Father's Day in Salem

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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Justin: I'm such a good dad that I give my son poor legal counsel for free.

Clyde: I'm such a good dad that I threatened some hospital employee to say my boy Ollie was the father of Abigail's brat.

Stefano's ghost: I was such a good father that I collected children the way some people collected Beanie Babies in the 90's.

EJ: I was such a good father that I once paid my crazy sister-in-law to kidnap my daughter.

Roman: I'm such a good dad that I gave my boring and depressing son a job at the family pub.

John: I'm such a good dad that I still love Samantha Gene, even though she HATES me, and that's a fact!

Don Craig: I was such a good dad that I made sure to put the blame on Marlena when our son died.

Lucas: I'm such a good dad that I'm always there for my son Will and the other one, what's-her-name.

Bo's ghost: I'm such a good dad that I once tried to hide the fact that my daughter was the one who killed my son.
Shane: I am such a good dad, I let my daughter leave her family to live with a drug lord, supposedly to get info on him, which she never did.

Victor: I am such a good dad, I disown my son to favor my grandson, making the grandson forget about his father completely.

Abe: I am such a good dad, I sent my son to rehab in South Africa, rather than the U.S. which has fabulous rehab places, but I would not tell him that.

John: I am such a good dad, I immediately bonded with the son I never knew I had, ignored the one Victor was stealing.
Jack: I am such a good Dad that even when supposed dead, I reappear to watch over my children and guide Jennifer through times of crises.

Bo: I am such a good Dad that I encouraged my wife to pursue romantic feelings for another man as I prepared to die without her knowledge.

Steve: I am such a good Dad that I take the blame for a murder my son accidentally committed.
Eduardo: I was such a good Dad that I vanished from my children's lives so they wouldn't have to live with the shame of knowing that their father was a professional assassin.

Aiden: I'm such a good Dad that I got my poor, troubled son out of the cesspit that is Salem. Imagine how much worse he'd be if he'd ended up in Bayview with Ben. P.S., Hope is bad news. Rafe should run for his life.

Ghost Santo: I was such a good Dad that I brought up my boy, Stefano, to be a real DiMera, not some sicko creep like Stefan O.

Craig Wesley: I was such a good Dad that despite the fact that I never see her, my girl Chloe has been tough enough to survive vicious Kate Roberts, grouchy Victor Kiriakis, druggie drunkard Brady Black, vile Quinn Hudson, and the monstrous Noodle. By the way, she's also a great singer.

Brady: I'm such a great, protective Dad that I'll do anything to keep my boy, Tater Tot, away from the bad influences, most notably his so-called mother, Jeannie Theresa Donovan.
Philip: I was such a good father to Tyler, Claire and Parker that I barely acknowledge their existence now.

Victor: I was such a good father that I married the woman my son was in love with at the time.

JJ: I was going to be such a good dad. I went out and bought bats, balls, bikes, wagons and every toy available in HTS for baby who wasn't even mine.

Eli: hey man, if you still have that stuff, I'd appreciate if you passed it my way. Just sayin'.
Craig Wesley.....I am such a good dad I abandoned my family for an alternate lifestyle, & when that did not work out, left my wife, daughter, & the former lover to reside in the Big Apple. That's where all the action is, right?

Steve Johnson (and I love this character!) ....I am such a great dad, practically ignore my children who live far away, don't call, visit, or even ask them to come back at least for a visit

Justin...I am such a wonderful dad, I pay more attention to my nephews than my own son.....he likes it that way......I think???
Clyde: I'm such a good father that I no longer abuse my son, Ollie, and keep a limit on dropping into his life to cause problems.

Orpheus: I'm such a great dad and role model that my son is a psycho criminal just like me.

Victor: I'm a great dad because I don't coddle my children. I fire them from the Titan CEO position just like I do with everyone else.

Roman: I'm a great dad because I always let my children use the Pub as a stimulating daycare center.

Will and Sonny: We're such great fathers that Arianna II prefers to be with us instead of her mother, Gabi.