Days - Wed, May 20, 2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Episode #11,085 Taped 4/22 Director – Albert Alarr

Sami & Rafe bask in the afterglow of round 2, and talk about themselves. She never felt this way about anyone, he throws in “what a waste”…all that time in the safe house when they could have been doing this. LOL. They chat about how impossible she was, but that he had a hunch even back then. Sami is obviously very happy, and decides to show him just how much, fade out as they couple roll around a bit.

In the warehouse, Victor is convincing Stefano that his time is short when the insulin wears off, that EJ had better come through. Stefano insists that Victor is underestimating his son, that his faith sustains him, faith in himself, in God and in his family. (what a laugh). Next we see Victor is gone, the nurse is taking Stefano’s blood pressure, he is asking her how long the last dose will last, she is rather evasive, but says it would be quickly absorbed by the body. He hints at her not having to stay at this job, but she does not bite, saying something about the economy and she leaves.

Over in the Java Café, Brady is quickly ripping off his shirt because of the hot coffee, talking about probably 3rd degree burns (just an aside here, but all of the men today – Owen, Rafe, Brady – are wearing those “wife beater” t-shirts??? Tis odd) but Arianna convinces him she will get some ice and he will be o.k.

Over at another table Melanie is contemplating Stephanie’s earring, thinking of selling it on line, as looks to be pure gold and she needs the money. However, her conscious gets the better of her, she figures some of Maggie is rubbing off on her as she texts Stephanie telling her she has her earring, to call her. She bops over to greet Brady, say hi to Arianna, learns of his being burned, asks to take a looks as she is a nurse in training (huh???) and makes a face, but tells him to put aloe on it, he will be fine. She goes back to the computer.

Now Brandon comes up, he works there apparently, and talks to Brady about an upcoming baseball game. Brady promises to be there, will bring all the equipment he had, gloves, bat, etc. but will have to pick them up over at Sami’s, as they were stored there by his dad. Brandon leaves, Arianna’s ears perked up at the name Sami, asks if Brady is related. He mentions her being his stepsister, realizes Arianna doesn’t seem too fond, even tho she only has met her a couple of times. He admits he & Sami don’t get along all that well, but she is o.k. He finally puts his shirt back on, Arianna takes her leave, he stops at Melanie’s table, noting she is on a site that advertises selling gold on line. They chat back and forth, she tells of finding Stephanie’s earring and deciding to return it. Brady figures she is reforming, so seems to have gotten over Philip. She agrees, telling him it is like he got completely over Nicole.

On the docks, Philip & EJ continue their confrontation, playing cat and mouse. EJ is pretty calm, figuring he now has the upper hand, Philip’s temper is showing again, but fortunately both have their personal goons to run interference. Philip thinks EJ is bluffing, EJ assures him he is not, he wants an exchange – Stefano for Stephanie – and wants his father released immediately and brought right here. No, Philip cannot do that, and again, Phil thinks EJ is bluffing…..but EJ pulls out his phone and shows Phil the picture that Owen took. Phil is taken aback, EJ assures him Stephanie is safe, tears up the contract Victor had given him, and warns Phil that his father has to be released immediately. EJ leaves, Phil slams his fist against those ever present boxes a few times, he goes to the Pub and downs a couple shots, then calls his father, telling him he has to talk to him, it is an emergency.

Stephanie is screaming bloody murder inside her crypt, pounding on the door, asking to be let out. Owen can’t stand it, and finally opens the door and slides her partially out. She thanks him, he tells her he is sorry, he has his orders, that he really is a nice guy. She knows that. Now Stephanie manages to talk nice, but ask questions and realizes that his employers are the DiMeras who ordered him to take her, and he cannot cross them. She asks about his other employers, and warns that his life will not be worth much when the Kiriakis learn what he has done. Hmmm, Owen can’t believe that, never thought of that, but Stephanie pours it on. She compliments him a bit, gets him to get her some water, and then let her sit up to drink it. Her phone rings, he won’t answer it, as it is not EJ. (I think it was Mel’s text message). Now she complains about her back, which gives her trouble and she needs to stand up for a minute or two. Owen agrees, she stands up, knees him, then punches him in the gut, her phone is ringing, she grabs it, yelling to Philip for help.

Rafe looks at the clock, and suddenly gets up and dressed, saying he has to go. Sami realizes he figures Will should be home soon, and doesn’t want him to find them in bed. He tells her she has to talk to Will first, she agrees, says she will, and tell him they are together now, so he will be seeing Rafe around a lot more. We hear Grace crying over the baby monitor, Rafe goes to take care, and Sami hears him talk lovingly to her. A bit later, she comes out into the living room, to find Rafe sitting on the sofa, singing to Grace, having quieted her down. He tells Sami he wants to be a father to Grace, and wants to make a definite commitment. Sami’s eyes widen.

Philip comes home, tells Victor that EJ has Stephanie, showed him a picture. That he was able to grab Stephanie from the grounds, Victor thinks that is unfortunate. Phil tells him EJ wants to exchange Stephanie for Stefano. Victor stands up, grim look on his face, thinking. Absolutely NO!

EJ has gone home, pour himself a stiff drink, and assures the portrait of his father (which is now hanging back up on the wall, lol) that he has things well in hand, and it won’t be long now. EJ calls Owen, only to hear Stephanie screaming for help. His hand to his head, EJ seems visibly upset.
What does Victor mean by "No"! He can't say that. I guess Stephanie will get what she deserves for having been insolent to Victor. LOL.

Are Rafe and Sami planning to tell Will that they are now having sex? The kid already knows that Sami and Rafe are "together." I don't think an engraved announcement is necessary.

So is Brady a baseball coach? Seems like he's involved in lots of little things. I remember he (Kyle Lowder) used to shoot hoops.

Sounds like each day keeps getting better and better. Looking forward to the show. Thanks so much for the summary, Poirot!
What are “wife beater” t-shirts? Thanks. I guess I haven't been paying enough attention lately.
"Wife beater" t-shirts are just white tank top undershirts for men. I hate that they call them this.
"Wife beater" t-shirts are just white tank top undershirts for men. I hate that they call them this.

Not just the shirt but the look --is what some of the men that wear them do that bothers people and how they first got that name... . They have been assoicated with the bully men that show off the muscles and think they can muscle their wives and girl friends... Personally I just disilke the shirt completely..
Thanks for the recap Barb.
"Wife beater" shirts looks like t shirts with the sleeves cut off. Another name for them are muscle shirts. No sleeves to show the upper arm muscles
In Ohio, the shirt that one refers as a "wife beater" is a simple Hanes tank top. They are not muscle shirts. I don't know if people refer to muscle shirts as "wife beaters" in other regions of the United States. This could be similar to everyday shoes being called "tennis shoes" in the Midwest and "sneakers" in the East. I do not know.

In college, we called tank tops "wife beaters." The name comes from the stereotypical image of the "redneck trailer trash" who beats on his wife, girlfriend, children, etc. about the woes of life.
Thank you for the recap. I just can't wait to watch. I don't think Victor gives a damn about Stephanie being caught. He won't fold here. EJ should have had Philip kidnapped instead to make for more of an even exchange. I'm so anxious to see what will happen.
Sorry for the confusion. Personally, I had never heard the term until recently, but it is not just a T-shirt with the slieeves cut off. It has a low scooped neck, and wide straps on the shoulders. Owen is wearing one in today's show....I always thought the term perhaps came from that old movie with Marlon Brando...."Streetcar Named Desire", where he was out in the street yelling for Stella. I believe that was the kind of shirt he was wearing.
In the Deep South, the term "wife beater" refers to the sleeveless tank that our grandpa or my dad used to wear under their shirts.

As JAKiriakis said, it's the stereotypical redneck trailer trash - a drunk that beat on his family.

You could also see them in the old movies where the organized crime bosses would sit around in front of the fans with their t-shirt on. I think they wore that style undershirt in The Sopranos, too.

My son, SIL and grandson also wear them and to me, they look like "hunks" in them. I guess it's a southern thing. Like coke, pop and soda, depending on where in the country you are.
Here is a typical "wife beater" t-shirt:

Sorry for the confusion. Personally, I had never heard the term until recently, but it is not just a T-shirt with the slieeves cut off. It has a low scooped neck, and wide straps on the shoulders. Owen is wearing one in today's show....I always thought the term perhaps came from that old movie with Marlon Brando...."Streetcar Named Desire", where he was out in the street yelling for Stella. I believe that was the kind of shirt he was wearing.

The are "ribbed" white hanes tank tops for men.
Rafe's comment

"What a waste, we could have been doing this in the safehouse"?! Sick! Has everyone (ie. the writers) forgotten that Sami was pregnant? And that Rafe was supposedly a professional doing his job, protecting someone? It's a good thing he was fired, especially if he has this attitude every time he "protects" someone!
"What a waste, we could have been doing this in the safehouse"?! Sick! Has everyone (ie. the writers) forgotten that Sami was pregnant? And that Rafe was supposedly a professional doing his job, protecting someone? It's a good thing he was fired, especially if he has this attitude every time he "protects" someone!

i think he was jokin, just playin around. because he was very professional at the safe house.

Poirot, i thought about the "nurse in training" Melanie part, and i think she was just sayin that to get a look at a naked manly chest! She certainly hasn't seen any real action since coming to Salem! LOLOLOL

JMO, i hate the "wife beaters" too. they look ridiculous. now a normal tank on a nice looking, built man is cool, like at ball practice or somethin. not by itself in public, tho JMO
Just a short personal comment on the name for the tank's a horrible sexist name and should not be used in decent just enforces that men's violence against women is "normal" and "everyday".....good grief ladies, it's not ok...don't use the term and object when someone else does.....but that's just my opinion....

Brady playing baseball, I can get into....I remember back in the day Bo, Hope, Steve and Kayla played baseball and it was cute....
Eons ago, they were just called undershirts and I agree with PAllison on the use of the current term. There is no need for Owen to have his shirt off in that cold place. TPTB just wanted to show some skin.

kpatch, I was thinking the same thing about Sami's telling Will she is fornicating again. I know the world has changed a lot but Will is no fool; he probably thinks they have already been getting it on.

I didn't like Rafe's comment about the safe house either. Gross, considering Sami's condition. As far as his breaking the rules, he did that all the time they were there.
re: wife-beaters

My daddy wore them all his life. They are just a type of undershirt. He never laid a finger on my mom!!