Friday, May 25th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Friday, May 25th, 2007

Episode 10578 Taped 5/4

Chelsea and Nick are on his bed, noisily kissing (why do we hear such loud smack, smack when Salemites kiss?) when Nick calls a halt, worrying that Aunt Maggie or Uncle Mickey might be around. Chelsea gets on his case about getting his own apt., spots the newspaper with the circled ad, gets all excited. Nick claims he has to think about it more, big step for him, and not sure if he is ready, then says money is a factor. Chelsea offers to pitch in. Knock, Knock at the window, and it is Willow, coming for her newspaper that she forgot. She scampers back out the window (pretty agile for someone so very pregnant!) throwing a parting shot about any more panties that are found are hers. Now Chelsea & Nick have a face off, but he tells her that Willow knows about the hairbrush, and is more or less blackmailing him into helping her out. Chelsea knows Willow is trouble, and will bleed him forever. She tells him he has to stand up to Willow, refuse to help her any more. Nick is hesitant, but Chelsea lets him know it is either Willow or her. Make up his mind.

Belle is showing her mom pictures of Claire on the beach on Tinda Lao. They laugh & chat, when in comes Shawn. Marlena leaves to go visit John. Belle is very upbeat about Claire being alive, but Shawn tries to make her see that is impossible. Belle says something about there being a lot of boats around when they were pulled from the water (Huh? In a level 4 typhoon, as the writers have called it?) but Shawn says they would have heard if anyone found Claire. The tracking device WAS working on her jacket when they put it on her. They now go back & forth about her father coming to her in the dream. Belle jumps out of bed (rather odd hospital gown she is wearing, looks like it is put on over her head) puts on a robe, and heads out to visit her dad. When Shawn comes out of the room, there is the ever present Willow, having heard he was back in town, and come to show him the status of his unborn child. Shawn & Willow have a few words, with Shawn saying he does not believe the baby is his, her saying she will prove it, him striding off as she says she has someone else to take care of her, and he will never have anything to do with this baby.
Marlena has been talking to John, telling him Belle is back, and how she told them John came to her in a dream just as he comes to Marlena. She wants him to come back, they need him, they have to know if what he said about Claire is the truth. Dr. Tucker comes in, Marlena goes out in the hall to talk. We see comatose John, camera zooming in on his left hand as his little finger begins to move slightly. His hand is near the call button. He moves a finger or two, causing the call button to fall on the floor. Out in the hall, Dr. Tucker has a brochure for a high tech facility just opened in Bangor (that is in Maine, for those who don’t know) with a highly skilled staff specializing in cases like John’s. Marlena refuses to consider it, will not send him out of state, he needs his family and friends. They return to the room, Dr. Tucker tells her to keep it in mind and leaves. Marlena notes the call button on the floor, picks it up. Belle comes in, wanting just a minute with her dad. Marlena consents to only a minute, saying she can return tomorrow & spend lots of time. Belle talks to John, talking of him coming to her in the dream, wanting to know about Claire, telling him how much she needs him. She holds his hand, as she talks. Marlena finally tells her that is enough, she can return tomorrow. Belle gets up to leave, but finds John is holding her hand and will not let it go. (AT LAST!!!)

EJ has arrived at the warehouse, with Sami being wheeled in on a gurney. Tony comes out, saying the surgical team is ready, and he will notify them. Sami begins to awaken, confused as to where she is. EJ tries to calm her down, and explains his father is dying, needs stem cells from their child. Sami is horrified, then tells him there has been no amnio, and he is not the father. EJ tells her about Celeste and the black magic ritual that proclaimed him the father. (o.k. everyone……we can all roll our eyes at once now!) He tries soothing her, saying it is a simple procedure, just a few cells, baby will not be harmed, etc. etc. Sami is having a fit, tries to leave, goons outside the sliding door stop her, she comes back in. She gives EJ what for, when Tony comes out, saying it is not EJ in charge, but him. Sami is shocked, saying Tony was locked up. He replies he was..but now he is not. He makes charming insults, Sami is her feisty self which delights Tony. But time for the stem cell removal. Now Sami begs EJ for help (by the way, she is handcuffed), but he tells her not to worry - the baby will not be harmed. She calls him a coward, and a few other things, as he goes behind some warehouse boxes. LOL….boy, what a sterile environment that place is. Now Tony is attempting to reason with Samantha, also saying it is just a few cells, but that when it is over, the baby “will be ours, will belong to the DiMeras”. EJ is listening, comes striding out, asking Tony what he means by that statement. Tony tells him that they are not only taking the stem cells, but the fetus as well, for safe keeping, in case Father needs more stem cells. EJ says no way, then tells Tony the only way he would accomplish that is by killing him, that he will not allow any harm to come to either Samantha or HIS child.


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The worst person in the world can care about an unborn child who they think is his. EJ has done too many horrible things to all of a sudden become the good guy.
An that is how they redeem EJ!

Insta-redemption my foot. If Elvis truly cared for Sami, he wouldn't have brought her to Tony in the first place. Elvis is obsessed with Sami and that baby potentially ties her to him for life. Of course he's not going to let Tony abort the fetus.
Sami mentions several of them.
jcart wrote:
The worst person in the world can care about an unborn child who they think is his. EJ has done too many horrible things to all of a sudden become the good guy.

Well...Scott Peterson knew that it was his kid inside Lacey when he got rid of her...okay totally reaching here, I know, with the soapland and the real world!

I don't know, I think they are opening the door to EJ being a likeable villan. Though, I am biased. I have liked EJ from day one. DiMera or not. Who knows...
Ok QUESTION..... If Tony had planned on taking the fetus the whole time for stem cells why exactally did it have to be a Brady baby?

Just a thought.... We know the Dimera's always have a plan 2... With Willow pregnant with Shawns child is it possible that she could have Dimera blood in her somewhere down the line? Thus making it a Brady/Dimera baby? Kind of logical with EJ saving Sami from Tony, Willow leaving and Stefano still being in the s/l for summer. ?

But then again... when are soaps ever logical? LOL
Remember when the Wesleys had another baby (Joy) so that her stem cells could be used to help cure Chloe? A close relative is a better chance for a match, than a stranger........tho there ARE strangers who can be an exact match.
That was for a Bone Marill transplant, not a stem cell transplant.
Boy, I could swear they used the placenta from Joy's birth. Maybe not.
Poirot wrote:
Remember when the Wesleys had another baby (Joy) so that her stem cells could be used to help cure Chloe? A close relative is a better chance for a match, than a stranger........tho there ARE strangers who can be an exact match.

Actually, an unrelated doner is better when it comes to stem cells. A related doner is better for Bone Marrow.
Every good villian has to have somewhat of a little redeeming quilities. Thats what makes them a good villian!
It doesn't mean they are going to totally make EJ a "good guy" overnight.
After all the horrible retchod things this man has done with no regrets at all may I add, he can not be redeemed imo and even IF he were it be YEARS before this could ever happen!
And even if it were years, just because he stood up for what he believes to be his baby doesn't mean he deserves Sami's love or acceptance!
The man raped and tortured her for a very long time and it is totally unrealistic *on EVERY level* for him to EVER be with Sami!
I know soaps push the limits with pairing couples sometimes but that would reach well above and beyond any acceptable responsable storyline and all just because EJ is "cute" and has a nice accent? No. Don't think so.
I hate to be critical of an episode I haven't watched yet, but here's a question:

The DiMeara family is always depicted as being all powerful, buying off judges, mental hospitals,cops,parole boards, etc.

Why do they need to perform a medical procedure in a warehouse? Couldn't they buy off a doctor in New Orleans or Italy (if not in Salem, since they must still have some loyal stooges there).

I know I shouldn't apply logic to a soap, but it's still ridiculous.
In case you forgot, they're doing something really illegal. Besides, the Dimeras dont actually have a good sheet with Salem.
JP, the premise is ludicrous and most certainly asinine. There are private clinics everywhere. As you said, the DiMera money has talked very loudly in the past with anything and everything.
And how many times now has Stefano been flown back and forth between the US and Italy? A man supposedly recuperating from a kidney transplant, but still in need of stem cells for what reason, no idea.
Jess, this couldn't be unless they re-wrote entire family trees. Don't forget Shawn is not really a Brady. Bo's father is Victor and Hope is of the Horton Williams clan. The Brady line and the feud stems from Grandpa Shawn Brady not from Caroline's side. :?:
I enjoy reading all your thoughts. Very interesting. Thanks Poirot for posting the Days Ahead.

I personally have always liked EJ... His accent, his looks... very charming!!! :) I mean yeah, he is a very bad man, but I like bad boys. LOL
LisaB wrote:
Jess, this couldn't be unless they re-wrote entire family trees. Don't forget Shawn is not really a Brady. Bo's father is Victor and Hope is of the Horton Williams clan. The Brady line and the feud stems from Grandpa Shawn Brady not from Caroline's side. :?:


Hehe you never know maybe that's what the whole feud is about that someone or some people aren't who they think they are.....and bloodlines got crossed way back stemming from a rape that no one wanted to report.... or switched babies at birth. LOL who knows what these writers are thinking these days but it's fun to guess and I personally think 9 out of 10 times we come up with more clever things then they do.
I think the only way that EJ can redeam himself is there has to be a life and death fight between him an Tony and him choosing between the unborn baby and his father. LOL remember stranger thangs has happen in soapland ;-)