
Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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You know I get that tptb want to set up a murder mystery. BUT, I so wanted to see Serena get whacked. We have been denied. And may I add Eric is a moron. He leaves a message for Serena saying everyone is worried but they aren't. He's the only one that gives a rat about the skank.
I wanted to see at least a hand kill her somehow. How does she die? We just see her body? I wish we knew how, but sadly, Dr. I-Do-Everything-Jonas will probably have to be called in and tell us.

Oh, and I'm betting that Eric will blame Nicole for Serena's death!
No need for the crystal ball. Eric finds her body at the end of todays episode.
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Oh, and I'm betting that Eric will blame Nicole for Serena's death!

I see no reason for him to blame Nicole. Unless she comes in turning cartwheels and chanting I killed the witch, there's no way anything Nicole did led to Serena's death. This is one thing Eric can't blame Nicole for LOL. Now, how she treated Serena before her death, that's another story :rotfl:
It looks like a men's necktie around her neck.

If it was a necktie, I don't think Chad wears them with his suits. Now I need to go back and look at the episodes on the DVR to see if he's worn one in the last week.
I doubt that Super Jonas will ride to the scene like the Lone Ranger and immediately solve the crime. It seems like the writers are setting up a "who dunnit" with hung-over Chad as the prime suspect because of his drunken fracas at Club TBD and the men's tie around Ms. Mason's neck. In a variation of the old "Who Killed Cock Robin" nursery rhyme, it's going to be "Who killed Bluebird??" As I noted in another thread, hopefully the newly reinstated Rafe leads a professionally-run investigation, unlike the ridiculous charade that took place after the "murder" of Stefano.
Serena looked too "good" to be dead. Her eyes were spooky looking, but if she was strangled, her eyes would not be clear like they show her and also...dead people do have a hint of blue from lack of oxygen... just thought this was a missed opportunity for the very first victim to look the part.
I think that's going to be the implication, but Chad doesn't really wear ties, not that I can remember anyway.

Not to say he doesn't own one and it wasn't pinched from his bedroom or something though.
What I don't understand is, how many more people are going to get killed in the park or have their bodies dumped in the park before they get some surveillance cameras in there?? After the EJ shooting you would think that the good old Salem PD would have thought of this. But unless a crime is happening right in front of them they are unable to solve it. And sometimes when a crime happens in front of them they still cant solve it.
After the EJ shooting you would think that the good old Salem PD would have thought of this. .
I don't think they much cared. In fact, someone offing Elvis was doing them a favor. LOL They were trying to make him pay for years and whoever caused Elvis to bite the dust would make them rejoice and throw a party:wink:
If I have learned anything from watching this show over the decades it is that Salem is an extremely corrupt place with ineffective local governance at all levels; law enforcement, medical care, judiciary and townhall. A place where citizens, mostly, commit crimes with impunity and all but a very few are morally compromised. So of course they are not going to put surveillance cameras in the park. What said cameras might record would no doubt prove very embarrassing for many prominent families, especially considering many people like to talk out loud about their various misdeeds.
This is one thing Eric can't blame Nicole for LOL.

Sure he can! If Nicole hadn't sued her, Serena would not have gotten drunk, and thus made much more vulnerable to attack. Ergo, Nicole's fault. And, Eric tried to shush Nicole as she was rubbing in her joke lawsuit victory. :)

@SarahBeth, I couldn't help but notice that you did not pull any punches in your opening post re Eric/Serena! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: