Friday, September 21st


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Nov 23, 2006
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Friday, September 21, 2007

Episode # 10,660 Taped 8/23 Director – Noel Maxam

Chelsea meets up with her mom for lunch at the Pub, but really to tout Jett for a job at the University. Billie is not too taken with the idea, wanting to know more about what went down in Vegas, and why Jett was let go. Chelsea only says it was not his fault, they chatter, and Billie finally agrees to talk to him. She gives Chelsea her cell number, saying Jett should call her. Nick comes in with the boys who run over to the corner to play chess. Chelsea is leaving, Nick asks if she wants to hang out with him and the boys later, Chelsea says sure, but it will probably be late. She leaves. Nick asks Billie if she has found anything out about the boys background. Not a word. She had been thru the Feds, no passports, social security numbers, & it is hard with no last names. Nick fills her in on what China told him about them coming from a foreign country, sons of a powerful man who is dead, and being in danger. He will not revert to social services, brags how smart the kids are. Billie wishes him good luck and leaves, Nick collects the boys and leaves, too. (and never spent a dime in the Pub, wonder how Caroline & Shawn make any money there, lol)

At the hospital, Jett is up and dressed, getting ready to leave, obviously still hurting from the bullet to his lung. Nick arrives, wanting to apologize for how they got off on the wrong foot from the very beginning, and wanting to start over. He extends his hand, saying he is Nick Fallon, glad to meet you. Jett tells him he got fired from the ISA, and that Chelsea is trying to get him a job at the University. Nick is taken aback, but covers, says he is teaching science there himself. He asks where Jett goes when he leaves the hospital, Jett mentions Uncle Abe’s until he can get situated. Nick says he is living at an apt. he leased a while back, and has the two boys, and China is gone. He wonders what Jett will do if he doesn’t get the job, but Jett says he will probably try and get some police dept. somewhere to take a chance on him. Nick leaves, and just as the nurse is ready to wheel Jett out, along comes Chelsea. She tells him he has the job with her mom, gives him the phone number.

At the Johnson apt. Kayla is trying to talk some sense into Steponme, who just refuses to listen, claims she loves Jeremy and he loves her and she wants her mother to butt out. Jeremy comes out of the bedroom, and is going to leave. Kayla is obviously very angry, but Stephanie is full of excuses. She reminds Kayla that she herself went on the run with Dad when she was Stephanie’s age…but Kayla reminds her that her father was an innocent man with Victor Kiriakis trying to kill him. Jeremy is guilty. Kayla tells Jerko that he should stand up, be a man, and turn himself in. He is leaving now. Stephanie asks about money, his accounts have been seized, so no, he has none. She offers her ATM card, she has about a thousand saved up. Kayla demands she not give him that card, that she would be aiding and abetting a wanted man. Jeremy spends about 30 seconds telling Stephanie that he only wants her money, and when he gets it, he is gone. Stephanie refuses to believe any of it, (smack this gal upside the head). Kayla reminds her how he already left her and Max to fend for themselves after HE got them in a mess. Stephanie will not talk of Max. Stephanie now says she will go with Jeremy and take the money out of the account herself. Kayla insists that she cannot jeopardize herself that way. Stephanie says fine, after she gets the money out, she will return for her things. Jeremy leaves, Steponme (perfect name) runs out in the hall after him. He kisses her, she returns to the apt. telling her mom to give Jeremy some time before she turns him in. Kayla replies she already did.

As Nick and the boys come out of the Pub, Jeremy comes up, having seen Nick’s car. He needs a place to crash for the night, Nick says his place is full, with the boys and all. And nothing but the floor is left. Jeremy thinks that will be fun, right Boys, grabs Nick’s car keys from his hand, and races towards the car.
At the ever dark funeral parlor, Steve contemplates the marks made on the door by Rolf, when Bo arrives. He shows him the marks, saying he figures it was a message to Andre, and he will undoubtably come by. They hope he will lead them to Roman. They go inside, to wait, and eventually spot Andre outside, wearing the chaffeur uniform. Outside, we see Andre come up to the door, then erase the chalk marks, and go inside. He retrieves a note taped under a seat, which warns him to protect himself, the Salem PD is on to him. Bo & Steve are hiding, & eventually Steve meanders out, pretending to be on Andre’s side, and taking a chance he might show up there. They go back and forth in their cat and mouse game, with Steve mentioning he just talked to Stefano, and had promised to keep an eye out for Andre and help him stay ahead of the cops. He mentions the deal with Stefano, and that he just does not want Benji hurt. Bo has his gun trained on Andre from his hiding spot. Andre is suspicious, of course, but Steve opens his jacket, showing he has no weapons of any kind, and jokingly asks Andre what about him. Andre says in a menacing tone he does not want to find that out. Steve has come forward and is standing in front of Andre, who pulls out his ever trusty knife, and plunges it into Steve’s side. Andre leaves, as Bo rushes out, but Steve is still standing and tells Bo to go after him, he is o.k. Bo leaves, and Steve sinks to the floor, holding his side, and then looking at his bloody hand.

WOW that Andre is something else if I was Bo I would have shot him then step on that bullet hold and made him tell me where Roman was.......OOPS I'm thinking about one of those Clint Eastwood movies :rotfl: :rotfl: I forgot this is DAYS lol......
Bo should have shot Andre in the leg or something when he had the chance. At least then, Andre would be slowed down, and Bo could grab him.
Your right about that Daysfan thats what I liked about John he believed in pushing until it breaks or the enemy breaks haha..... John knows the only way is to be as ruthless as they are and Steve know it too....... LOL all that kissing has soften John a little to much :love: :love: lol Marlena has gotton in his blood steam and he has lost that edge he had when he got that dna from Lexxie a long time ago.
well of course John knows how to be ruthless. he's a fully trained Dimera henchman!

IKE wrote:
Your right about that Daysfan thats what I liked about John he believed in pushing until it breaks or the enemy breaks haha..... John knows the only way is to be as ruthless as they are and Steve know it too.......
IKE wrote:
WOW that Andre is something else if I was Bo I would have shot him then step on that bullet hold and made him tell me where Roman was.......OOPS I'm thinking about one of those Clint Eastwood movies :rotfl: :rotfl: I forgot this is DAYS lol......

Oooh, yeah, I can just envision Bo, holding that gun on Andre, and saying....well, ya feeling lucky, punk? Well, do ya?