February spoilers


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Per the writer ReRon

Steve, John, and Roman are upset with the deaths of their women. They believe they should go after Orpheus. Steve wants him
to die. John agrees, but Roman doesn't. They realize they can get close to Orpheus through Lucas.

We're not redoing the possession story. It's going to be interesting who they meet, ally or villain. They will meet familiar faces.

It is Arianne Zuker's (Nicole) 25 anniversary on the show. We try to mark occasion on the show. Eric helps Nicole and memories
are shown for the couple.

Chanel picked Allie over Johnny, but Johnny and Chanel have been thrown together several times. We still see their connection.
Allie is jealous and talks to Alex about things. We see sexual tension with them. It makes it a bit of a quad.

With Sarah gone, we want to explore the dark side of Xander. Xander works with Gwen to get the Spectator from Jack and Jennifer.
Leo becomes a new gossip columnist. We will see a lot of Salem's dirty laundry in the paper.

We wanted to do a slow buildup with Chad and Stephanie. They are finally in a place to be romantic. Chad is cautious because he's
not over Abby yet. Alex still hope Stephanie will forgive him. He's not out of the mix yet.

We brought Jada to round out the Salem police and have history being Marcus Hunter's daughter. Talia is Jada's younger sister.
Talia has a medical degree, but applies at the bakery. We see Jada and Rafe move toward each other. The city council has a new
policy that government employees have new workplace guidelines about dating. This becomes a challenge.

Johnny is with the the other group with Chanel, but he's also interested in Wendy. Wendy makes it complicated with Tripp. Tripp
was attracted to her before in "Beyond Salem". Joey gets Tripp to go after Wendy.

They are both used to being in charge. Being brothers won't stop them from going after the other. They try to up the other one.
It gets dangerous as time goes on.

Gabi doesn't want Li anymore, but he's feeling down. Gabi wants a divorce and he can make it easy or hard for her. He decides
to play that with Gabi to keep Gabi around.
Most of these spoilers, we already know.

Interesting to learn Jada has a sister. Is she Marcus' daughter too?

Now we know why Rafe kept saying employees can't date each other. It's something new in Salem.

It looks like the relationships in February will be like a merry go round.
Maybe Nielsen ratings don't mean as much any more. Streaming allows viewers to see a show any time. One can and does tape regular TV shows to watch when they are more able. So, acual sweeps months are not viewed as necessary, tho there ARE records kept of the number of viewers for a show at times. But that is only regular TV shows. Streaming only can be counted as number of subscribers to a service......not a particular program. In the past , Nov., Feb., were the big sweeps months, May & Aug. lesser sweeps months.

I can remember, years ago, being a "Nielsen family" for a month. Had to keep a record of times the TV was on, station/program watched, (for each TV in the house) and sex/age/of each person watching. LOL......
well so far from what's written doesn't look like I'm going to be "blown away" this sounds like more of the same.....

Gwen/Xander/Leo working together running the paper does sound familiar.... but could be entertaining......

And I agree with @oldschool slow build up???? sleep together THEN decide if you want a relationship??????
I can remember, years ago, being a "Nielsen family" for a month. Had to keep a record of times the TV was on, station/program watched, (for each TV in the house) and sex/age/of each person watching. LOL......
I had a family member who was a Nielsen participant. It's all computerized now. They attach a little gizmo to your TV that automatically logs what is watched and when. Not sure how it varies when there are multiple people in the household since he lived alone. When he died, I had to contact them to come and remove the gizmo from the TV. All in all, it was interesting to read through the documents he received when he agreed to participate.
Eric “helps” Nicole. How can thi walking dark cloud help anyone?

Kayla, Marlena, and Kate meet people: To rebound from today’s mess, the ladies should meet Nick and his heart-shaped pillow.

Jada’s sister has an M.D., but works at the bakery: This is the biggest waste of a medical degree since Kayla tended bar at the Pub. And what will she do at the bakery, treat customers who get sick after eating tainted pastries?

Xander shows his dark side: We saw Xander’s real dark side when he was locking people in overheated crawl spaces and cages. A corporate takeover of the paper may be underhanded, but it’s not criminal. And hiring Leo as a gossip columnist is a real gift to bored Salemites.
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It's going to be interesting who they meet, ally or villain
Doubtful, especially if Kate's encounter is any indication.

They can't play fast and loose with rooting couples unless they fix their tape delay.

It sounds like Sarah leave leaves? I guess if the options are exile or being written better, Re-Ron is only capable of one.
I do believe Sarah will be leaving Salem (read the actress wanted out).

That "Eric aids Nicole" is a weird spoiler. First I read he picks up her purse when she drops it. But the promo spoiler shows him catching her as she either stumbles, or gets faint, nearly passing out.
If Linsey Godfrey (Sarah) wanted out, why did she come back? Did she want out for the writing? Very interested as she seems very cool & level-headed on twitter (the actress in real life).

If she didn't want to stay long term, they could have had her come back and then get committed while she still thought she was Renée.
The younger actors want to be free to accept/do other things, but also want a steady job. Thus they leave, then are back......for whatever reason. We can't take everything we read as gospel, for sure. An actor is "rested" for a couple weeks, some folks assume they are written out, but they weren't. Just that focus went to other characters/stories. But the "rumor" spreads.

Meanwhile, viewers are, at times, coming up with better storylines that we are seeing, lol. Or better ways for what we see COULD have been written. But tis interesting to see the way it all goes now.