"

Does Justin have a chance of winning the custody case for Rafe? We hope so,
but Evan said his sister was almost practically perfect. Is she Mary Poppins? :)

Interesting for Justin to mention Rafe doesn't have a good family background
like Zoey.

Steve called Kayla sweetness. She told him not to call her that anymore. That's sad.

Abby has been poisoned. Who did it? Will Gabi get blamed?
I think the drugs are left over from Steven-o, and Gabi had nothing to so with it. And that being wrongfully accused will set her off once again.