Family relationships


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Aug 23, 2011
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Ok, so yesterday Claire called Hope grandma when she was talking to Theo. But when they came back to check on Ciara, Hope said she would call their parents? Claire's parent is HER SON! She is just all about Ciara, and don't seem to care about her granddaughter at all.

For all I know it might be on purpose so Hope would seem younger. But I remember Marlena and Will made a joke about him calling her grandma. They could have done something like that instead. Or have the writers just decided that we should forget that Hope is a grandma? They are not being true to Hope's character. She is a family-oriented person, and would show affection towards her grandchild.

Another thing which is bothering me is that Shawn is on the police force. He would know that Chase has raped Ciara. Why isn't he there for his sister? His mother? I can not remember Brandon Beemer in a scene with Hope and Ciara. The Shawn I remember, would have been there!

I think its a big insult for the fans that know the history.
Now I'm done with my rant!:angry:
Shawn works in forensics, so would not necessarily know every person arrested. However, yes, Hope should have notified him, Ciara is his SISTER!

As to calling parents, what Hope said was that she was going to call all the parents, everyone's parents. She was not specific to just Claire, or Claire & Theo. Thus the phrasing. Yes, I realize that just Claire & theo were there.
I think it would have sounded really weird for her to say to Claire, I am calling my son to let them know what went on.

And I do agree with there being NO form of the word gramma from Claire when she is talking directly to Hope.
Yes we've had a few brief scenes with John/Marlena and Claire: Bo's funeral, the after party and a brief scene at the townhouse wham Claire ran in on Belle and Marlena and said "Hi Grandma"

We have had numerous scenes with Hope and Claire and not once has Hope referred to Claire as her granddaughter nor has Claire called Hope "Grandma" to her face. She is always treated as another one of Ciara's friends. No mention of Shawn at all and no mention of Claire in the brief scene we had a few weeks ago with Shawn and Hope. This is my biggest pet peeve with the show right now. They seem to be going out of their way to show no connection between Hope and Shawn/Claire. If they really wanted to be funny, they could have Ciara insist that Claire call her "Aunt Ciara". That would actually be very true to character for Ciara.

Tons of missed opportunities here. Shawn should be stepping in as a father figure to Ciara. He should be going after Chase too and be overprotective of Claire now.
heck, not sure Shawn even knows what happened.
I really do not know why the show has distanced Hope from various family members, and I do mean ALL of them. Doug & Julie, Caroline, Kayla, Joey....Belle, Steve, Jennifer, Eric, Abby, JJ.... And has her ignoring the fact she has a granddaughter.
I don't think the show has distanced Hope from Kayla. In fact I think it has been the opposite and has been at the expense of Hope's close relationship with Jennifer. If Hope is living in Jen's house all this time, at this point she should be one of the concerned people about her cousin and the pills. Instead we haven't gotten a scene with them in weeks.

By putting Kayla on contract, the show seems to want to center a lot of things around Kayla. That's fine but we are at a point where a lot of her dialogue is getting repetitive. And it's taking away from showing us other characters.
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Tons of missed opportunities here. Shawn should be stepping in as a father figure to Ciara. He should be going after Chase too and be overprotective of Claire now.
Missed opportunities indeed. Intelligent scripts dealing with people handling real problems would be far more interesting that such contrived nonsense as the visits to Salem by Yo-Daddy and his inept Phantoms, psycho Summer, or Fred the Elephant.
Hope may be living in Jen's house, but don't see each other at all, don't communicate either, and are never home when Hope and/or Ciara are there. Don't understand at all.

AND now Hope marches into Rafe's office, saying that MARLENA told her about Rafe & Steve rescuing John. Marlena??? Really?? Well now! Not Kayla...yep.
My maternal grandmother didn't like to be called "grandma". We all called her by a nickname my older cousin called her. My paternal was "Grandma".

Why can't they do that have an alternate name? I mean there are other things if you are that offended, like Nonna, Nana, Nanny (my great aunts grandkids called her that) Nan.

I know Alice was called Gran and Gram. I know someone called Kate Granny LOL. She said they would have to work on that.
But Claire and Hope act as though they are virtual strangers to one another. It would be one thing if Claire called Hope a nickname like Gigi, Gaga, Nan, Nanny, etc., but she doesn't. She all but calls her Mrs. Brady.
To be fair, when I talk to my granddaughter I say "your father" not my son. I think it would be odd, actually, for Hope to say I'm going to call my son and his ex-wife about this. Call your parents makes more sense. Although I do agree that I think they are trying to make Hope seem younger by not addressing the "grandmother" issue. At least with Marlena she admitted she did not want to be called Grandma and they dealt with the issue.
Yes, I know they act as strangers. Hope practically shut the door in Claire's face when she should have told her to come in and the rest to go home. (When Ciara was inside with Hope after her attack became known)
But what was funny was that when Ciara called Abby, she said "This is Ciara Brady....". Geez, how many Ciaras does Abby know that Ciara had identify herself by first and last name? It was like she was just a local teen calling about a babysitting ad in the Penny Saver.
That was weird. Abby knows Ciara, all of Ciara's life and she has to interview her? Running it by Chad was fine and makes sense, but all these people living in Salem. I can see where they don't know every soul there, but come on. :eek:
Someone needs to introduce Hope to Claire as her granddaughter, too.:sarcasm: