Fancy Face V: The Journey Home

ooh, this sotry is so good, Kpatch, I wish you wrote for the show. It's good, but it would be so much better.
Ahhh, at last Hope gets something she can really chew on for a while, and do, perhaps, some hard thinking. :)
Yes! I am soooo happy that Hope heard what Bo said! I can't wait to see what happens next. Great chapter Kpatch! :)
Chapter 14, The Finale


Kayla: Hope, are you okay? You look funny. What’s the matter?
Hope: I’m just as much to blame as he is.
Kayla: What are you talking about?
Hope: Where’s Bo?
Kayla: He’s downstairs. Wait. At least bring him a sandwich.

Hope runs downstairs and into the Bridge where Bo is studying the navigational dials. He lifts his head and sees Hope. She has a look on her face that he hasn’t seen in a year.

Bo: Hope! What’s ...
Hope: Shut up, Brady.
She puts her arms around him and kisses him hard. Once the shock wears off, he puts his arms around her and they spend the next few minutes kissing.

Hope: You really do still love me, don’t you?
Bo: It’s about time you figured that out.
Hope: I know. I’m sorry.
Bo: What are you sorry for?
Hope: For making things harder than they needed to be.
Bo: You don’t need to apologize. I’m the one who ...
She kisses him again.
Hope: Can we start over, Brady?
Bo: We can do anything you want, Fancy Face. Whatever we imagine.

The End
Yes! Bo and Hope have been brought back together! Thank you, kpatch! This has been an awesome story!
Awww:love::hug: I feel like doing a cheer too (but there are no cheering icons?). THANK YOU Kpatch - "'ve made me so very happy...." (I can't remember what song that comes from but I'm humming it right now)

EXCELLENT!!! :clap: :clap:
LOL, Rioks, that is the title of the Blood, Sweat & Tears, I think. And here is a big

Love, Love, hurray for Love.....thanx kpatch! Wonderful.
Hey kpatch - neato story! As usual I read it all in one sitting instead of day by day. Hard to wait, but well worth it.

Now carry it to where the show's writers are so they can do the Hope and Bo thing the right way!

Thanks! Will await your next story.
Thank you for a nice story about my once favorite Salemites reconnecting....and it was so much fun to have Steve and Kayla around again...!!!

You do spin a great yarn...!!! Thanks for sharing your talent with us.... :D
Thanks for the chapters kpatch. You had me crying in the end when Bo and Hope got back together. I am still sad that Bo and Carly did not make it as a couple as I really like them together, but am glad that my Bo and Hope are together again.
Thanks for your readership and great comments! So happy you liked the story.

Next up is Best Laid Plans, the sequel to Out of Africa, and it starts after Labor Day.