Eve and Daniel


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2012
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Thoughts? Do you think they would be good together? I see the chemistry and would like for Eve to get him away from Haggifer. At this point the only person I know who wants Dan and Jen together is my grandma (and she blames Daniel for their most recent split, lol).
I think Daniel needs someone with a little bit of edge to them. He is very much a non-traditional person who enjoys taking risks for the greater good and also in order to live more fully. That's why he and Nicole complement each other so nicely, and I was heartbroken when TPTB had Nicole move out of Daniel's apartment (not to mention the contrived rift they put between them soon afterwards.) I think Eve is similarly a decent person who has a self-centered side that makes her not so decent sometimes, and that it could work, though I still like Daniel better with Nicole.
I like Daniel better away from Jen.....and I also can tolerate Jennifer away from Daniel.

That said, so far, I don't like Eve. I think she lies, definitely manipulates, and doesn't care who she hurts in the process.
Of course, she has not been on as long as Nicole, but yes, I did like the good friends vibes between Daniel & Nicole. It is too bad she reverted back 20 years to her "first love" thoughts, because I really do not think she loved the man Eric had become. She loved the man he WAS when she dated him years ago. And Eric....he never loved Nicole, really. The idea, maybe. But not THIS woman, the one she is now.

What it amounts to for me....right now, Daniel should stay unencumbered by any female entanglements, and he should tell his smothering egg mommy to lay off, stay out of his business.
You mean like the way he had no sexual interest in Nicole after Chyka poisoned her and none in Theresa after her overdose?

I'm not sure what to make of Eve just yet. Time will tell, I suppose. I totally agree with your thoughts regarding Eric and Nicole. I think both of them were stuck with the image of the person they knew 20 years ago, and I wish they could see it, acknowledge it and move on.
Days, I'm willing to give Daniel and Eve a chance. I really believe that they could be MORE interesting, if the writing for Eve improves. Right now, the writers are completely missing what made Eve, EVE. She was never a gold digger. She was a complicated character who just wanted the love that she was denied growing up. She was raised by an uncaring adoptive family before she found Shane, her biological father. She was a little bit like Melanie.
I'd like Daniel & Eve together for a few reasons:
A) It would annoy Maggie to no end;
B) It would allow tons of amazing Victor snarks to fly at Daniel on at least a weekly basis;
C) It would keep the retched pair of Daniel/Jennifer away from each other;
D) It might result in the end of the lawsuit storyline.

Heck, I wouldn't mind if they announced that Daniel was Paige's bio-dad through some sperm-miracle if it kept him away from Jennifer. BUT like tabby said the writing for Eve really needs to improve. Right now she's just a cheap villainess who's out to rile Jennifer.
Maybe it's because I have vague memories of Eve's original incarnation, but I don't see this Eve as one-note either. She does have a rivalry with Jen, but she also is extremely concerned about making sure her daughter doesn't repeat the mistakes she made as a teenager and in general seems to have a close relationship with Paige. I love her scenes with Paige and I especially liked it when she said to JJ, "You hurt my daughter and that's a line you don't want to cross." Unfortunately her way of providing for Paige's education is a bit crazy and I suspect is doomed to failure.

In any event, I keep thinking she and Nicole should become friends and that Daniel's interest in Eve is to replace his lost friendship with Nicole. But maybe I am colored by my knowledge of Eve's past.
Eve DOES appear to be wanting to make sure her daughter has a good education, so it does seem odd that she has not been squirreling away bits of money thru the years, earmarked just for that. Sending Paige to live with Cousin Joan meant saving a lot on lodging and food for Paige, while Eve was "on the road", so it does seem odd that at the very end, just prior to graduation for Paige, Eve decides to try and get what she can from the book Jack wrote. She has had to know about it for months and months already.