Does anyone else have the same problem I do on this website?


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2007
Reaction score
I am typing and have a paragraph done then all of a sudden my browser closes with no warning or a message comes up that internet explorer has to close. It is only when I am typing on a thread on your website.
Any ideas what could be doing it? I get so upset I don't come back for a while and never go back and type what I was prior to the browser closing.
It just happened to me again. I typed and my browser instantly went shut after I typed about 4 lines. It's getting annoying. Been going on for weeks now.
I don't have any technical problems with this site, but I learned years ago to save as I type. Every sentence or two, press "Ctrl s" and, when that happens, you won't lose your entire post. I found that out in Word many moons ago. :)

We're not aware of any technical problems with our site which would cause Internet Explorer to close. A review of the author's site ( shows no outstanding issues either. In order to better diagnose any given issue, we would need to know several things, such as which version of IE you were using (along with whether it's 32-bit or 64-bit). It would also be nice to get the actual error, and wording of the error you're experiencing so that we have an idea where to start looking.

Chances are it's an individual setting, a firewall program on your machine, or a problem with the installation of a third-party program (like Java) that's causing it. Especially if no one else is experiencing same.

Thank you for trying to help me!

The browser is internet explorer 7
Sometimes there is no error message. It just closes abruptly.
Sometimes it says internet explorer has to close.
it says I have system32 is that what you need?:)
By the way I am on an old fashioned dial up.
I can not get DSL where I live
Dial up COULD be a problem - I remember when I had it. All kinds of troubles at times. I use Firefox. I really do not like Internet Explorer, and in fact, last January when my computer crashed, I had to have the entire hard drive wiped clean and everything re-installed. I told them to not even install IE. I also have Chrome, both are free downloads.

However, Wayne is the wizard here, so he will be back sometime today.....he can perhaps answer better.
my browser just closed again. seems like it is happening more often.
and i just typed a few sentences in to a response.
I'm not really a fan of proposing changing browsers, especially if you're used to it. That being said, you might consider upgrading Internet Explorer to a newer version, or try installing Firefox. It would be very odd if these sort of problems just exist with the Spectator though.

It's funny. I do not have a problem on any other website with this!
Maybe my computer is haunted & the ghosts are just messing with me!
I love this website by the way.:D
Another thing that happens is I get a error code after I click on "Post Reply".
The following. It happens often.
The following error occurred:

You must wait at least 16 seconds before performing this action.

If I wait & do it again my post shows up twice! I learned to look at the last page when I post & get that error.
I used to have all IE, Firefox & Chrome. The thing is, if all your bookmarks are on one browser it is annoying til you get your favs on the other.

Have you checked the IE web page? They might have some sort of FAQ about it. Otherwise, I'd say it is something in the settings that is either checked and should not be, or is not check and should be.
If you are using a laptop.....cannot begin to tell you how much that happens to me on mine. And that is with Firefox.....only, I don't get an error message. I use Chrome when I play games on Facebook, lol, as it is a streamlined, pared down browser that doesn't use as much space, or RAM or memory, etc. Have you tried shutting your machine down and restarting???
Another thing you can try, similar to what Kathylu suggested, is to type up your post in the "Notepad" or "Wordpad" program, then copy and paste it to the site. That way when your browser crashes the whole post is not lost; at least until you can find a fix.
Which version of Windows are you using?? Have you done a complete power down and rebooting (not a "restart")?

Another thing to try is changing your display preferences here at the Spectator to stop showng everyone's signatures at the bottom of their posts. Click on your name, preferences, then uncheck the box in front of show signatures.

I agree that you should try upgrading to IE 8 or install Google Chrome or Firefox. My facebook games work in Chrome while IE8 shuts down when I try using it for the ones with really intense graphics.
Thank you for all your help. It is really appreciated.
Not using a lap top Poirot.
I will check IE's they want me to update. I hate doing that on a dial up.
Takes forever and then usually have problems after one of their updates!
Since you are on dialup, and that is slower, you may need to clear your cache/history now and then. A lot is stored there and can slow your system down. Just go to tools, internet options and try that if you haven't.
Personally, I run a Linux and Windows on a dual boot system, in case I have problems, but that's kinda complicated.
Oh, I forgot another problem I had when I was on dialup, so I don't know if this is an issue now, but I would always be cut off after about 4 hours, hard to play games like that. Maybe, too, an incoming call could do that?
I have experienced this problem, too, but not on this website. I cannot open on IE because it will shut down without notice. I am not on dial-up. I assumed it's because of some update or flash player or java or other software and a conflict among them, and I just use another browser for that website, and have had no other issues. For me, it just seems to be that one website... you may find that it's a better use of your time to get used to another web browser as opposed to figuring out the issue. You may even just need to use another web browser for this website. Either way, good luck! I know how frustrating it can be.