Eric and Nicole, again


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2013
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Wherever I am
I am really struggling with how I feel about Eric right now. I think he is also struggling with his feelings for Nicole. Today he showed such passion and hatred for Nicole but at the same time he was hurting inside. I know Nicole made a BIG mistake, but she has tried to make things right. He told her he hates her and pretty much said everything in the world is her fault. I actually felt sorry for both of them today.
Yes, it was apparent that he is unhappy with himself, and I think he absolutely HATES the idea that as much as he wanted to be a priest, enjoyed being one, wanted to be one again, in his heart of hearts, he has the hots for Nicole, and cannot turn those feelings away, as much as he wishes he could.
So, he blames her, he would be able to go back to being the priest like his friend, if only Nicole was not back in his life.

Ahh, but Eric, who brought her back into YOUR life? It was you, doing a supposed good deed. She was in your office, working for you, sleeping in the convent, back the next day in your office, close by, where you could see her every day. She behaved herself around you, was loyal, etc. etc. And just what were you thinking while you sat there, looking at holy pictures on the wall, kneeling and saying prayers.
Sorry, Eric, it is not Nicole's fault for being alive.
You don't hate her, you really hate yourself for being unable to keep to your vows, despite all your sanctimonius comments of wanting that life back, your name cleared, etc.
It was good to see Nicole take him to task today -- I loved her asking Eric when he became so mean. And pointing out that she was the one who was more forgiving.

They need a break. I hope Nicole turns to her pals Brady and Rafe, and gives Eric the cold shoulder for a while. That'll get his blood boiling even more!
The thing is.....let's just imagine Eric & Nicole being happily together at last. He has been a priest, very religious, and Nicole......well, she is not.
So, when the initial "how great we are together at last, isn't it wonderful" phase wears off, what happens when they have to deal with life? They are going to react differently to things people do, say, events, snubs, cross words (by other people to them) and will argue about it.

I just keep remembering how Marlena was constantly trying to alert John, and Brady, to the evil Kristen was doing and they refused to pay attention.

I do hope, that despite how Nicole feels about Eric, she recognizes that in the long run, he would make her very unhappy. Just as he has the past few months.
Agree, agree, agree. I really want Eric to pack up and never darken Salem's beautiful (thanks, JJ) Horton Town Square again. He needs some serious therapy (perhaps he and Ollie Kevin Ben can get a group rate).

I loved Nicole telling him off and I hope she sticks to her guns. Maybe she can date Aiden for awhile (suggestion only) while he avoids his feelings for Hope.
I do not want to see her and Aiden date. She would wind up being his second choice again, and then Hope would be mad at her and she would be Salem's punching bag again. And I think the character of Aiden (not the actor) is probably too old for her. Then again, I liked EJ and Abby...but I digress...

I liked how emotional the scenes today were. Both actors are very talented. I feel bad for Eric and what happen to him, but he can't blame Nicole for everything. He is far too nasty and judgmental, and Nicole was spot on when she told him that he would not make a good priest. She has done horrible things, yet she forgave him when he falsely accused her of raping him. Yet he, a former priest, can't forgive her for doing something that, while still wrong, was nowhere NEAR as bad as rape (or as hurtful as false accusation)? Makes no sense!

I love how Nicole stood up for herself and I hope she sticks to her guns. I feel so bad for her...I just know that she and Eric love each other, but Eric's stubborness would contribute to the long list of reasons why he and Nicole just wouldn't be a good and lasting pair. And he is too stupid to realize that his love for Nicole is what is making him feel this way. I'd rather he get involved with another woman and Nicole can reunite with Brady or start a relationship with Rafe.
I want to see Aiden around Jenny twit even less- so if Nicole is around Aiden maybe they can become friends. I don't want her used for angst. I just want some love to come Nicole's way and for her to catch a break but if catching a break means she becomes a weak pathetic twit aka Samanther no thank you!:tsk:
I wasn't thinking of Nicole as a punching bag; more as a "let's-hang-out-and-be-friends-while-we-get-over-others" type of bromance.

Yes, Nicole is a bro in my scenario. :) And I have really liked Aiden around everyone other than Hope, without exception. Plus we could get some more backstory on this guy.
Don't get me wrong, I'm totally on the Eric/Nicole bandwagon. It's because they are so different that they belong together -- at least in the fantasy land that is Salem. But he's a Brady -- that family is not really known for their great romantical decisions. And if he's a chip off the old block, it's going to take some time to get back to his soulmate. I wish he'd go a little crazy now -- it must be a relief to finally give up all that "St. Eric" nonsense.
Eric is a photographer, and will probably be going around town with his camera in tow. Maybe get a job with one of the Titan magazines again.
The actor, Greg Vaughan, (Eric)has complained a lot about "the collar" and hoping to get rid of it, during interviews.
I think perhaps the show only intended for "Eric" to be in town til he was no longer going to be a priest, and then send him off working for National Geographic or something, but with the departures of various actors, may have decided to keep him around for a while longer. Just speculation on my part.
Could be Poirot......maybe he'll take pictures of Nicole so he can glare at them. lolol
