Do we know???

How about baby JT? You know, the one that was switched with Zack, who Hope raised, until it was discovered that Zack was really her child. I remember sobbing my eyes out when JT was given to his natural parents. And I always wondered why Days has completely ignored the fact that Hope & Bo were raising JT for quite some time (I don't recall exactly, but close to a year).
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Now THERE's a thought. Hmmmm.
It's probably going to be something stupid. Kristen will probably tell Sami that it's EJ but he had to have a facial reconstruction or something ridiculous. He'll have been planted with EJ's memories and than it will all be proven false. LOL. I just can't wait to find out!!! I'll eat crow if it actually turns out to be something creative and surprising!
Y'all talking about age like it matters on Days of Our Lives. haha. just saying. EJ Dimera, as much as I hate the character and would never want him back, can be brought back by the writers as a 25ish year old. after all, they SORAS'd him all the way up to old enough to be a Grandpa, they can just SORAS him back down if they want to.

I'd rather it be Zack Brady. But that's complete nonsense. Of course, nonsense isn't unheard of either. But it just doesn't fit.

Sadly, I think EJ Dimera is back, with a new actor playing him. I hate this show sometimes.
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me, too. JT is a character they can bring back on, who has ties to the core family but isn't related. No real baggage because he left as a toddler and available to be a romantic partner for all the folks in Salem.