Daytime: Week of March 24th (may contain spoilers)


I had the show on but didn’t really watch it, too many characters on that I don’t like! They really need to move on with some of these SL’s!

I think the Ben SL is an insult to the viewers, yesterday Dante wanted to stop Dr. O from taking the baby and Lulu wouldn’t let him, now today Lulu is begging Dante to do something, make up your mind Lulu! Nikolas you can deny it all you want but you still love Britt. I hope Madeline isn’t a permanent fixture on the show, she gets on my last nerve, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t kill her daughter. I still can’t believe they got rid of Connie and kept Olivia such a waste, Olivia’s acting is way over the top, she is not believable in any way, shape or form. I can’t wait until Det. West gets caught up on his family and realizes what is going on.

I agree lovin_safe. I can't believe they just let Dr. O walk out of there with Ben. When Lulu was telling Dante to let her go or else she might hurt Ben I thought maybe Dante would grab the dagger from behind as Dr. O walked by. How foolish to just let her go! I hope this doesn't last too long. Dante and Lulu have been without their son for long enough. I'm thinking that Nina is not really dead. I think Madeline is hoping Nathan can now officially pin the murder on Silas by saying she's dead. I bet Nina Clay will be making an appearance in Port Charles in the near future, perhaps May sweeps.


I thought the Price is Right thing was kinda silly too but ya got to admit it was a much better cross promotion than that ridiculous show that EJ and Sami promoted on NBC that tanked. I don't really like the character of Kelly but I loved the smack down she gave Abby today. She was spot on.

I laughed at Bill today, talking like a teenage boy trying to get his girlfriend to have sex with him, he is a man, and he has needs. The more I see Quinn, I like her and I think Bill does too. Bill sure can’t resist her, I hope she comes out of the closet and I want to see Bill scramble to explain it to Brooke. Quinn has a mind of her own, not like the other women on the show!

Oh my goodness. Lulu is an idiot...barging into the interrogation room like that! Doh! Wow, I did not expect that with Dr. O holding Elizabeth hostage like that with the baby. That's what I love about GH. They pull unexpected things like that sometimes. Will Nikolas figure things out and play hero? So what will Carly do with the info she got out of AJ? She now knows that Ava is somehow involved too. I just hope AJ is vindicated for everything before Sean Kanan leaves GH.


Yep, methinks Victoria and Stitch will be doing the do soon....who's the daddy storyline here we go!! Blech! :sick: I'd much rather they recast Phyllis (or bring back Michelle Stafford) to pair with Jack....I don't like where I think they're going with Jack/Kelly. Just too weird since she was with his brother Billy.

I hope Ava gets arrested for something, any thing; she lies to everyone including her daughter, tired of her and her antics. I’m amazed how people find one another, Michael told Kiki he was going home, so where does she go but to the chapel and finds him there. I’m also tired of Nathan and his one tracked mind, hope someone knocks him off his pedestal and soon. I know AJ is leaving the show I thought maybe today he dies and leaves Carly with this puzzle with Sonny and Ava. Of all the houses in PC Dr. O goes to Elizabeth’s home, really! They need to put Lulu in jail and keep her away from the general public; if they don’t they will never get Ben back if she is around. Then you have Dante saying it’s not your fault Lulu, like heck it isn’t. And last we have over the top Olivia, just can’t stand that women, I hope they don’t make her and Sonny a permanent thing.