Daytime: Week of February 24th (may contain spoilers)


All I can say is, if Chelsea loses Connor it’s her own fault, after everything Victor has done to everyone in GC, she is thinking about what a wonderful man he is. Nick/Victoria has pulled away from him, Abby has her own life, and Adam is gone, nothing like giving yourself a pity party, Victor. Victoria's hair was more attractive on her today. Jill/Colin MEHHH, Chloe, Kevin, Michael MEHHH, can’t get used to new Billy. Billy isn’t the brightest bulb in the pack, going to see Kelly. Bravo to Victoria, I like Stitch and her together.

I love the promo for B&B, Quinn loves Bill, Bill loves Brooke, Brooke loves Ridge, and Ridge loves Katie. Ha-ha!
Donna not going to be happy with Taylor back in town. Just what Wyatt/Hope needs more angst! I thought Aly was a peon, but now she can hire and fire people!

OMG leave already Robin… tired of your self-righteous behavior, being the savior of man-kind, sacrificing your happiness to go on a wild goose chase. They should have never brought her back for 6? months. I always like Patrick/Sabrina/Emma they were happy, but throw a monkey wrench in the works bring Robin back, ship her off again, but in this process they ruined Patrick/Sabrina making them look weak when they make them a couple again.

Was she even back that long? She's only been back in Port Charles for about 2 and a half months. I agree though, she should have stayed "dead". Or they could have dragged out the Patrick angle, let him flip flop between the two before seeing what an idiot Robin's become during her time away, thus choosing Sabrina instead. I used to love Robin, but I really think she was ruined this time around and I do not want her with Patrick next time she decides to come back.