Game of Thrones


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2010
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I just binge watched and I enjoyed most of this season but some things felt like they were just going in circles or back to square one.

I hope Stannis is really dead after what he did to his daughter. I really liked her :cry: I hope Davos handles that red witch.

Not Jon, Nooooo:cry: I didn't like him the first season but he has grown on me each season after and they have killed him. I want him resurrected but I don't want that demon woman anywhere near him. I wish Thorne wasn't involved with this because he seems smart enough to know the watch needs more than 48 men to defend the wall.

I like Dany but it seems every time she is down on her luck she gets a new army and no closer to the iron throne. Jorah is creepy. There is no way around it, just a creepy, creepy dude. Begging to just be in her presence. He will become a stone man and him and Daario will kill each other before they find Dany. I thought her fiance/husband was in on the masked men but I guess not.
The unsullied are slipping if they didn't see some strange man walking up the steps. Also don't get how Danys friends made it out alive after she left? Did the masked men give up now that she was gone?

Sansa's story was almost as much of a let down as Dorne was. I like her inner strength but she was basically back to where she was in the first few seasons only this time she was actually raped. "Winter is coming" finally has some merit this season but "The north remembers" went absolutely no where. Here we have a Stark in Winterfell and the only people we see in on her rescue is an old man and lady. Great.

I can't believe Brienne left the post and two seconds later the candle is lit. Maybe that's a good thing because I have no idea how she planned on storming a castl she had never been to and taking the bride of a legitimized psychopath. Wasn't very smart of her to go looking for Stannis in the middle of a battle either.They should have cut out some of Cersei boobs so we could see the fight that had been talked about for most of the season.

Cersei gave that cult power so she could get rid of Margery and it turned on her. Ha. That shame scene was too long though. Shame. Tommen was cuddled too much. shame. Bell ring.

Dorne. Such a waste of space. I was looking forward to seeing some new land but it just felt pointless and left us with one of the WORST lines of the whole series. Just terrible. The sand snakes do know that Trysene (or whatever) is on that boat, right? Do they care about his safety or is he in on it.? Does he have a cure me potion necklace too? I just hope Mercella does not come back to life instead of Jon. We are trying to get rid of Lannisters not save them.

I don't remember Myrn Trent being on Arya's list but boy is she cold blooded. I don't know how she could ever go back

I hope Sansa and Rickon are reunited next season. Let the Starks have some kind of happiness before the white walkers crush the south

I think I might be over Tyrion

Team White Walker if Jon is really dead. Kill them all