Friday, 10/24- pre-empted, but most is here...


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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There is a new conference about the newest person in NY who was diagnosed with I am not currently getting Days.....

Just giving a heads up
It is on here, but my reception is going in and out from the wind.

So far in first 15 minutes:
Will and Chad in another argument...BORING

Nicole showed up at DiMansion. (No audio) She and Sami hugged, and went in. Poured drinks, and Nicole looked at the portrait of Sami and Kate while laughing. Looked like she raised her glass to salute Sami.

Jordan arguing with Clyde about Ben and her mother.

Ben got upset when Abby told him that Jordan was with or going out with Chad.
O.K. saw the last 25 min, so here goes. Evidently Sami & Nicole have made peace, and she has told Nicole all about the offer from Hollywood. Nicole advise her to go for it, but Sami, tho giddy, is blathering about the SEC, etc. However, Kate calls, has seen Victor, who worked his magic and Sami is off the hook with the SEC. She is all up in the air, Nicole has encouraged her, she calls those Hollywood execs. accepts. She hangs up, has to leave tomorrow. Nicole is taken aback, begs to see Sydney one more time. (Of course, and they hug. Will walks in, wondering if he should give them time to be alone. They laugh, Nicole says goodbye, she will go up to see the sleeping Sydney, and then leave.
Nicole goes up, says her lovely goodbye to Sydney, who isn't asleep, she misses her daddy. Nicole stays, gives her some wonderful love advice about her daddy, and family, then agrees to read her a story, staying til Sydney falls asleep.
Meanwhile giddy Sami is trying to explain to Will all about Universal studios, has him read the contract, Mr. Goldblatt arrives, gets to meet Will, and considers it all Kismet. He & his cohorts had already been working on this, they reread that article, think Will is fabulous.

Elsewhere, Ben & Abby have come upon Chad & Jordan, Ben bristles at Chad being there, seeing Jordan is upset, and nearly starts a fight. Jordan stops it all, tells Ben she makes her own decisions. Abby suggests she & Chad should leave, Ben will see her later. He questions her, she tells him it wasn't Chad, it was Clyde, there is something I have to tell you. Clyde is eavesdropping.
Chad meanwhile is telling Abby he thinks she is jealous that he is interested in someone else.
The young people are looking for Jill, evidently Rory has told of seeing her. Paige has gone off somewhere, but hears Rory talking to JJ about Jill, I guess that JJ might be hung up on her or something. Sorry, I just could not figure out. But, Jill is in the park, discarding a baseball cap and sunglasses, which she feels are a dead giveaway (but one that most Salemites think are perfect disguises, lol). She tosses them in a trash can, and here comes Paige around the corner. It's you! They exchange "looks".
Yesterday, I posted this comment, regarding Sami and Nicole hugging:
It's like a Bizarro World Salem!
Today, as Sami and Nicole were having a toast "to EJ", Sami said it was like Bizarro World. LOL

She mentions being in Bizarro World again (later), while she and Nicole are having drinks and laughing over "old times".
It was amusing to see the new Scooby gang out hunting down Jill.

Rory got the bright idea that having a picture of Jill (to show around) would help. Both JJ and Paige said they had deleted them, but Paige said they were probably auto-saved on her computer, so she went home to see, while Shaggy and Fred kept running around looking for Jill.
Oh Poirot I hope you can catch clips of the Sami / Nicole scenes from the first half. They commiserate and walk down memory lane with Ioads of flashbacks. I especially enjoyed the one of Sami in the sewer and Nicole shouting down at her from the top. Nicole was drunk and Sami was getting all grossed out from the muck in the sewer. Great scene! I'm so glad they patched things up with these two. I liked that Nicole offered some sound advice about getting a fresh start out of Salem. Once again, I was :cry: at the Nicole / Sydney scenes. I'm so glad the writers took the time to give us these beautiful moments and continue to acknowledge the history there.

I sort of tuned out the Abby/Ben/Jordan/Chad stuff as well as the JJ/Paige/Eve caper involving Jill. :rolleyes:

Will is so annoying. I'm sick of the same stupid argument between him and Sonny. Perhaps they should go to marriage counseling. I hope Will goes with his mother to Hollywood. He and his attitude can stay there for all I care.
Towards the end of the show JJ came to Eve's apartment apparently looking for Paige. Eve is carrying a big box of things and trips by catching her heel on a chair leg and falls to the floor. I wonder if Eve will try and blame it on JJ?
When Kate calls Sami to say Victor "took care" of everything with the SEC, she is giddy and says to Kate she's going to give him a big sloppy kiss. Kate asks Sami if she's been drinking. LOL Nicole makes a comment and Sami mentions to Kate that Nicole is there. Kate is concerned and asks if she should call security or have Harold get the garden hose. Sami says no, that Nicole gave her excellent advice, and then she whispers that Nicole is kind of smart, who knew?!

The NBC guy calls Sami and she tells him to come over to the DiMansion. Nicole immediately pours them both cups of coffee to sober up. Nicole tells Sami she wants Charlize Theron to play her in the movie. Sami snarks back that she was thinking of Lindsay Lohan. Nicole laughs and says in the spirit of things, she won't "hit back" (at the snark) and they both laugh. Then Nicole asks if she can see Sydney one more time.
Nicole goes in to see Sydney touches her head and says "goodbye angel" She starts to leave when Sydney calls out to her "Mommy Nicole" they talk and Nicole promises to stay till she goes to sleep. Sydney picks out a story for Nicole to read to her. Nicole says "oh that's a good one".
Will has been a Grade-A stooge and apparently wasn't listening to his own wedding vows.

The Nicole/Sami scenes and flashbacks were great, but also kind of a bummer seeing the old sets we had as recently as 4 years ago. Kate's call to Sami while Nicole was there was great, too.

HOW INCREDIBLY STUPID that this SEC thing is over already. Alison Sweeney's acting as Sami has been way over the top this week.

Sydney and Nicole are amazing together.

Why in the world does Sami need to live in LA for this dumb project?

He & his cohorts had already been working on this, they reread that article, think Will is fabulous.
The Sami-phile Bruce Greenblatt is lucky he came to Salem this week, and not last, or Will's outfit surely would have scared him out of town.

If Will and Sami actually end up leaving town, I won't miss them. Will has been acting like a toddler. I bet Arianna is only pretending to sleep to keep away from his childish habits.
It was amusing to see the new Scooby gang out hunting down Jill.

Rory got the bright idea that having a picture of Jill (to show around) would help. Both JJ and Paige said they had deleted them, but Paige said they were probably auto-saved on her computer, so she went home to see, while Shaggy and Fred kept running around looking for Jill.

I like that characterization of the trio LOL. But I have to wonder would that make Paige Daphne or Velma? I mean she's got Daphne's looks but is considered on the nerdy side like Velma, maybe a combination of the two? I kind of wish she would have said "Jinxies" when she found Jill.

Anyway I have to say that one of the things I appreciated the most over the past two days is seeing Nicole NOT being used as somebody's emotional punching bag. She has a beautiful smile we should see it more.

What can I say about Will other then I would like to smack him across the back of the head. I have to wonder if Sonny might be experiencing a sense of deja vu because didn't Will and Sonny deal with similar issues regarding "pursuing dreams and whatnot" last year with Gabi and her modeling contract around this time last year? Nah, couldn't be, I mean these writers wouldn't just repeat themselves with the same two characters would they? No, of course not.