Does anyone else want Jack back?

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It really was a shame that Days could not have given Matt Ashford (Jack) better material this last time. He did get a few quality scenarios....when he had the PTSD episode with Jennifer, his visit to the group therapy with Marlena, and then his determination to save his daughter during the gas explosion aftermath.
But otherwise, the character was ill used, the story for him was awful and to have him return to fall into the cake first thing was painful to see. Shame on the writers for doing that to such a good actor, and to Mr Corday, who could NOT have been paying attention at all. (And he claims to have the scripts months in advance. Ha!
Jack entered with a fall, and exited with one.
I just have a hard time figuring out why someone with the talents of the writers, to take the talents of the cast members, and do such terrible things to them. They are not little puppy dogs, that will do anything at all that the writers want them to do, just for ratings, man we look at them as people, and characters unto themselves, and then we see what they do to the talented actors, and I can understand why the remark I read about one of the actors making after they were released from contract, due to the remark, "Well I was looking for an acting job before I came into this one, and there must be more... " I feel sorry for the relationships that suffer, from so little consideration of the actors, and the narrow minded and near sightedness of the Powers that Be.... Things could have been a whole lot smoother, and Jack, Matt Ashford, could have still been with us, and left with Jenn, JJ, and Abby, as Jason De Speech was just speaking of. All in favor, vote with an AMEN Brother.....
Yes BUT like has been mentioned NO bumbling, falling into cakes, over the top stupidity. A character can be funny/have a sense of humor without going overboard with idiocy.
Heavens no, Salem has severely over done and worn out the "BACK FROM THE DEAD" scenario. He should continue to rest in peace and Bo-Bo should stay away, far far away.
Actually, if Stefano can still be alive, smoking cigars, drinking brandy, eating whatever he wants, traveling around the world, after all the things that have happened to him..and I am not even talking car explosions, river drownings.

He had an inoperable brain tumor, was hit by lightning, had a kidney transplant, a liver transplant, has diabetes, had a blood disease, was in a tunnel that collapsed, was COMPLETELY on fire, so had to suffer 3rd degree burns (we SAW his entire body on fire), and heck, he doesn't even have a single scar. LOL
So, Jack could have easily survived that elevator crash, if the show wanted. Always said that a family member was not who I.D.'d him, it was Cameron...the guy we really did not trust.
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