Fear of The Walking Dead


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2009
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South Carolina
This debuts THIS coming Sunday (August 23rd) on FX... is anybody else going to watch it?

We will be! Hubby and I are HUGE fans of The Walking Dead, so we'll be tuning into this one to see the story from the west coast. When Fear ends, the next week is the season 6 premier of The Walking Dead so we are pretty excited to have our favorite zombie apocalypse series back.

We even named our dog Dixon (after Merle and Daryl Dixon)... however, we believe season 6 may be when Daryl is killed off. :( I hope not...but my husband really thinks Daryl's about to enter his final season. yikes!

anyways- Fear of The Walking Dead is written by the same person and is set on the west coast. It's also supposed to be on the same timeline as The Walking Dead I think....but I guess we'll see. I'm anxious to see some new faces and new perspectives on how to live in the zombie apocalypse.
Here I am again. Walking dead die-hard fan... I watched Fear of the Walking Dead and I understand where they're taking it. I liked it although a lot in other forums said it was slow or boring. Just intro and character development. Background sirens were elevating throughout the whole show. It will be interesting to see the writers take on what would happen as a zombie outbreak begins. I figure Tobias will end up with the group. He tried to tell Madison when she took the knife away. I still think Walking Dead is #1. My favorite saying in the whole show was "If there was an emergency surely the government would let us know" .. something like that. Tobias rolling his eyes and sarcastically responding, yeah right.

We recorded it and plan to watch tonight. :)
I tried not to give away any storyline on major characters since you haven't seen it yet.
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I watched it. I liked the slow build, the little moments of suspense, and getting the backstory of the characters so we understand a bit of their personalities before we see how they react to the downfall of society. I really am intrigued by the concept of someone like Nick who is dealing with drug issues and maybe has trouble dealing with life without being high, that type of person being confronted with the zombie apocalypse. At the beginning, he thinks he's crazy and by the end of the episode he was at least coming to an understanding with the others lagging slightly behind him.
Walking Dead, loved it, but.... When they took a 8-month hiatus between seasons, I kinda forgot all about it. Never even started season 5... The new one will sit on the hard drive until I get to it.

Yeah, it's a slow build but the mother, man she is lost. They need to put some pep in that role or change actors or something. I wanted to shake her and say WAKE UP. Wow.
It escalated quick tonight. Rule #1 = get Tobias so he can lead the group! I sure would hate to go through drug withdrawal with fresh zombies around. I knew they'd split up the group and getting out wasn't going to be easy. For a minute there I thought the daughter was really going back to check on her boyfriend and did a facepalm. Glad it moved a little faster and as Tobias would say .. the end of civilization happens quickly and it won't get better. Still waiting for Walking Dead in October, but this makes my Sunday nites easier.
I love The Walking Dead! I haven't seen the sister show yet, guess I will have to find it on demand.
I am a littke disappointed because they told us (the show) they are not going to say how this whole thing started? Just getting into the characters? But is good and suspenseful.
The principal after he was bitten looked just like my old high school principal. Remember when the principal kept a paddle in his desk? So far these characters are VERY boring, hard to root for any of them especially the drug addict.
I'm annoyed with Nick the drug addict.
* First of all... WHY is he still wearing that old man's clothes? He had better get a shower while the water is still on. so gross!
* Secondly... I can't STAND the way he speaks to his mother. (or any of the other young people on this show). My parents would have spanked my butt...and I would have deserved it!!
* Third... oh who cares. I'm anxious and ready for him to be eaten lol. I'm tired of him. There is no room for drug addicts in a zombie apocalypse.
I am enjoying the show so far. The characters are a bit annoying though. I kinda like Maddie, she seems to have the brain in the group for the most part....she seems to start understanding what is happening but Travis is naive, still thinks that the Walkers are people and are just sick. I really wish they told the story exactly how the virus started and was spread. I think in the Walking Dead in the first season it was hinted that the virus was in the drinking water. Maybe the real explanation will be told in The Walking Dead and not on this show.
I never watched The Walking Dead, so this one is all I have to go on. I am not all excited yet, and yes, some of the characters annoy me, but I want to see where this goes for now.
So how many think Tobias is the person in the building flashing the light?
I hope it wasn't Tobias because the National Guard killed them at the end when Travis was watching through the camera.