Daytime: Week of February 17th (may contain spoilers)


I loved the look on Chloe's face when she opened the door to Victor and Chelsea. This whole Cassie thing is ridiculous but I thought it was kinda funny when Sharon returned home to all the photos all over the place.


I like Julian reaching out to his kids. I want to believe he's sincere. Sonny is able to show more of that caring human side with his children too. I just can't watch Michael/Kiki so I FF'd the scenes of both of them talking to their dads about each other. So both Olivia and Alexis mentioned their teen pregnancies and the whole "use protection" thing was said over and over. I wonder if Molly will end up pregnant or have a scare. I hope not. Little Danny is getting so big! What a cutie! No comment about the Robin crap. Be gone already!

I saw the last 5 minutes....Is Sharon so far gone that she thinks a ghost can get pictures of Cassie and put them everywhere or just plain stupid! Why does Chloe think Chelsea's baby should be with her? Doesn't make any sense to me. And I agree about Victoria's hair hideous!

I thought Victor told Robin under no circumstance was she to breathe a word to anyone about where she's going or what she will be doing there? I haven't caught up on this week yet at all. I'm so ready for Dante and Lulu to have Ben. They deserve it. And Dante is a detective... Come on, man.

I’m getting so annoyed with Patrick crying all the time, this is the worst SL in a long time, it makes Robin look like she doesn’t want to be with her family, that Jason is more important to her, and to believe Victor after everything his family has done to PC citizens, is really pathetic on Robin’s part. I loved Silas today with Kiki, listening to her but never knew when to say something, because he is new to this. And what the heck was Olivia thinking letting TJ/Molly get a room, and then lie to Shane, poor writing. I don’t care about Michael/Kiki never liked them together. I think Julian being kind is all an act, to get in the good graces of Alexis, a Jerome doesn’t change overnight!

I was thinking wouldn’t it be funny if Quinn became pregnant, Bill thinking Brooke is married to Ridge! If Brooke could be pregnant last year why can’t Quinn. That sure would put a damper on Bill/Brooke!