February Sweeps


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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From Soap Opera Digest (Remember the Olympics start next week and we'll see these spoilers late Feb and early March).

Abby arrives at the same island with Kristen. Then she finds Steve and Kayla. While they try to get away, they find Sarah.

Chad and Tony look for Abigail. Somehow they end up going to the island.

Xander put his feelings behind for Sarah and proposes to Gwen, just when Sarah might be found.

They start thinking about the future and they need a bigger place. Something happens and they realize the devil
might still be in town.

EJ gets to Clyde has a cellmate. Will EJ confront Clyde for being responsible for his "death"?

The devil likes to cause chaos for happy couples. demon Johnny tries to bed Gabi.

Tripp proposes to Allie and start planning their future. Since the devil doesn't like happy couples, Johnny stirs up trouble.

Craig and Nancy's marriage starts to fall apart. This will bring Chloe and Brady closer. Craig wants Chloe to meet
his lover. Chloe has Brady come along.

Trask is going after Rafe full force. Nicole tries to get evidence that Ava framed him. There will be a confrontation
between the women.

TR insists he's a new man and wants to prove it to Lani. Lani is cautious, but wants to know him. Paulina is wary.
Eli is protective of Lani and puts TR on notice.
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Oh, great. Here we go with the devil--yet again!--taking up nearly half of the storylines on the show! I will admit that Brady & Chloe, and obviously, Rafe & Nicole, interest me. Clyde and EJ being cellmates is going to be funny and interesting, hopefully.

Don't care at all about Sarah or the Abigail storyline. I much prefer Xander with Gwen, not Sarah's dull baby-talk, which will only result in Maggie offering her some tea and recipes.
EJ gets to Clyde has a cellmate. Will EJ confront Clyde for "killing" him before?
Clyde did not kill EJ. His henchman took matters into his own hands and shot EJ. Clyde did not tell him to do that and was actually upset with him.

It looks like Tony will help Chad find Abigail. Maybe it is the same island Tony was held captive on for 20 years.
Abby arrives at the same island with Kristen. Then she finds Steve and Kayla. While they try to get away, they find Sarah. [Whoever is dumping all these people on this one island is an idiot. It's getting overcrowded, and with Patch on the scene some kind of escape attempt is inevitable.]

EJ gets to Clyde has a cellmate. Will EJ confront Clyde for being responsible for his "death"? [EJ is in a cell with creepy Clyde? He really did need a better attorney than the more-than-mediocre Belle.]

Trask is going after Rafe full force. Nicole tries to get evidence that Ava framed him. There will be a confrontation. [Trask has no common sense. If she went after real criminals rather than building a trumped-up case against Rafe, maybe Salem wouldn't have such a high crime rate. As for Ava, she's making a real mistake getting into it with Nicole who's more than a cut above the average clueless Salemite who's easy pickings for her Vitali schemes.]

TR insists he's a new man and wants to prove it to Lani. Lani is cautious, but wants to know him. Paulina is wary.
Eli is protective of Lani and puts TR on notice. [Eli should simply arrest lowlife TR and then have him run out of Salem. The viewers will thank him.]
Thank you. I’ve actually been here before but couldn’t remember/couldnt recover my login information so started new profile but good to be back

Abby arrives at the same island with Kristen. Then she finds Steve and Kayla. While they try to get away, they find Sarah. [Whoever is dumping all these people on this one island is an idiot. It's getting overcrowded, and with Patch on the scene some kind of escape attempt is inevitable.]

EJ gets to Clyde has a cellmate. Will EJ confront Clyde for being responsible for his "death"? [EJ is in a cell with creepy Clyde? He really did need a better attorney than the more-than-mediocre Belle.]

Trask is going after Rafe full force. Nicole tries to get evidence that Ava framed him. There will be a confrontation. [Trask has no common sense. If she went after real criminals rather than building a trumped-up case against Rafe, maybe Salem wouldn't have such a high crime rate. As for Ava, she's making a real mistake getting into it with Nicole who's more than a cut above the average clueless Salemite who's easy pickings for her Vitali schemes.]

TR insists he's a new man and wants to prove it to Lani. Lani is cautious, but wants to know him. Paulina is wary.
Eli is protective of Lani and puts TR on notice. [Eli should simply arrest lowlife TR and then have him run out of Salem. The viewers will thank him.]
Trask is the definition of a shark. She has zero interest in justice. She’s all about gloating, and the win. She is one of those love to hate characters but she actually seemed a little bit more likable when her daughter was on there and it gave her a little bit more dimension.
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Oh, great. Here we go with the devil--yet again!--taking up nearly half of the storylines on the show! I will admit that Brady & Chloe, and obviously, Rafe & Nicole, interest me. Clyde and EJ being cellmates is going to be funny and interesting, hopefully.

Don't care at all about Sarah or the Abigail storyline. I much prefer Xander with Gwen, not Sarah's dull baby-talk, which will only result in Maggie offering her some tea and recipes.
Seems like a real snooze-fest for sweeps ‍‍ I remember when sweeps were actually exciting, but I’ll STILL be watching to the bitter end of this dying genre. View attachment 6798


Nice to meet you Mouillette! My sentiments, exactly. No matter how frustrated we get with story lines and characters being ruined, we miss this show when it is not on and still watch, loyal fans that we are.

So NBC preempted not only Days but also all of their primetime lineup during the Olympics. However, NBC is also covering the Superbowl on 2/13. They will stop showing the Olympics while the Superbowl is on, but going back to it after the Superbowl is over. NBC sure likes its sports and news coverage, but scripted programming gets cut.
I was surprised to hear NBC had the Super Bowl and were planning to show it. I guess Olympics will be
on the other NBC channels.
we shall see..... CBS is flooding their nighttime with the DO PEOPLE really watch Big Brother...... this time with celebrities..... not that I have ever heard of any of the folks in the house. Nor have I ever watched an episode.... But since they are in their 30th season I guess people do watch....

I did enjoy the snow boarding tonight.... my soon to be ex daughter in law was an early snowboarder.... she was really good till she blew her knee out... still snow boards but no longer competitively....