

André DiMera

NARRATOR: Tonight’s story is somewhat unique and calls for a different kind of introduction. A monster had arrived in the village. The major ingredient of any recipe for fear is the unknown. And this person or thing is soon to be met. He knows every thought, he can feel every emotion. Oh yes, I did forget something didn’t I? I forgot to introduce you to the monster…
SILVER; I don’t know why you want to watch horror movies like that, Skyler. You know it’s just going to scare you.
SKYLER: No, it won’t!
SILVER: Okay. I’ll remind you that you said that around 2 a.m. when you come into my room because you’re scared of the monster that’s coming to get you.
SKYLER: Silver, I’m not going to get scared this time!
SILVER: Okay...
Silver sat down next to her sister on the couch
SILVER; I can’t believe they decided to make another Michael Jackson song into a movie.
SKYLER: I know! It’s great, isn’t it?
Later that night, Silver was asleep. Then, Skyler came into her room and woke her up.
SKYLER: Silver? Silver, are you awake?
SILVER: Well, I am now. What do you want?
SKYLER: Silver, I can’t sleep. And, before you say anything, I know. You were totally right about that movie. It freaked me out, and now I can’t go to sleep.
SILVER: Skyler, you should know by now that there are no monsters.
SKYLER: I know. And I do, I know that there are no monsters. But, please, let me sleep with you tonight! It would make me feel better.
SILVER: Okay. Fine. Get in.
So, Skyler got into Silver’s bed, and was eventually able to go to sleep. She knew, of course, that there were no monsters coming to get them. But she was wrong. There was a monster coming to get them. It was coming to get everyone…
The monster’s name was E.J., or as he preferred to be called by his first name now, Elvis DiMera. Elvis had changed in the three weeks since we had last seen him. He had started to grow a goatee. He always wore black suits. And, his eyes had a dark, shady look about them. He was a completely different man than he had been three weeks ago.
ELVIS: Rolf!
Dr. Wilheim Rolf entered the study of the DiMera Mansion where Elvis was sitting reading his business plans
ROLF: Yes, E.J.?
ELVIS: I thought I told you that from now on you will refer to me as Elvis, did I not?
ROLF: Yes, of course. I’m so sorry. What is it that I can do for you, Elvis?
ELVIS: How are the plans coming?
ROLF: The plans?
ELVIS: Don’t play dumb with me, Rolf! You know very well what plans I’m talking about!
ROLF: Ah, yes. The plans. They are moving along very swiftly, Elvis.
ELVIS: Good. When is the projected finishing date?
ROLF: One week from tomorrow.
ELVIS: I see. Well, work on it faster! Now, if you will excuse me, I’m going to retire for the night.
ROLF: Very well, sir.
Rolf started to exit the room when Elvis called him back.
ELVIS: Where do you think you’re going?
ROLF: Well, I thought, as you were going to retire for the night, that I would do so myself…
ELVIS: I don’t pay you to think! I pay you to get this job done!
ROLF: With respect, sir, you do not pay me at all.
ELVIS: I let you stay alive, and let you stay in my mansion here, don’t I? That is your payment! Now, get the bloody job done on time! The Armageddon Machine must be ready by the end of the week!
ROLF: But, Elvis, you cannot expect me to have it finished by Saturday night! It is already Thursday ngiht!
ELVIS: Well, then, you’d better get working then, hadn’t you? Good day to you!
Armageddon Machine? Scary stuff!
Great start, Andre. I wonder what happened to EJ to make him turn so evil so fast. Poor Rolf always gets abused.
Ahh. This is so good. Glad to see Elvis in the evil side again. Bet this has to do with him in the lab yelling before when House was leaving.
If I was Rold I would be mixing up a few "cocktails" for Elvis.:evillaugh:
Day 2

A few days later, Elvis was sitting in his living room, reading the paper, and having a cup of tea. Rolf then entered.
ROLF: Elvis?
ELVIS: What is it now, Rolf? Can’t you see I’m busy doing important business-type matters?
ROLF: Yes. That is what I have come to speak to you about. It is ready.
ELVIS: The Armageddon Machine? It is ready?
ROLF: Yes. I just put the finishing touches on it a few hours ago.
ELVIS: Very good, Rolf. I must admit, I was getting a bit impatient with your dawdling, but I’m glad that you have finally gotten the job done. Therefore, I shall spare your life. For now. Now, take me to the Armageddon Machine!
ROLF: I’ve got it right here with me.
Rolf handed Elvis what looked like a palm pilot. It was actually a control panel with several different-colored buttons on it.
ELVIS: Excellent. Excellent. Now, what do I do?
ROLF: The blue button will cause a power outage for the entire world. The purple button will put Salem on lock-down. The red button will give you control of all television and radio stations in Salem, my personal favorite…
ELVIS: Yes, yes, nice. And the black button? What does that do?
ROLF: Ah, yes. The black button. Well, you see, the black button starts the countdown. I have it set to ten days. And, finally, the green button. Well, once the countdown is complete, the green button will begin flashing. When it starts flashing, you press it, and KA-POW! Doomsday!
ELVIS: Very well. Now, let’s start phase one of Doomsday, shall we?
Elvis pressed one of the buttons…
Elsewhere in Salem, Police Commander Roman Brady was enjoying a well-deserved day-off. He was sitting at home, watching the TV. When, suddenly, there was a power outage.
ROMAN: What da hell?
Roman looked all around his dark house for a candle and finally found one. Then, he got out a match and lit the candle. When he returned to the living room, the power was still out, but the TV was on. And the face on the TV was very familiar.
ELVIS: This is a serious message to anyone and everyone watching this. It is vitally important that you listen to me…
ELVIS: …I have recently acquired…a weapon. One so deadly and powerful that it has the ability to destroy the entire city of Salem. It would be a dreadful fate for all of us if this weapon were to fall into the wrong hands. Unfortunately, it already has. My butler, and mad scientist, Dr. Wilheim Rolf has already started the countdown. I urge you, leave town as quickly as you can! You have ten days. Ten to Doomsday. I hope you will all heed my warning and leave this town! May you find safety in another town or country for that matter. Until then, this is Elvis DiMera. Good night…
The DiMansion is in Salem. Looks like that nut ball is going to chase himself out of his own city. Looks like Bo went overboard being green and made it mandatory for all media devices to be converted to solar power. Elvis is button happy too. Looks like he pressed the blue, red and black buttons. We don't know about the purple one yet. I suppose if nobody can escape we will know. If he pushed it and he is in Salem then he will perish just like everyone else. Good grief....who has the Salem brain??? :(
who has the Salem brain???
kpatch! LOLOL

Ahh, so this is what happened on Jericho! Just kidding. O.K. good luck with this one, André. I am not much into sci-fi. Have always disliked Dr. Rolf. And this is why........heheheheh
Thanks Andre. This is the Elvis I loved when he came on the show. Wonder where he will go after the 10 days. Love the fact that the power is out and the TV is working. Sounds like Skyler's dream was about Elvis.
Hmm, there must be some reason that EJ wants everyone to leave. I think there's much more to this than meets the eye. Great chapter, Andre.
And Poirot, thanks for giving me the Salem brain. I hope I can handle the pressure.
Elvis was lurking in the tunnel beneath the DiMansion and discovered a diamond mine. He want's to evacuate the town, set up operation and rake in the trillions. No more deals with Daddy and the mob for him!
Day 3: Ten to Doomsday

Glad you all enjoyed it. Anyhoo, here's the next chapter:

ELVIS: The countdown has started. Now, let’s put this city on lock down!
Elvis pressed the purple button.
Melanie was trying to save her skin and be the very first one to leave town. She started running towards the town that was next to Salem, but found that she was unable to. Before her very eyes popped up a large dome that encased the entire town of Salem. She tried to break through the dome a couple of times, but to no avail.
MELANIE: Come on! Why can’t I get out?! It’s like there’s some kind of force-field!
Back in the house of Roman Brady, he was looking around for all of his weapons and such things. He wasn’t going to take a hostile take-over of the town lying down. However, his search was interrupted when the TV came back on, with, of course, Elvis on the screen.
ELVIS: Greetings, good people of Salem. I hope that you were all able to escape the city. Now, it’s only the few unfortunate souls left. Then again, I gave you ample time to get out of here, so, it’s your own fault really. I gave you exactly the amount of time I said I would. Ten days. Or was it ten minutes? Oh, I don’t know. You know how bad I am at counting. Anyway, I would just like to say that you have all been RickRoll’d! (Singing) Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you (speaking) Um, yes…anyway. As I was saying, you have all been fooled. Oh, please, like I was ever going to destroy Salem. I would never do anything like that. No, no. What I have planned is much worse than that. I am, in fact, going to destroy the world, though. The world will soon die in a ball of flames. Nothing will be left of it but a floating ball of ash. With the exception of one tiny little town: Salem. It is unfortunate, however, that most of you will die. Don’t be too disappointed, you know how budget cuts are. If you don’t’ wish to die, you could always try talking to Ken Corday, but he mostly likely won’t do anything about it. Anyhow, those of you who are fortunate enough to live will become my slaves. The apocalypse is nigh! All hail King Elvis! This is your king saying, have a good night everyone. Sweet dreams.
Back at the DiMera Mansion, after Elvis had finished his message, Rolf was pacing around the corridors.
ROLF: What have I done?! What kind of monster have I created?! This is all your fault, Stefano! Why couldn’t you have just stuck with two sons? Why did you have to have a third child?! And why did I give him a total mind-swap?! And, why am I talking to myself?!
While Rolf was pacing around the corridors of the mansion, he heard Elvis talking to himself. He decided to open the door where Elvis’ voice was coming from, and was surprised to find that Elvis was having a conversation with himself in the shower. Rolf quickly, and quietly, got out a small video camera and began recording.
ELVIS: World domination is coming. I shall be the supreme ruler of the world. You know, it’s at times like this that I feel a song coming on. After all, I am such a smooth criminal. Ladies and gentlemen, the musical stylings of Elvis John Black Jr. Banks-DiMera! (Singing) As he came into the window It was the sound of a crescendo He came into her apartment He left the bloodstains on the carpet She ran underneath the table He could see she was unable So she ran into the bedroom She was struck down, it was her doom Annie are you ok So, Annie are you ok Are you ok, Annie, Annie are you ok So, Annie are you ok Are you ok, Annie, Annie are you ok So, Annie are you ok Are you ok, Annie, Annie are you ok So, Annie are you ok, are you ok, Annie, Annie are you ok will you tell us that youre ok there’s a sign in the window that he struck you a crescendo Annie he came into your apartment he left the bloodstains on the carpet then you ran into the bedroom you were struck down it was your doom Annie are you ok So, Annie are you ok Are you ok Annie, Annie are you ok So, Annie are you ok Are you ok Annie, Annie are you ok So, Annie are you ok Are you ok Annie Youve been hit by Youve been hit by A smooth criminal…
ROLF (thinking): This is definitely going on YouTube!
Had to go listen to the music after reading. :) I always did like Rick Astley. He reminds me of a real life "Archie" I didn't remember the Michael Jackson one. Was it on the thriller album? I am not sure I can picture Elvis doing either of those numbers but I suppose anything is possible.:D

Melanie should just dig under the dome just like Maggie on the Simpsons. Hey Maybe Bo could Ride his motorcycle up the inside of the dome with a bomb just like Homer and Bart!
Love how everyone is talking to themselves. Is Elvis a robot with a crossed wire? He's out of control. And how devious to tell everyone they have to leave Salem, then make certain they can't. Great plot, Andre!
Had to go listen to the music after reading. :) I always did like Rick Astley. He reminds me of a real life "Archie" I didn't remember the Michael Jackson one. Was it on the thriller album? I am not sure I can picture Elvis doing either of those numbers but I suppose anything is possible.:D

Melanie should just dig under the dome just like Maggie on the Simpsons. Hey Maybe Bo could Ride his motorcycle up the inside of the dome with a bomb just like Homer and Bart!

Nurse Hamster, Thanks for putting the links up as I was thinking, I've never heard that Michael Jackson song before. I had heard the other one. But, now I'm LOL at myself!!!!
Day 4: Nine to Doomsday

There was a knock on the door of the Mansion, and Rolf went to go see who it was.
ROLF: Can I help you?
DAMIEN: I’m here to see Elvis DiMera.
ROLF: Of course. Right this way.
Rolf led Damien into the main living room of the DiMera Mansion where Elvis was sitting.
ROLF: Elvis, you have a visitor.
ELVIS: Ah, Damien. I was wondering when you would arrive.
DAMIEN: What do you want, Elvis?
ELVIS: Rolf, go get us some drinks. Our young guest and I have some important matters to discuss.
So, Rolf left to get some drinks.
ELVIS: Now, Damien, I have a proposition I think you might be interested in.
DAMIEN: And, what would that be?
ELVIS: I want you to burn down the Brady Pub.
ELVIS: Because, it will hurt the Brady’s to lose their most favorite eatery. And hurting the Brady’s is what I do best.
DAMIEN: And, why should I help you?
ELVIS: Because, I know all about your little problem. I know that you are a pyromaniac. And I wouldn’t hesitate in committing you to an asylum.
DAMIEN: You wouldn’t!
ELVIS: If you do what I ask, no. Don’t cross me, Damien. Because you will lose. I can guarantee that. This way, you get what you want, and I get what I want. I hurt the Bradys, and you can continue to set things on fire. So, do we have a deal?
DAMIEN: No. Not yet. First, we need to discuss payment.
ELVIS: Payment?
DAMIEN: What do you say a hundred dollars for burning down the Pub?
ELVIS: A hundred dollars?! You must be joking! Your payment will be that I won’t put you in the nuthouse. That’s the only payment you’re getting from me, sunshine!
DAMIEN: Really? Because, I think I’ll be getting my one hundred dollars.
ELVIS: And, what would make you think that?
DAMIEN: Because, I have this.
Damien brought out his phone and showed Elvis a video of him (Elvis) in the shower singing “Smooth Criminal”.
ELVIS: Where did you get this?
DAMIEN: That doctor you have working as your butler. He’s a nice guy, but he doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut. He’s put the video up on YouTube Now, I’ll burn down that Pub for you, and you will give me one hundred dollars. And, if you do that, then I’ll take the video off of YouTube. However, should you fail to pay me, I’ll forward a copy of this video to everyone I know.
ELVIS: Using your enemies’ weakness against them. I like that.
DAMIEN: Now, I think we understand each other. So, do we have a deal?
ELVIS: We have a deal.
Elvis and Damien shook hands on it.
DAMIEN: It’s been a pleasure doing business with you, Elvis.
Damien chuckled to himself as he walked away. On his way out, he lit a small plant on the windowsill on fire. Then, he knocked it over.
DAMIEN (Sarcastically): Oops!
And he walked out, laughing.
Boy Andre. This is great. Really not too fond of Damien. Glad the name is not spelled the same way as Natasha's son. Like the fact that Elvis and Damien are working together. Loved the fact that Damien got one over on Elvis. Sad to think that the Pub will be burned.
Day 5: Eight to Doomsday

The next morning, Skyler and Rich were having breakfast at the Brady Pub. In the three weeks since we had last seen them, things had settled down a bit. Rich had explained the Skyler about his identical twin, Damien, and apologized if Damien had creeped her out. Skyler understood everything, and the two started dating shortly afterwards. After eating, they sat there for a while talking about random things. Then, Rich’s cell phone rang.
RICH: Hello?...What’s up…You’re kidding!...What the heck have you done?!...Okay…I’ll be there in a few minutes.
Rich hung up the phone
SKYLER: What’s going on?
RICH: Damien’s in jail.
SKYLER: He’s what?!
RICH: I don’t’ know the full details, but, for some reason, he’s in jail.
So, the young couple payed for their food, left the Brady Pub, and went to the Salem County Prison…
Rich and Skyler arrived at the Salem County Jail and went to see Damien. They were escourted to Damien’s cell by Officer Mick Nugget.
RICH: What did you do?
NUGGET: We caught him attempting to set fire to the bar known as the Cheatin’ Heart.
DAMIEN: And, I would’ve gotten away with it, too! If only it wasn’t for that irritating Max Brady, who was still working there at the time!
RICH: Damien! Didn’t I tell you to get help?! I swear, if I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times! You need to get some serious psychological help.
DAMIEN: Oh, but I have gotten help, my dear brother. I’ve gotten help from a man named Elvis DiMera.
SKYLER: Oh, boy. Getting help from E.J.? That really isn’t a good idea, Damien.
DAMIEN: Oh, shut up, blondie! What would you know about it?!
RICH: Don’t talk to Skyler like that!
SKYLER: It’s all right, Rich. You wanna know what I would know about it? I’m related to the guy1 True, he played a big part in getting Melanie’s mom off the hook for murder, but he’s changed. He’s become more like Stefano, his father. He’s pure evil!
DAMIEN: Stop talking! Anyhow, do you plan on bailin’ me out of this place any time soon, Rich?
RICH: Sorry, Damien. I don’t have any money with me. And, even if I did, I’m not old enough to post bail money.
DAMIEN: Dang it!
RICH: Skyler, could I have a moment alone with my brother, please?
SKYLER: Sure. I’ll be waiting outside for you.
RICH: Thanks.
Skyler left, and Rich and Damien began to chuckle.
RICH: You can take that mask off now. She’s no longer in the room.
DAMIEN: Whatever you say, boss.
Damien took off the mask he was wearing, which he had been wearing for the past three to four weeks, to reveal the face of Bart Biderbeck…
Ok I really now don't want Skyler anywhere near Rich. Bart that is the one that use to work for Stefano is he not?
Thanks for the chapter Andre it is great. Am wondering what Damien/Bart and Rich are up to.