Daytime: Week of August 26th (may contain spoilers)

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May 16, 2010
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General Hospital

Julian is tempted to come clean to Sam
Spinelli decides to lie
Dante and Lulu are stunned when they learn that Maxie is breastfeeding the baby
Ellie is startled when she finds Franco on the roof's ledge
Sonny vows revenge
Dante considers AJ a person of interest
Morgan is not pleased to discover that Michael and Kiki have been in contact
Nikolas bails Britt out of jail
Patrick decides to sue for custody of Britt's baby

Young and the Restless

An emotionally compromised Nikki asks Paul for help with a secret only Kay knew
Esther is touched by her letter and asks about Jill’s
Esther refuses to trust Jill with the combination to Katherine’s safe
Katherine’s safe holds no answer – only a clue that sends Jill on a journey
Hillary and Mason enjoy an intimate moment
The blogger provokes Lily into confronting Cane
A nightmare about Carmine unsettles Lauren
The Baldwin’s’ peace of mind is shattered when Lauren is blindsided anew
Sharon forges ahead
Victor wonders about the identity of Adam’s secret investor
Danny performs a song in Katherine’s honor
Chelsea is taken aback by Connor’s health crisis
Maxie is going to breastfeed the baby without telling everyone the truth first. OMG, Lulu and Dante are going to freak the heck out lol. Imagine how spazzed you'd be walking in on someone breastfeeding your newborn. "hand that rocks the cradle" crazy...even if it is her baby.

There were rumors that letter that Kay left Nikki says her and Jack's son is alive and that Dylan is he. Her asking Paul for help kind of confirms it for me that he'll go in search of her and Jack's adult kid. Could Victor have had a hand in this cover up also is the question? The show had a casting call for someone to play an infant eye care specialist and there was speculation that Chelsea's baby would have the same vision condition as Adam's mom, Hope. If this is true, I don't see Chelsea being able to keep the paternity of Connor a secret much longer. I hope this is the route they take because not only would I like to see Adam knowing about his son, I'd like to see him reacting and dealing with his son's potential vision loss.
Young and the Restless:

I wasn't watching at that point JS, but I wondered how they'd spin it if this actually happens. But if anyone could come up with a "plausible" explanation as to how a infant who died and had it's heart donated to another child is alive and well years later, it would be a soap writer lol. And where is Keemo these days?
Young and the Restless:

Don't know what you are talking about wasn't watching YR then! LOL I'm always a day late and a dollor short!
General Hospital
We know that AJ was the last one seen onscreen with Connie and pointing a gun at her no less. Plus Elizabeth and Michael knew that he made threats against Connie so this pretty much ensures he didn't kill her lol. Who do you think did it? My money's on Ava.

How do you all think Sonny will react. He has been gravitating more towards Olivia these last few weeks, but will his love for Connie compel him to avenge her death and will he set his sights on AJ as the culprit. I'm sure that won't win him any points with Michael.

If Spinelli agrees to stay quiet about his daughter, I wonder who convinces him to do so.
General Hospital

My money is on Ava or Julian but leaning towards Ava…Ava is losing everything because of this lie…I read that Connie dies in Sonny arms and professes his love for her. And I think Olivia and Sonny will both be quilt ridden. I think when Spinelli talks to Maxie the true will come out. I hope the rumors are true about Brita’s baby being Dante and Lulu extra egg!
General Hospital

Connie should have dropped one of the “I love you Sonny” and told him who shot her. Oops AJ things are not looking good for you. Does anyone think that Spinelli and Maxie will make a go of it when the truth comes out? I still don’t understand why they let an actress go that has charisma with all the characters and keep someone else that doesn’t have a SL to sink your teeth into!

Why did it take Sonny 10 minutes to call 911? Gotta love soaps....the characters waste so much time saying "what happened?" "who did this?" blah blah blah. I get it, you're shocked someone you love has been shot. But please call 911!!! Aaaaahhhhh.... I'm kind of sick of Olivia's premonitions. It's getting old. Yeah, I don't think AJ did it either. Too obvious. I'm thinking Ava or Franco.

I must say Bradford Anderson (Spinelli) has been doing a fantastic job with this material. The huge range of emotions dealing with the fallout of finding out that baby is really his, way to go! :clap: Of course on the flip side, the actress that plays Ellie was horrible today. Too screechy. I wanted to put earplugs in. I wonder if Lulu is going to figure out on her own what's going on re: the baby. I fear she may do something drastic like kidnap the baby if/when she finds out the truth.

So Derek/Julian knows he's Sam's father. I'm looking forward to Alexis and Sam finding out as well. At least Danny can be saved now. I adore that little guy but this storyline of him needing a transplant has been going on too long in my opinion.

Anything good happen on Y&R today? I couldn't watch because the cable guy was here fixing the tv.
Young and the Restless

Boy Hillary is some piece of work, can’t wait for her house of cards to come tumbling down. Victor is never going to let his vendetta go with the Abbott’s his blood pressure must be 300 daily. And even one has become immune to it! Summer need to tell the Newman’s and the Abbott’s to take a flying leap. Carmine has gone off the deep end! Maybe Carmine and Hillary should meet so they can obsess together. Devon calling Hillary out today was the best.

General Hospital

Gees when AJ is on the other end of a gun he isn’t such a big man, he is acting like a little baby; Connie had more dignity when he pointed a gun in her face! Olivia is getting on my last nerve, every scene she says the same thing. I think Lulu is thinking that maybe the baby isn’t hers and Dante’s! Poor Franco no one loves him I almost feel sorry for him. I will say that GH has a fantastic group of actors and writers. Each day the previews keep getting better.

They need to wrap up this Carmine crap. This should have been over a few weeks ago when Michael found him and Lauren in the cabin. Now he knocks Michael out and is going to kidnap/torture/rape/who knows what to Lauren. It's like deja vu. End it already and move on! I actually feel bad for Summer. People can't stop arguing over whose family she belongs to. I wonder is she's going to be driven to do something bad or hurt herself or something like that. I can't exactly blame her. She's been through a lot lately. I'm sorry but I just can't get into this whole Neil story with the blogger. Snoozeville. Hey, at least Sharon wasn't on today! Win!


Loved the scenes with Sonny, AJ, Michael, and Dante. Good stuff. Although, it's funny because in the real world I'm pretty sure Sonny would still be in trouble with the law for threatening to kill someone, especially in front of a cop! LOL. Gotta love how soaps have so much leeway with these kinds of things. Olivia is getting on my nerves too. I'm thinking it's Ava who actually killed Connie, not AJ. Connie was trying to say Ava Jerome. Makes sense and typical soap fashion make it look like someone else. I didn't pay much attention to the Ellie/Franco scenes or Kiki/Morgan/Carly stuff. Boring. I'm wondering too if the wheels are starting to turn for Lulu re: the baby. I feel like she is going to put all the pieces together.
I've been and off and on viewer of GH for a few years. And in that time, I've never seen Sonny actually shoot someone. I know Jason was his "clean up" guy, but I've never seen him do the job. To you longtime viewers, has he ever pulled the trigger and killed someone?
General Hospital:

Oh that's good deduction Sparkster! I never connected the AJ as initials. That's some good writing to have that suspense & mystery.

cryin4days, Morgan's birth was one time, but no one was killed. Sonny came upon Alcazar helping Carly (then played by Tamara Braun) in labor, & shot. The bullet hit Carly in the head. Then there's the time Sonny shot Dante which is when he found out from Olivia that "Dominic" was actually Dante, and Sonny's son. Neither of them died though.

edited to add name of show being discussed...JS
General Hospital:

Thanks. So for all the threatening he's done/does, Sonny has never killed anyone.

edited to add name of show being discussed...JS
Thanks Just Samantha. Brought a friend to the hospital & wasn't thinking. Sorry for not adding the GH.

General Hospital

He has killed someone, cryin4days. That's the whole thing between him & Rick. Sonny pushed their mother down the stairs accidentally in anger, as a kid, & she died. But it wasn't with a gun. There's also been references by Dante & Olivia about Sonny gunning down some guy in Bensonhurst. Someone Dante looked up to, & the reason he became a police officer.
General Hospital

I hope we have seen the last of Laura and Scottie never did like them. I was touched by Luke’s conversations with his ex’s and daughter. Does Luke have a woman on every continent? I like Brita with Nikolas but I also like him with Elizabeth. Tracy and Felix are two of my favorite characters on the show they always make me smile!

Young and the Restless

I hope we have seen the last of Carmine but I have a feeling he will resurface. Please someone get Cane a new brain a pretty face and short skirt make Hillary a wonderful assistant! PLEASE….How many times have Nick and Avery been planning a wedding and they won’t pull this one off either. Please do it or drop it getting old move on. The only good thing about today’s show is they are giving Paul more airtime. He has always been a favorite of mine. Today seem to me like they were pulling the lose ends together.
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